Going public again. Below will have list, email addy and test results.
I have prepared 300 to 700 vials of each compound. Once this runs out I will be taking a few weeks vacation with the family. I'll still be available for comments while on vacation, but will be closed until I get back. Before I leave I will send new batches out for testing so the results will come back when I get home so I can reopen upon my return.
This is a new thread so to be fair and transparent, in my very long career as a source I have had issues here and there. There have been a product here and there that had reports of pip. I fixed the issue and took care of customers very quickly so customers with issues could continue cycles pip free. Also, I had an accident in 2015 and since then I went to the hospital 3 times. Twice I had orders pending while I was in the hospital. Also, one time I opened up to the public and wasn't prepared for what happened. Went from a somewhat average size domestic source to about 50 times my original size over night. At the same time I opened up many sources quit or got busted and my clientele increased dramatically. So, those 3 times where I had outstanding orders I did make sure everyone received their packs and doubled some packs and others I refunded their money and still sent original pack. In being transparent those are the issues I've had in all my years as a source.
I am a pretty large and long standing USA domestic source. Been a member of meso since the early 2000's. Dont remember my first handle, but many members here know my second handle which dates back to 2010. Started sourcing locally around 2005 and domestically around 2015 as a private source. I believe 2016 went public on meso. Went back private at the request of many of my customers and to control the amount of business I had. Just got too big as a one man show.
So, in all my years as a source I've had a few times where I've had shipping issues and a few times had pip issues. What I've never had was never any opsec issues, never any floaters, never a sterility issue, never been hacked, never burned anybody, never a report of a bad test, never any major issues in all these years and any issue I have had I dealt with better than expected.
I've taught many people for many years how to brew. I've also taught many sources how to brew and how to source. Many sources have had issues and have contacted me so I could help them out. I've had many of the well known boards ask me to join and I've had many well known sources ask me to brew for them. I respectfully declined.
So in short, I'm not a small time brewer and I'm far from new fo this. I have much experience that shows in my product , my opsec and my professionalism.
I have hired an email guy and I have 2 employees that help with 2nd tier work. 1st tier would be anything that deals with sterility or product quality. Only I work on 1st tier work. I dont trust anyone when it comes to the making of or sterilization of the product or equipment. 2nd tier is non sterile cleaning, labeling and shipping, etc.
LIST..... The list and prices will not change while this batch is in play. Not sure what prices will be with next batch. as you can see I lowered prices pretty good. I'll try and keep them the same, but it depends on a few factors.
Testing: I'll pay for customer testing with product credit. I lowered the mg per ml ratio on some of the products. test e, c, sust and tren ace finished products I sent in for testing as well as new batch of pct raws to lab4tox. This testing has been received and should be available any day now.
Going public again. Below will have list, email addy and test results.
I have prepared 300 to 700 vials of each compound. Once this runs out I will be taking a few weeks vacation with the family. I'll still be available for comments while on vacation, but will be closed until I get back. Before I leave I will send new batches out for testing so the results will come back when I get home so I can reopen upon my return.
This is a new thread so to be fair and transparent, in my very long career as a source I have had issues here and there. There have been a product here and there that had reports of pip. I fixed the issue and took care of customers very quickly so customers with issues could continue cycles pip free. Also, I had an accident in 2015 and since then I went to the hospital 3 times. Twice I had orders pending while I was in the hospital. Also, one time I opened up to the public and wasn't prepared for what happened. Went from a somewhat average size domestic source to about 50 times my original size over night. At the same time I opened up many sources quit or got busted and my clientele increased dramatically. So, those 3 times where I had outstanding orders I did make sure everyone received their packs and doubled some packs and others I refunded their money and still sent original pack. In being transparent those are the issues I've had in all my years as a source.
I am a pretty large and long standing USA domestic source. Been a member of meso since the early 2000's. Dont remember my first handle, but many members here know my second handle which dates back to 2010. Started sourcing locally around 2005 and domestically around 2015 as a private source. I believe 2016 went public on meso. Went back private at the request of many of my customers and to control the amount of business I had. Just got too big as a one man show.
So, in all my years as a source I've had a few times where I've had shipping issues and a few times had pip issues. What I've never had was never any opsec issues, never any floaters, never a sterility issue, never been hacked, never burned anybody, never a report of a bad test, never any major issues in all these years and any issue I have had I dealt with better than expected.
I've taught many people for many years how to brew. I've also taught many sources how to brew and how to source. Many sources have had issues and have contacted me so I could help them out. I've had many of the well known boards ask me to join and I've had many well known sources ask me to brew for them. I respectfully declined.
So in short, I'm not a small time brewer and I'm far from new fo this. I have much experience that shows in my product , my opsec and my professionalism.
I have hired an email guy and I have 2 employees that help with 2nd tier work. 1st tier would be anything that deals with sterility or product quality. Only I work on 1st tier work. I dont trust anyone when it comes to the making of or sterilization of the product or equipment. 2nd tier is non sterile cleaning, labeling and shipping, etc.
LIST..... The list and prices will not change while this batch is in play. Not sure what prices will be with next batch. as you can see I lowered prices pretty good. I'll try and keep them the same, but it depends on a few factors.
Testing: I'll pay for customer testing with product credit. I lowered the mg per ml ratio on some of the products. test e, c, sust and tren ace finished products I sent in for testing as well as new batch of pct raws to lab4tox. This testing has been received and should be available any day now.
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