That's a great suggestion.

Not sure where the "easy to get TRT" comes from, but most primary care docs will refer you to an endocrinologist or urologist, and they're not prescribing unless you're clinically hypogonadal.

TRT clinics are easy, but uncovered by insurance. That's more like a "doctor" at a pot shop issuing medical marijuana cards.
Yeah, my 13 year old daughter would have an easier time getting a script to transition into a dude. It's kind of messed up how it works.
Getting my scripts was the easiest thing I’ve done. I’ve been repeating this for years. Testosterone, cialis, adex and Deca. I pay $10 for a 10ml vial of testosterone and hardly anything for cialis. My adex is always free. The Deca is from Empower and expensive tho. I just fill it every now and then and use it for when I travel. I see my doc every 7 months for refills and labs.

It’s always blown my mind when I hear you guys paying $100s or $1000s yearly for your scripts through clinics or online docs when if you have low T a GP or urologist will definitely write you a script. It’s a simple as looking up these docs and looking for “wellness” when researching them.
Getting my scripts was the easiest thing I’ve done. I’ve been repeating this for years. Testosterone, cialis, adex and Deca. I pay $10 for a 10ml vial of testosterone and hardly anything for cialis. My adex is always free. The Deca is from Empower and expensive tho. I just fill it every now and then and use it for when I travel. I see my doc every 7 months for refills and labs.

It’s always blown my mind when I hear you guys paying $100s or $1000s yearly for your scripts through clinics or online docs when if you have low T a GP or urologist will definitely write you a script. It’s a simple as looking up these docs and looking for “wellness” when researching them.
So all your scripts are through Empower? $10 is cheap. Is some of the cost covered by insurance?
You still using them? I got jaded with them after I saw their testing and only on sterile products.

Honestly I haven’t filled my Deca in a year. I basically fill it just so I can use the vial to travel. Their Deca stings and leaves a knot on me since they use 5%ba

What did I miss on their testing? When I tested their Deca it tested fine
Honestly I haven’t filled my Deca in a year. I basically fill it just so I can use the vial to travel. Their Deca stings and leaves a knot on me since they use 5%ba

What did I miss on their testing? When I tested their Deca it tested fine
They only test / do QC on their injectables. No testing on their oral "raws". They just trust their "source" on the API. No final product testing on their orals either.

Step down from quality UGL lol WRT testing orals. Applies to all their oral products, creams, etc.
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They only test / do QC on their injectables. No testing on their oral "raws". They just trust their "source" on the API. No final product testing on their orals either.

Step down from quality UGL lol WRT testing orals. Applies to all their oral products, creams, etc.

Interesting… makes me want to ask my doc for a script of their anavar just so I can test it.
Interesting… makes me want to ask my doc for a script of their anavar just so I can test it.
I've got the troches and caps. So disgusted with Emp I just moved on. If I were as good as you I would have already sent them in. Blood work (lipids/LFTs) confirmed they weren't blank and dose dependent hits on lipids.
Getting my scripts was the easiest thing I’ve done. I’ve been repeating this for years. Testosterone, cialis, adex and Deca. I pay $10 for a 10ml vial of testosterone and hardly anything for cialis. My adex is always free. The Deca is from Empower and expensive tho. I just fill it every now and then and use it for when I travel. I see my doc every 7 months for refills and labs.

It’s always blown my mind when I hear you guys paying $100s or $1000s yearly for your scripts through clinics or online docs when if you have low T a GP or urologist will definitely write you a script. It’s a simple as looking up these docs and looking for “wellness” when researching them.
Your talking with insurance you pay the above, correct?

I had an endo, that I calculated self pay was $450 yearly with blood work, his fee, and test c from the pharmacy.
If anyone is paying a clinic or online doc $1000s they need to find a new doc.
Good point. Like I said, I don't think buying 3 years worth of Test at a time is a bad thing...
Only thing I don't like about it is future plans can change and you could end up not ever using it.

I'm not the type that's going to try to sell and/or give to someone else either.

In the past I would hoard like most but then years later go to use and some of the test that didn't give me PIP before did at the current time.I ended up having to try vials by trial and error and tossing many.

I have heard that the carriers can degrade over long periods of time. Your thoughts on that? Also, all vials were stored upright in a cool dark place and the oils were not in contact with the stopper.

Interestingly, with amps that I have used after many years, I have yet to come across this issue.
I've got the troches and caps. So disgusted with Emp I just moved on. If I were as good as you I would have already sent them in. Blood work (lipids/LFTs) confirmed they weren't blank and dose dependent hits on lipids.

They have a scream cream that’s always peaked my interest lol.

Seriously though I’ve been a big advocate for everyone to get away from these online docs and see a real professional. For me personally I do so as prostrate cancer runs in my family and I want to be monitored, I like that most of what I have is legally obtained and I can travel with it, it’s significantly cheaper than UGL, it’s made in a much cleaner environment (no offense UGLs) and to get a bit personal…. Most that have been around know about my fertility treatments years ago which afterwards lead to me staying with my urologist for trt, but also around this time my wife and I started fostering children and have adopted as well. Well, this has our agency, cps, foster child’s appointed lawyer and a child advocate coming through are home often. While I do at times have some things that aren’t quite legal (primo and hgh) for me to have most of what I have is and makes it easy to explain why I have a couple of boxes of syringes, etc.

Your talking with insurance you pay the above, correct?

I had an endo, that I calculated self pay was $450 yearly with blood work, his fee, and test c from the pharmacy.
If anyone is paying a clinic or online doc $1000s they need to find a new doc.

Yes I pay the above with insurance. My copay for my urologist (specialist) is $60 that I pay every 7 months, labs I take to quest as they are 100% covered and I posted the cost of my scripts above. If I used the lab at my doc’s office then it would not be covered so I have them send me to quest.

For those without insurance look into goodrx. Last I looked you can get a 10ml vial using that discount card for $50. Not all pharmacies will take it but many will. You just have to call around.
For those without insurance look into goodrx. Last I looked you can get a 10ml vial using that discount card for $50. Not all pharmacies will take it but many will. You just have to call around.
Great point.

My last 10 ml vial of TC at Walgreens...

They have a scream cream that’s always peaked my interest lol.

Seriously though I’ve been a big advocate for everyone to get away from these online docs and see a real professional. For me personally I do so as prostrate cancer runs in my family and I want to be monitored, I like that most of what I have is legally obtained and I can travel with it, it’s significantly cheaper than UGL, it’s made in a much cleaner environment (no offense UGLs) and to get a bit personal…. Most that have been around know about my fertility treatments years ago which afterwards lead to me staying with my urologist for trt, but also around this time my wife and I started fostering children and have adopted as well. Well, this has our agency, cps, foster child’s appointed lawyer and a child advocate coming through are home often. While I do at times have some things that aren’t quite legal (primo and hgh) for me to have most of what I have is and makes it easy to explain why I have a couple of boxes of syringes, etc.

Yes I pay the above with insurance. My copay for my urologist (specialist) is $60 that I pay every 7 months, labs I take to quest as they are 100% covered and I posted the cost of my scripts above. If I used the lab at my doc’s office then it would not be covered so I have them send me to quest.

For those without insurance look into goodrx. Last I looked you can get a 10ml vial using that discount card for $50. Not all pharmacies will take it but many will. You just have to call around.
I used to get 10ml vials, until cvs in target started being dumb.
If I found a pharmacy that did 10mls, as my prescription is written for that, my yearly cost would go way down.
Right now I pay $20 monthly for 4 1ml vials.
My endo is $140 self pay and his office gets a discount on bloodwork (they have a labcorp person in house) and iirc that was $80
I used to get 10ml vials, until cvs in target started being dumb.
If I found a pharmacy that did 10mls, as my prescription is written for that, my yearly cost would go way down.
Right now I pay $20 monthly for 4 1ml vials.
My endo is $140 self pay and his office gets a discount on bloodwork (they have a labcorp person in house) and iirc that was $80

I fought this damn battle off and on for years. I hate those 1.2ml vials. I still pay $10 for them but I’m only getting four one ml vials opposed to the $10 I pay for a 10ml. So what you need to do is not go fill your script for 8-9ish weeks bud. Then tell them you’re there to fill your script and you want a 10ml vial. They will then run it by insurance and they will fill it. It’s when you first accept 4 one ml vials and continue to go each month that insurance will not approve you for a 10ml vial. Once they give you a 10ml vial you’ll need to set a calendar reminder 8 weeks later to go fill it again. If you go any earlier they will again hand you 1ml vials.
I fought this damn battle off and on for years. I hate those 1.2ml vials. I still pay $10 for them but I’m only getting four one ml vials opposed to the $10 I pay for a 10ml. So what you need to do is not go fill your script for 8-9ish weeks bud. Then tell them you’re there to fill your script and you want a 10ml vial. They will then run it by insurance and they will fill it. It’s when you first accept 4 one ml vials and continue to go each month that insurance will not approve you for a 10ml vial. Once they give you a 10ml vial you’ll need to set a calendar reminder 8 weeks later to go fill it again. If you go any earlier they will again hand you 1ml vials.
Yep have the provider write specifically 10 ml vial (200 mg/ml) on the Rx.
Only thing I don't like about it is future plans can change and you could end up not ever using it.

I'm not the type that's going to try to sell and/or give to someone else either.

In the past I would hoard like most but then years later go to use and some of the test that didn't give me PIP before did at the current time.I ended up having to try vials by trial and error and tossing many.

I have heard that the carriers can degrade over long periods of time. Your thoughts on that? Also, all vials were stored upright in a cool dark place and the oils were not in contact with the stopper.

Interestingly, with amps that I have used after many years, I have yet to come across this issue.

Carrier oil degradation, going "rancid", is oxidation.

Pure MCT oil can't oxidize unless it's been damaged, usually by prolonged high heat or contaminated with bacteria.

Test-E, uniquely, in the last few years has many anecdotal reports of going from painless to pip as the same batch ages. It's common knowledge something's changed with Test-E raws causing pip much more frequently in the last few years..

So if it's Test-C, in pharma grade MCT, properly sterilized, made with sufficient BA to keep it bacteriostatic, using a quality stopper, I wouldn't worry about it for many years. At least 5, from first hand experience, and likely longer. Though if I wanted to keep some doomsday prepper supply for longer than that, just in case, I'd transfer to a vial made from quality non-reactive glass (Corning Valor or similar) and a PTFE lined stopper.
My script has always said 10ml vial and I’ve still been handed 1ml vials too many times to count. The trick is to not accept it and fall into a routine of going every 30 days to fill it as insurance will only approve 1ml vials if you do. I’ve wasted a lot of my life explaining this to the pharmacist at many pharmacies. In the end they always give me a 10ml vial but I’ve wasted 10 minutes educating them each time. It starts out with them saying, sir you picked up 4 one ml vials last time. Then I explain my script actually says “10ml vial” and that I’ve been without my prescription for weeks now just so when I did come in insurance will approve what my script is written for. They will argue a bit while I grin and just say, why don’t you put it in your system and see how quickly insurance approves it. Then I walk out with a 10ml vial.
My script has always said 10ml vial and I’ve still been handed 1ml vials too many times to count. The trick is to not accept it and fall into a routine of going every 30 days to fill it as insurance will only approve 1ml vials if you do. I’ve wasted a lot of my life explaining this to the pharmacist at many pharmacies. In the end they always give me a 10ml vial but I’ve wasted 10 minutes educating them each time. It starts out with them saying, sir you picked up 4 one ml vials last time. Then I explain my script actually says “10ml vial” and that I’ve been without my prescription for weeks now just so when I did come in insurance will approve what my script is written for. They will argue a bit while I grin and just say, why don’t you put it in your system and see how quickly insurance approves it. Then I walk out with a 10ml vial.
I appreciate you bud.
I will definitely have to try this.
Cvs always gave me the “the stopper is a one time use so insurance doesn’t do 10mls” bullshit
To be fair, I never changed pharmacies but after hearing this Im gonna try.
I pretty much only go to him to have the script, so it would be very nice for my yearly cost to go down.