aware never claimed they were all 100% safe, i don't use such blanket statements but i also don't need to play russian roulette with different unproven and untested cocktails of aas.


the above compounds i mentioned work and had to pass clinical human trials to get approved. if you think you need more than that you're not dedicated to either a good regiment or dieting.

aas approved for human use, accutane isn't proving any point as it's irrelevant.

I get where you’re coming from, I was just pointing out the logical fallacy in your first statement. Approved for human use does not mean it’s safe, not in the slightest bit. Unapproved drugs can be safer than approved ones. The FDA is not looking out for our safety when they approve drugs. It’s all about money for them.

the mast will lower your shbg so there's more free testosterone in the body, the NPP raises IGF, and test is well test.

orals i only use at the end of the cycle anavar, turinabol, winstrol, or occasionally anadrol but with winstrol where I alternate between the two every 3 days.

if it wasn't approved at one point for human use i don't fuck with it.

I agree with the human statement. I have everything listed above. Need to figure out ratios.
Oh that’s great, oh man lol. If that were true this whole forum would be dead!
Some of these Dr’s are such tools. They have no clue how much road work we have paved for them on trt and AI’s fertility stuff etc. In the trenches, practical application, not some trash they read at college. Now they’re using protocols that bodybuilding guys and powerlifters have been doing for decades
Some of these Dr’s are such tools. They have no clue how much road work we have paved for them on trt and AI’s fertility stuff etc. In the trenches, practical application, not some trash they read at college. Now they’re using protocols that bodybuilding guys and powerlifters have been doing for decades

I’ve come to accept that the vast majority of doctors are complete idiots with god complexes.

So, ever since tgi left and a few other source issues. Coupled with the holidays, etc I've been so slammed and fell behind where some packs have taken way too long to ship. I try and compensate. My line of thinking has always been when i mess up and somebody has to wait I've always wanted them to be glad they waited so i compensate accordingly. All this being said i want to get to where things run smoothly, quickly and everything the way you guys would want. So, i hired someone to answer emails. They will be in complete control of emails, taking orders and making sure those orders are filled. I will also be hiring someone to do a few other odds and ends. Anything that has to do with the quality of products will be 100% me. I will also be coming up with a specific amount of compensation everyone will recieve equally in the instance your pack is delayed.

I've always gave it my best effort to be the best source, period. Where other sourcee have failed in quality control, opsec issues, exit scams, etc. My only issue has been getting so busy, being a one person operation, that i fell behind. I may, in the near future, make further changes that would benifit you guys. No other source, that i know of has stood the test of time and has had the fewest and least amount of issues. My goal is to make things even better for you guys. I will also be doing my best to make sure this china thing doesn't affect the end user. If i have to make less than so be it. I'm hoping i can offset the crazy price increase by packs being shipped on time and not having to add products for the late fee. If there's any thing i can do to make things better for you guys let me know. If it's obtainable i will do my best.

I will be making further announcements when i have more time and more to say.
After I sent payment and delivery info I received a message back that said “thanks, will be shipped out ASAP”. Did you receive that email?
Nope. 6 days and nothing.
I have no problem waiting for my pack because I know how busy he is right now, and frankly I’m happy to be able to order from him. What’s got my anxiety kicking up is that since I haven’t had the confirmation email you refer to, I’m worried that my order got overlooked.
Nope. 6 days and nothing.
I have no problem waiting for my pack because I know how busy he is right now, and frankly I’m happy to be able to order from him. What’s got my anxiety kicking up is that since I haven’t had the confirmation email you refer to, I’m worried that my order got overlooked.
He did just say he hired a new guy to handle his email. Possible I was handled by him. Send that PM and make sure you’re order is GTG.
My work device is non cellular and doesn't go with me unless I'm going to a few select places. There is only a couple places i can be where i can log in to any SP related sites or emails. I could email you a bitcoin addy and run out the door for the day and come back to a million emails so i forget to reply to any particular chain in the conversation. That's just one scenario. I try my best. Or...or you may be the lucky bastard i selective scammed, lol. Just luck of the draw.