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Anyone able to help me create a list of things I need for a first cycle or self prescribed TRT?

Just looking to try about 250mg of test per week taken two times a week. And go from there. Also, where do I get needles/syringes and what else do I need that I can’t think of? Or do you think I should just get on TRT and take advantage of that first? It just seems expensive and I may want to use more testosterone than what they would want to keep me at.

Here’s my rough draft of things to get:

Aromasin 12.5x50x2

Letrozole 2.5mgx50

Cialis 5mgx50

Test c 250 mct 12ml x2


Test E 250 grape x2 12ml

Hcg 2500iu …this seems expensive but necessary either for PCT or just during. But 2500iu is not even going to be enough for a week PCT and where I saw it, it was $25. So 10 weeks its $250 for HCG alone? Or just save it for PCT and deal with a shrunken nut sack?

I would like to have clomid on hand.

Anavar 25mg x 50 (probably not gonna use it)

Nolvadex 20mg x50
Is the age in your profile correct? Then i wouldn't bother with PCT or "cycles".

Just get testosterone and exemestane and go from there. You don't need anything else really. HCG if you care about ball size, but you can also get them back later.

I recommend to get the BD microlance needles. 21g for drawing from the vial and 25g for injecting. BD Discardit 2 ml syringes are nice too.


Anyone able to help me create a list of things I need for a first cycle or self prescribed TRT?

Just looking to try about 250mg of test per week taken two times a week. And go from there. Also, where do I get needles/syringes and what else do I need that I can’t think of? Or do you think I should just get on TRT and take advantage of that first? It just seems expensive and I may want to use more testosterone than what they would want to keep me at.

Here’s my rough draft of things to get:

Aromasin 12.5x50x2

Letrozole 2.5mgx50

Cialis 5mgx50

Test c 250 mct 12ml x2


Test E 250 grape x2 12ml

Hcg 2500iu …this seems expensive but necessary either for PCT or just during. But 2500iu is not even going to be enough for a week PCT and where I saw it, it was $25. So 10 weeks its $250 for HCG alone? Or just save it for PCT and deal with a shrunken nut sack?

I would like to have clomid on hand.

Anavar 25mg x 50 (probably not gonna use it)

Nolvadex 20mg x50
You won't need letro. Period.

Test c is most peoples go to, test e is essentially the same thing, with the potential for more pop depending on the batch.

MCT oil is my favorite, extra thin (I do almost all my injections with insulin syringes, so this is a big benefit) and depot seems to disperse faster than other carriers for me, but some people don't tolerate it. Most people are fine, but the few that react poorly to MCT oil tend to not be able to tolerate it for any period of time.

For that reason, I would try to find test c in gso as gso is also a very thin carrier, and I've never heard of anyone reacting poorly to it.
If you want, get a vial of some in MCT and try it out, but be prepared in case it doesn't agree with you.
You won't need letro. Period.
I'm just trying to be extra cautious. I might be a high aromatizer based on my genetics and what seemed to happen to my man boobs during puberty. My genetics are pure shit. I have worked hard in the gym, tried just about everything. So I don't know at all what will happen. But I am expecting the worst since that seems to be the pattern.

Because you will most likely start another cycle anyway, after doing a PCT and losing most of your gains. It's just not worth it.

You want to get on test for a good reason probably, so just stay on it. PCT is a thing of the past. If you decide to get on steroids, you stay on them for life.

Everything else is just fucking around for nothing.
I'm just trying to be extra cautious. I might be a high aromatizer based on my genetics and what seemed to happen to my man boobs during puberty. My genetics are pure shit. I have worked hard in the gym, tried just about everything. So I don't know at all what will happen. But I am expecting the worst since that seems to be the pattern.
I said you won't need it period.

You could have the worst aromatization genetics in the world and still would have no reason to use letro.
You're not taking nearly enough test to even need an 8th of a tab a week. You won't be able to dose it, you don't know what you're doing, so you'll end up absolutely tanking you e2 with any dose of letro.
Because you will most likely start another cycle anyway, after doing a PCT and losing most of your gains. It's just not worth it.

You want to get on test for a good reason probably, so just stay on it. PCT is a thing of the past. If you decide to get on steroids, you stay on them for life.

Everything else is just fucking around for nothing.
Right. I’m just not seeing why my age would make a difference. Like assuming I’m just not going to have kids since I’m 39? What if I wanna knock up some 25 year old? I dunno. I’ve been listening to alot of podcasts on the subject and it seems alot of people do PCT to reset and resensitize themselves to steroids again, not just to maintain fertility.
I’ve been listening to alot of podcasts on the subject and it seems alot of people do PCT to reset and resensitize themselves to steroids again, not just to maintain fertility.
Iif this was a more effective way, I am sure the IFBB pros/competitors would be doing this...

You can find podcasts on anything including reigniting the Third Reicht. Doesn't make it right.
Iif this was a more effective way, I am sure the IFBB pros/competitors would be doing this...

You can find podcasts on anything including reigniting the Third Reicht. Doesn't make it right.

Ya it probably isn’t Very common but I believe it was an IFBB pro who said he would go completely off everything for like 3 weeks or something. Not that long. Just said to keep lifting and eating and you won’t lose that much. I dunno I mean sometimes they say they are off everything but are still taking 500mg of test so who knows. The podcast btw is the steroids podcast by dan the bodybuilder from Thailand. I’m finding it to be pretty interesting and useful information. But the person who said that was someone he was interviewing.
Is the age in your profile correct? Then i wouldn't bother with PCT or "cycles".

Just get testosterone and exemestane and go from there. You don't need anything else really. HCG if you care about ball size, but you can also get them back later.

I recommend to get the BD microlance needles. 21g for drawing from the vial and 25g for injecting. BD Discardit 2 ml syringes are nice too.

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Hey thanks for the info. I think this is mostly a European brand. I’m a little confused about the drawing needle vs the injection needle. I’m most likely going UGL and it seems like it comes in 60 mL vials or something. So does that mean I’m going to be sticking 120 holes into this vial or can I just open it? Or foes it come with multiple vials 1mL/each? Other than that I just need to find a brand on Amazon or someplace that I can buy syringes and needle’s separately that all fit and I should be good to go.
Lol. sorry not 60mL (I think that was something else like liquid Aromasin) but say 10 or 12mL vials either way that means twice a week at 250-300 mg I'm sticking a needle through it 20-24 times. Its just confusing. I don't know why its hard to find basic information. Like if I buy 21g needles and 25g needles with a syringe are they going to fit? Assuming they are interchangeable as well.
You also need to have dostinex test can also elevate prolactin.
As far as letro is all I use after all those years the only one that suits me and lowers me e2 efficiently and it’s stable.
Like if I buy 21g needles and 25g needles with a syringe are they going to fit? Assuming they are interchangeable as well.

Yes, they are always going to fit. The point is to get bigger needles for drawing because otherwise it will take forever to get out 1 ml from the vial. But you don't want to pin yourself with this big needle, so you buy smaller needles for pinning. You draw with the bigger needle from the vial, change to the smaller needle and pin with it into your mucsle.

Always buy the 10 ml vials. Don't buy ampules, you will regret it.
You also need to have dostinex test can also elevate prolactin.
As far as letro is all I use after all those years the only one that suits me and lowers me e2 efficiently and it’s stable.

So Aromasin isn't enough? I was going to get Letrozole but it seemed overkill. I'm going to start out probably no more than 250mg per week of test cyp or e. I haven't heard of needing cabergoline for test only. Also, how soon should i get started with HGH. as that seems to be the thing that actually can change appearance other than tren or something. Ah. that's too far ahead. but just so many questions. I just about placed an order already so i dunno.
You won't need letro. Period.

Test c is most peoples go to, test e is essentially the same thing, with the potential for more pop depending on the batch.

MCT oil is my favorite, extra thin (I do almost all my injections with insulin syringes, so this is a big benefit) and depot seems to disperse faster than other carriers for me, but some people don't tolerate it. Most people are fine, but the few that react poorly to MCT oil tend to not be able to tolerate it for any period of time.

For that reason, I would try to find test c in gso as gso is also a very thin carrier, and I've never heard of anyone reacting poorly to it.
If you want, get a vial of some in MCT and try it out, but be prepared in case it doesn't agree with you.
I keep Letro on hand I get gyno easy but I might only take one pill and clears me up take another one to early and ur in the trenches
I keep Letro on hand I get gyno easy but I might only take one pill and clears me up take another one to early and ur in the trenches
For every 250mg of test on a blast I use 1/4th of a pill and keeps me in check.
On trt 250mg a week a maybe use 1/4th of a pill every 15 days or so


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