should of been the limit from the beginning, keeps it word of mouth and keep out all the knuckle heads

Not from the beginning. A new source can't afford to be so selective in this space. Once they get more established, like when they get to the line between doing it themself and needing to hire people to help, it's then when they have this decision to make.
down to my last vial of tren a gso and have been using just 20mg daily to stretch it out it’s working flawlessly. before that, I was running 100mg+ daily without ever getting a headache just insane strength gains. With most other tren, anything over 50mg would give me a headache starting six hours post-injection and lasting eight hours every single time. This stuff is next level.
Shoot. Glad you’re getting a break @stan. Looks like I jumped back in the forum at a bad time though. Anyone here recommend a decent US Domestic till he gets back? Bloody hell. Thanks, folks.
Shoot. Glad you’re getting a break @stan. Looks like I jumped back in the forum at a bad time though. Anyone here recommend a decent US Domestic till he gets back? Bloody hell. Thanks, folks.
Take some time to explore a few domestic source threads, read through the information carefully, and spend some time reflecting on what you’ve learned before making a decision. Nobody here is going to spoon-feed you sources. I was in your position years ago, and it wasn’t easy. It took months of reading, building connections, and ultimately figuring out what my own risk tolerance was.
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I see Stan’s price list says 10ml vials filled at 11.5ml about per vial under the GSO line, does this hold true for the MCT oils as well?
It’s filled beyond anything I’ve seen in over a decade ….so full, it’s practically throbbing just pushed to its absolute limit.

Now you will crave more, but the vial is overflowing, dripping, and trembling, unable to take another drop.
It’s filled beyond anything I’ve seen in over a decade ….so full, it’s practically throbbing just pushed to its absolute limit.

Now you will crave more, but the vial is overflowing, dripping, and trembling, unable to take another drop.
Was hoping for a bit more serious answer.. but I guess I’ll take your word for it.