Background info: 24 y/o, been training since I was 15 became pretty serious around 18-20 as far as supplementation, nutrition and training knowledge is considered.
Current stats: 6'0, 225, bodyfat around 10% ish I'd say but that may be wishful thinking.
I'm not gonna get crazy and post my whole diet but I get in 6-8 meals a day everyday. I prep almost all my food. My diet breaks down pretty much the way Milos Sarcev recommends bodybuilders to eat. I rotate my protein sources throughout the day, I use carbs and fats as energy only when needed around training times or how I feel throughout the day. I get in at minimum 300g of protein per day but usually am closer to 400g because I love to eat, mostly through whole food sources unless its around my training in which I consume simple sugars and whey isolate post workout before my meal.
My cycle approaches are less is more, and time on yields better results. I cruise on 1cc of enanthate unless I feel I want to change it up and then I always switch my enanthate to propionate and build off that. Usually with low dose tren 25-50mg a day but this time I will be running masteron and prop.
Cycle: 50mg test prop ed, 50mg masteron prop ed all from starks labs. Blast will last approx 100days.
I usually source everything locally but tried some tren from starks and loved it so I figured I'd run there prop and mast. Packaging was superb, everything wrapped nicely and each bottle shrink wrapped and then bubble wrapped. Really great work. Delivery time was 5 days from time of order and that included easter weekend interrupting the shipping time. Customer service is great he replies at all hours of the day and night and provided tracking info within 24hrs of order placement.
Goal of cycle: To continue how I have been adding quality lean mass.Im realistic, If i get 3-5lbs of new lean mass out of this I will be beyond happy. Slow and steady is how I've been building so far and would like to continue on that way
Here's some pictures of myself as a starting point:

I'll try and post as much as I can. My work schedule isn't crazy but I have a very physically demanding job in which I work 24hr shifts twice a week.
Any questions feel free to ask I will do my best to answer them.
Current stats: 6'0, 225, bodyfat around 10% ish I'd say but that may be wishful thinking.
I'm not gonna get crazy and post my whole diet but I get in 6-8 meals a day everyday. I prep almost all my food. My diet breaks down pretty much the way Milos Sarcev recommends bodybuilders to eat. I rotate my protein sources throughout the day, I use carbs and fats as energy only when needed around training times or how I feel throughout the day. I get in at minimum 300g of protein per day but usually am closer to 400g because I love to eat, mostly through whole food sources unless its around my training in which I consume simple sugars and whey isolate post workout before my meal.
My cycle approaches are less is more, and time on yields better results. I cruise on 1cc of enanthate unless I feel I want to change it up and then I always switch my enanthate to propionate and build off that. Usually with low dose tren 25-50mg a day but this time I will be running masteron and prop.
Cycle: 50mg test prop ed, 50mg masteron prop ed all from starks labs. Blast will last approx 100days.
I usually source everything locally but tried some tren from starks and loved it so I figured I'd run there prop and mast. Packaging was superb, everything wrapped nicely and each bottle shrink wrapped and then bubble wrapped. Really great work. Delivery time was 5 days from time of order and that included easter weekend interrupting the shipping time. Customer service is great he replies at all hours of the day and night and provided tracking info within 24hrs of order placement.
Goal of cycle: To continue how I have been adding quality lean mass.Im realistic, If i get 3-5lbs of new lean mass out of this I will be beyond happy. Slow and steady is how I've been building so far and would like to continue on that way

Here's some pictures of myself as a starting point:

I'll try and post as much as I can. My work schedule isn't crazy but I have a very physically demanding job in which I work 24hr shifts twice a week.
Any questions feel free to ask I will do my best to answer them.