Starklabs Test prop/Masteron Log


Background info: 24 y/o, been training since I was 15 became pretty serious around 18-20 as far as supplementation, nutrition and training knowledge is considered.

Current stats: 6'0, 225, bodyfat around 10% ish I'd say but that may be wishful thinking.

I'm not gonna get crazy and post my whole diet but I get in 6-8 meals a day everyday. I prep almost all my food. My diet breaks down pretty much the way Milos Sarcev recommends bodybuilders to eat. I rotate my protein sources throughout the day, I use carbs and fats as energy only when needed around training times or how I feel throughout the day. I get in at minimum 300g of protein per day but usually am closer to 400g because I love to eat, mostly through whole food sources unless its around my training in which I consume simple sugars and whey isolate post workout before my meal.

My cycle approaches are less is more, and time on yields better results. I cruise on 1cc of enanthate unless I feel I want to change it up and then I always switch my enanthate to propionate and build off that. Usually with low dose tren 25-50mg a day but this time I will be running masteron and prop.

Cycle: 50mg test prop ed, 50mg masteron prop ed all from starks labs. Blast will last approx 100days.

I usually source everything locally but tried some tren from starks and loved it so I figured I'd run there prop and mast. Packaging was superb, everything wrapped nicely and each bottle shrink wrapped and then bubble wrapped. Really great work. Delivery time was 5 days from time of order and that included easter weekend interrupting the shipping time. Customer service is great he replies at all hours of the day and night and provided tracking info within 24hrs of order placement.

Goal of cycle: To continue how I have been adding quality lean mass.Im realistic, If i get 3-5lbs of new lean mass out of this I will be beyond happy. Slow and steady is how I've been building so far and would like to continue on that way (:

Here's some pictures of myself as a starting point: FullSizeRender.jpg IMG_3584.PNG IMG_3587.PNG IMG_3585.PNG IMG_3586.PNG

I'll try and post as much as I can. My work schedule isn't crazy but I have a very physically demanding job in which I work 24hr shifts twice a week.

Any questions feel free to ask I will do my best to answer them.
Oh and day 1 update: Shot went great .5cc of mast and .5cc of prop in insulin pin shot my right upper quad, zero pain very smooth and drew up nicely for using a slin pin. All my shots are done with 28g 1/2'' insulin pins.

Trained chest today, I have a slight bicep injury that is almost 100% but it didnt slow me down in the least. Warmed up with light flys then moved on to incline bb, flat, pull overs, pec deck and finished with weighted dips.

I involve alot of time under tension and weighted stretches after heavy sets to really get blood to the muscle i'm training and had a great work out. I'll post more of my training style when I have more time but I don't follow a specific protocol.
Day 2: shot my left quad today again no PIP very smooth, obviously no change yet.

Trained legs as followed

Squats all volume 5 warm up sets then 5 working sets of 315 x 12-15 reps 1-2min breaks between sets

Leg press 6 sets 15-20 reps per set 12 plates

Hamstring curls 5 sets of 12, machine only goes to 160 so just stayed at that

Walking lunges 3 sets across the gym with db's. started with 50's ended with 70's.

Stiff leg deadlifts 5 sets 10 reps 185 for 2 sets, 225 for 2 sets, 315 1 set.

Calf raises 5 sets til failure

Stretched for 10min.


Breakfast 10 egg whites 1 whole egg, 1/2 cup oats with 2 table spoon peanut butter 1 spoon full honey

pre workout meal 6oz chicken 1 cup brown rice

post workout shake 60g whey iso, 35 gram carbs, 10g amino acids

meal 4 12 ounces cod 1 cup wild rice

meal 5 6 oz chicken handful of macadamia nuts

meal 6 whey iso 30 grams

meal 7 Going out for Hibachi tonight with the wife I always get the 8oz steak with veggies and fried rice

meal 8 usually 5-6 egg whites with 1-2 whole eggs before bed

This is typically how I eat everyday. I also eat a lot of greens usually 1 cup with 3-4 meals and I add fruits in for carbs some days depending on how I look and feel.

Also I'm not perfect, I eat icecream 3-4 times a week prior to bed but I by a publix brand greenwise that uses cane sugar as sweetener and like organic milk and shit just to try and justify my icecream addiction as relatively healthy.
Last night after hibachi and all that rice (which I never do a lot of carbs late in the day but it was date night lol) I felt pretty full. My wife took this pic when we got home, 8 meals in, tons of water and a food belly that made me feel 24months pregnant lol


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Crushed my meals today 8 meals 2 shakes, I'm working but managed to get in 45min shoulder and core work. I get off in the morning will be hitting back tomorrow, so far so good. Should start feeling the extra energy from the mast by next week. Still hard and lean, will weigh myself every week or so. May leave prop at 350 and run mast at 700 a week after the first 2 weeks to see the difference. Undecided on that though.
Update: yesterday I got home from my 24hr shift and should've slept but instead loaded up on as much caffeine as I could handle and me and the wife went and hit a killer back workout. Lots of volume and time under tension with weighted pull ups. I was tired from lack of sleep but it hardly showed when I finished with deadlifts pulling 405x8, 455x6 and 495x5.

Lots of stretching after and then I got home and crashed hard. Lucky for me the wife knew I needed to get my meals in and pulled some cod and chicken out of the freezer for me haha.

Finished my 7th meal around 10pm and slept like s rock last night. Back feels good this morning but I'm sore all over. Probably hit arms and hams today since everything else is so sore lol.

Still no PIP, very smooth gear. I'm already vascular but see some more Vasculaitry I think from the masteron which is nice. The wife said I had some good Lat veins that she's never seen so I'm already excited :)
great job keep up the hard work. I'd guess your BF at 7%.

Thanks man! I truly need to get it measured professionally as I never have. I was worried it wasn't low enough to even see the hardening of the Masteron but figured what the hell. I've never been really able to correctly guess so I always say I'm more so I dont sound all wishy washy low bodyfat and then post a pic and people are like wtf bro your 12-15% lol
Just finished up some breakfast and now my grill is getting its daily morning workout.

I cook on average 15-20lbs of chicken for the week, 5lbs of fish and I couldn't even tell you the veggie count lol whatever is green and on sale is going Down. Trader joes has $1.99 asparagus bunches on sale, going to go buy a ton more after training today.

Eating may be more fun then training to me haha


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I saw the pics and said "whoa" dude is huge lol. with the way you look now man your going to be looking even better at the end. good luck to you.! Starting my test,tren and mast in 2 weeks. should be interesting
I saw the pics and said "whoa" dude is huge lol. with the way you look now man your going to be looking even better at the end. good luck to you.! Starting my test,tren and mast in 2 weeks. should be interesting

Thanks bro! You'll love the combo, keep the food in. I eat like a horse and even on a low dose when I ran tren at 25mg Ed I was getting the empty stomach acid reflux. If you keep your foods nutrient dense and I guess "clean" you can't eat enough on tren. Aim for nutrient dense food sources though because the tren helps absorb everything you consume.

If used right I feel like tren can transform any one into a freak. I can't wait to try it again at a higher dose.
Update : today my whole body was sore I easily could've rested but it was pouring all day so I needed to get out of the house. Hit arms only to save my hams for a leg workout tomorrow.

Frank mcgrath posted a new arm video I basicslly copied it to the T but added my own variation of weight and after being completely exhausted I crushed some close grip bench. Last set on close grip was a killer drop set. 275x6 225x12 185x12 135 til failure, think I got about 14-15 I was smoked. I had veins showing through my loose fit under armour shirt on my chest and delts. Can't wait for everything to kick in.

Wife is cooking up a nice mahi and veggie dinner now and I'll get in probably 2-3 more meals before bed. Still no PIP, feeling great!
So far today woke up did my shot feel good. Today is supposed to be legs again I try my best to train them to failure twice a week but I can still hardly walk from last leg day on Friday. I think I'll give them one more day and hit chest today.

Meals so far: breakfast 10 egg whites and my carbs were 1/2cup steel cut oats with 1cup blueberries, 2tbl spoon flax seeds, 1tbl spoon peanut butter

Right now I'm eating my preworkout meal which is 10oz of cod and 1 cup jasmine rice. I'll post a pic (: Probably be in the gym by 1pm, train chest bang out a pwo shake and run a few quick errands.

I'll update again later today. Still havent stepped on a scale but that's normal for me. I like the mirror better lol


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Crushed chest, pumps from the mast seem to be coming in hard. Added in 20min of post workout mild intensity cardio because I killed some ice cream last night lol

Pwo meal here 8oz chicken, another cup of jasmine rice with olive oil and a bundle of asparagus


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You're looking yoked up man great job! I'll be following along. What's your cycle history look like if you don't mind posting?
You're looking yoked up man great job! I'll be following along. What's your cycle history look like if you don't mind posting?

Thanks brother! Prior to this all test only cycles ranging from 300-500mg a week. Never used orals yet, not sure if I ever plan to. I also ran a test prop cycle same dose with 25mg tren Ed for 12 weeks prior to this and loved the tren. Will definitely incorporate tren again but I like slow and steady so I left it out this time around.
10am meals so far:

Meal 1 730am10 egg whites, whey ISO shake, oats with peanut butter and coconut shavings

Meal 2 as I type this: 8oz chicken breast ALOT of asparagus and 3/4 cup white rice.

Gonna let this digest around 2hrs before I hit legs. I usually pin quads but being leg day I'll probably hit my delt so I don't have any unnecessary soreness going in to the workout.

Rainy day again here so not much going on, probably lift again this evening because the wife wants to train after work so might as well get in a second session and then schedule a rest day tomorrow....maybe ;p


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Legs was absolutely brutal today. Copied a john meadows/Evan centaponi video they posted on legs and it was so different from how I normally train that it crippled me. Had to grab a few things at the grocery store and I almost fell over picking up a basket and an elderly woman asked if I was ok lol. Successful leg day.

Rest of the days meals were

post workout shake 40g whey ISO 30g carbs

8oz chicken, more asparagus and 1 cup jasmine rice

Whey ISO shake before dinner

Dinner was 10oz mahi with mango avocado salsa the wife made and two small sweet potatoes.

Before bed I had some puffins peanut butter cereal (I know lol but I needed more carbs) and also drank a carton of 10 egg whites with one scoop natty peanut butter in it.

I have not been doing cardio as I normally do because I want to add more mass but I think I'll incorporate 20-30min low intensity post workout. I need to keep my cardiovascular health and ability good for work so I feel like I'm cheating myself not doing any.