SS-31 Journey


I am trying to run a thread to update on different peptides so people can have an easy resource, that is my hope anyway. Please add your experiences.

History blurb: I did my run of Glow, KPV and still take TA-1 and Reta. I’ve been researching healing a lot as I had scarlet fever undiagnosed for almost 2 years that has set off autoimmune issues and overactive histamine responses for the last 20 years. Inflammation has been a huge issue for me. Cleaning up my mitochondria and then strengthening it seems like the next most logical step.

Research: I’ve read a lot of the research and see a huge variation in dosing but it seems like most don’t go high enough to get the results they need. I also used Chatgbt thread where I have my blood results loaded, been evaluating those, and was asking it to identify why I am losing weight slowly. I have my bloodwork, eating targets, supplements/peptides and workout routine loaded in there so I am working on a full picture. It was kind of fascinating to see that Chatgbt recommended the exact protocols I had done and plan to do. The ai stated my mitochondria could be damaged and recommended SS-31 and Mots-C as well as L-Caritine which is not something I had looked at. I got some great points of why I might be struggling and pointed to some sources. If someone is wanting to use Chatgbt I would recommend learning how to use it the right way. Prompt engineering is very important and always asking for it to review things from different perspectives. That could be a whole separate thread though.

Protocol: Started SS-31 yesterday at 2.5mg and will work up as needed, will be taking daily for 30 days followed by a run of Mots-C. In my research of SS-31 people who have mitochondria damage will feel something and those that don’t won’t.

Day 1: Still too early to know if this is related but they are changes. I am female, and wake up sweating in the mornings. Not all night but just a couple hours before my alarm goes off I started getting really hot. That didn’t happen this morning. I also dropped a pound as I weighed before taking the first dose and then this morning so a nice drop in inflammation.
Day 2 update,
I won’t be updating everyday but will if something changes. Last night after dosing 2.5mg I got itchy at the injection site. Then slowly got itchy in different parts of my body as well as a tingle in my lips. No rash and no hives and all pretty light. I do have a couple of raised spots this morning that are a little itchy, think small bug bite type stuff. Now I am wondering if this is a detox issue, a filter issue or my high histamine reaction to something random which I haven’t had as much since the ta-1. I did dose TA-1 last night too. This is why I start low dose on things as I believe my body has some damage and can’t handle those big doses right away.

Day 3 update:
Still at 2.5mg. I really didn’t think I would have updates this soon. lol. In two doses I have lost 2.5lbs. . Didn’t get the itchy all over again, just slightly at injection site, but had taken 1/2 pill Zyrtec earlier in the day.

Day 7:
at 3mg, still get itchy and kind of feel crummy. Energy is definitely low, workouts have been a struggle, don’t want to get out of bed in the mornings, and feel achy like the flu. Obviously I can’t move my dose up until some symptoms subside. I do still believe this may be a detox situation so I am going to continue on. Kind of feels like a light flu.

I added KPV back to help with inflammation, taking Zyrtec more often (had weaned down to 1/2 pill every 3 days or more and now on everyday other day but may move to everyday.) and TA-1. Reta is still weekly.

Day 8 and 7 doses in.
Still at 3mg but plan to start moving it up slowly. Feeling better but not back to how I was before I started. I’ve lost 5lbs in the week since I started. Prior to starting the scale was barely moving so while this is an incredible amount to lose, for me it is an enormous loss.

With how hard SS-31 has hit me I plan on running at the low dose all this round and then will do a second round later. Debating if I should do mots-c in between or not. I know I’m going to bring glow back into the mix in April, maybe March.

Day 10
I have been able to move to 6mg SS-31 which is a lot since I started at 2.5mg with such side effects. My energy is coming back but still not great. Workouts are mediocre at best and not wanting to get up in the mornings. Down about 5lbs since starting 1/31 and previously wasn’t losing at all.

I am still dosing 1/2 Zyrtec a day to help with histamine reaction. Moving my TA-1 back to every 3 days and will taper off after this vial, I’ve been on it since November.

Excited to get through the SS-31 protocol and try Mots-c to see if my energy gets fully restored. I had finally had amazing energy after so many years I’ve been sad to lose it.

Side note, the entire time I’ve been on SS-31 I have felt like a damn ice cube. GLP’s have made me feel cold but nothing like SS-31 has. It is getting better the longer I go and when I researched it I found that it could be from my body being out of regulation for so long and trying to find the right setting.
I haven’t had time to read through these but they were shared on another forum and thought they would be good reference material here

Update 17 days 9mg doses

I am not having the super bad reactions, itchy and hives all over type stuff. I’ve been able to take my TA-1 and allergy pills back down to every 3 days. BUT, I get itchy feet. So strange but I track my symptoms and started to notice it is every day after I inject so I am assuming it is related. The more days between ta-1 and allergy pills the worse it is.

I have been running 6mg and did 9mg tonight. I am wanting to get to 10 mg to finish out the rest of the 30 days. I still don’t have the amazing energy I had prior to starting SS-31 back so hoping once I come off it comes back full force. I am going to do Mots-c next.
I've tried 4mg SS-31 daily for a period of 25 days, never felt any difference in energy. 5mg MOTS-C twice weekly doesn't do anything for me either.
I've tried 4mg SS-31 daily for a period of 25 days, never felt any difference in energy. 5mg MOTS-C twice weekly doesn't do anything for me either.
I can see that, if you don’t have damage and your mitochondria is firing properly you won’t get any benefit from it.
I can see that, if you don’t have damage and your mitochondria is firing properly you won’t get any benefit from it.
I'm definitely not super informed on mitochondria damage and peptides like Mots and SS-31 so please forgive me if this sounds silly.

Would you get similar effects using Methylene Blue and CoQ-10 or Ubiquinol? If so, I wonder if that would be more cost effective. I began taking Ubiquinol last week and I started on the Methylene Blue about 2 weeks ago and I noticed my workouts have improved. I also feel like my cognition has improved and I'm more clear headed.

I wonder if I have issues with mitochondria damage. If I'm noticing these effects on MB & Ubiquinol maybe I'd benefit from the Mots and SS-31 regimen.
I just wrapped up MOTS-C 4 weeks doing Subq 2.5 mg 4x a week in the morning on my workout days. I did not do the SS-31 base layer protocol first, just went straight to MOTS-C. Overall I had a huge spike in my ability to maintain focus and intensity during my workouts. My energy level during workouts is as good at the beginning as the end. Planning on waiting 4 weeks then cycling back on again. Depending on how this ends up for you I may do a 30 day SS-31 cycle before picking up MOTS-C again, but ill wait for your updates. Thanks for sharing.
I'm definitely not super informed on mitochondria damage and peptides like Mots and SS-31 so please forgive me if this sounds silly.

Would you get similar effects using Methylene Blue and CoQ-10 or Ubiquinol? If so, I wonder if that would be more cost effective. I began taking Ubiquinol last week and I started on the Methylene Blue about 2 weeks ago and I noticed my workouts have improved. I also feel like my cognition has improved and I'm more clear headed.

I wonder if I have issues with mitochondria damage. If I'm noticing these effects on MB & Ubiquinol maybe I'd benefit from the Mots and SS-31 regimen.
I have not looked to any of those so I am not really any help there. Seems like you are getting benefit out of them though so that is great.
25 days in

January, no SS-31 I lost .8lbs
25 days with SS-31 and I’ve lost 4.6lbs

No other changes, same workouts, food, hydration, and maybe a little less sleep in February.
I finished my SS-31 protocol the other night, started 1/31 and ended 3/10. After my slow start at 2.5mg, worked through my detox symptoms I got to 10mg/day. What sucks is I have been really sick with a virus the last 10 days so I don’t really know how I am feeling. My energy had been coming back and I had no symptoms when taking after my first 10 days. I started to add Mots-c to overlap a bit but dropped it with this crud, didn’t want to overtax my system.

I was losing .08lbs a month before starting which was one of the reasons I decided to start SS-31 to begin with. So 5 weeks and 4 days I had a total loss of 10.5lbs. I was losing consistently at 2+ pounds per week before I got sick so that shouldn’t be a major impact on if my numbers are right.

I wish I had a better ending point to really gauge where I am but it is what it is.
I finished my SS-31 protocol the other night, started 1/31 and ended 3/10. After my slow start at 2.5mg, worked through my detox symptoms I got to 10mg/day. What sucks is I have been really sick with a virus the last 10 days so I don’t really know how I am feeling. My energy had been coming back and I had no symptoms when taking after my first 10 days. I started to add Mots-c to overlap a bit but dropped it with this crud, didn’t want to overtax my system.

I was losing .08lbs a month before starting which was one of the reasons I decided to start SS-31 to begin with. So 5 weeks and 4 days I had a total loss of 10.5lbs. I was losing consistently at 2+ pounds per week before I got sick so that shouldn’t be a major impact on if my numbers are right.

I wish I had a better ending point to really gauge where I am but it is what it is.
Thanks for the update, let me know if you pickup the MOTS-C again and have good results, im curious to get some more opinions on it post SS-31 protocol.
Thanks for the update, let me know if you pickup the MOTS-C again and have good results, im curious to get some more opinions on it post SS-31 protocol.
I started mots-c again but still have the lingering fatigue from the crud so not getting a full picture yet.