They have a scream cream that’s always peaked my interest lol.
Seriously though I’ve been a big advocate for everyone to get away from these online docs and see a real professional. For me personally I do so as prostrate cancer runs in my family and I want to be monitored, I like that most of what I have is legally obtained and I can travel with it, it’s significantly cheaper than UGL, it’s made in a much cleaner environment (no offense UGLs) and to get a bit personal…. Most that have been around know about my fertility treatments years ago which afterwards lead to me staying with my urologist for trt, but also around this time my wife and I started fostering children and have adopted as well. Well, this has our agency, cps, foster child’s appointed lawyer and a child advocate coming through are home often. While I do at times have some things that aren’t quite legal (primo and hgh) for me to have most of what I have is and makes it easy to explain why I have a couple of boxes of syringes, etc.
Yes I pay the above with insurance. My copay for my urologist (specialist) is $60 that I pay every 7 months, labs I take to quest as they are 100% covered and I posted the cost of my scripts above. If I used the lab at my doc’s office then it would not be covered so I have them send me to quest.
For those without insurance look into goodrx. Last I looked you can get a 10ml vial using that discount card for $50. Not all pharmacies will take it but many will. You just have to call around.