Sorry fellas for the multiple replies in a row here, but i just wanted to comment on the hot topic from a couple of pages back regarding
@ThE SiCkNeSs coming forward with concerns about his pack, and most of all, the delay and lack of communication.
I get why some of us who are loyal SP customers would feel compelled to defend the man. He has been SO DAMNED GOOD to so many of us. He has been an outstanding source IN EVERY ASPECT of the business. He truly has.
And on a friend level, he has been SO DAMNED GOOD on a personal level to many of us outside of our business transactions. I know
@wedorecover and
@TorroXL and others who I won't mention will wholeheartedly agree with this. SP is a damned good dude with a damned big heart who has done more for our community than most would or could know.
That all said, I personally don't see anything wrong with what
@ThE SiCkNeSs has done in this thread, I really don't. His heart was in the right place, I truly believe he was looking out for the community.
Think about it, in the past here at Meso when a source went south and members stayed quiet out of loyalty in the beginning of the downfall, additional members got burned.
Personally, as a friend and client of SP, after re-reading The Sicknesses posts, I don't feel like he was doing anything more than giving a heads up "just in case" out of frustration.
And I get that.
More importantly than my opinion, is that Stanford himself gets this. You can tell by his replies. So if SP is understanding and supportive of customers being honest and voicing concerns as long as they are being truthful, then the rest of us should be as well.
At least that's how I see it... respectfully so for all involved...