Starter pack

You want the larger needle to draw so it doesnt take forever (21g). The smaller Guage needle (23-25g) is swapped out for injection. It's less painful plus the needle is sharper from not being plunged into the rubber from the vial. You need at least a 1" needle. 25g needles are about as small as most go.
Most needles swap with most syringes easily. You don't have to worry about fitment unless your using insulin syringes. Most insulin syringes don't have a removable needle.
When you inject pull back on the plunger a bit, it should fill with a little air...not blood. If it fills with blood STOP and inject into a different area. This means your in a vein. It's very rare to ever get blood when you draw so don't freak out about this.
Rotate injection areas with each shot. I like to inject lats, and delts mainly. Glutes and quads are done by some but I avoid these areas like the plague. Too many nerves and veins. The worst pip (post injection pain) I've ever had was in these areas.
Per the rules I can't give you any sources. Once you gain access to the underground there are many options for hcg at affordable prices. 10 vials of 2500 can be found for cheap. You just gotta research popular posts. Sorry you gotta do this part on your own.
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Letrozole will shut down your estrogen and without any estrogen you won’t get any size whatsoever. We still want a healthy level of estrogen in the body, that’s why we need blood tests to tell us how much we are working with. You find out what your base levels are and then 200 mg test is all you need. I still have yet to feel as strong as I did on my very first test cycle. I doubted you would even need an ai but to have a mild one like adex on hand would be helpful.
Anyone able to help me create a list of things I need for a first cycle or self prescribed TRT?

Just looking to try about 250mg of test per week taken two times a week. And go from there. Also, where do I get needles/syringes and what else do I need that I can’t think of? Or do you think I should just get on TRT and take advantage of that first? It just seems expensive and I may want to use more testosterone than what they would want to keep me at.

Here’s my rough draft of things to get:

Aromasin 12.5x50x2

Letrozole 2.5mgx50

Cialis 5mgx50

Test c 250 mct 12ml x2


Test E 250 grape x2 12ml

Hcg 2500iu …this seems expensive but necessary either for PCT or just during. But 2500iu is not even going to be enough for a week PCT and where I saw it, it was $25. So 10 weeks its $250 for HCG alone? Or just save it for PCT and deal with a shrunken nut sack?

I would like to have clomid on hand.

Anavar 25mg x 50 (probably not gonna use it)

Nolvadex 20mg x50
I’m going to address the TRT side and leave others to talk about blasts or cycles.

Firstly 250mg is way high for TRT. It will probably raise your testosterone to superpysiological levels. Most TRT is in the 100-150 range, while people who like to “optimise” (IE go a bit higher than natural) use 150-200mg.

Secondly you might not need an AI. If you’re estrgen runs high your options are to drop your dose (sensible), or add a little AI in.

Other than that you need the following:

Testosterone enanthate/cypionate,/sustanon/undecanoate, doesn’t matter which (I use test U because it reduces the injection frequency but the downside is that it takes longer to dial in)

1ml syringes - you don’t need 2.5 or 3ml syringes because you’ll never inject more than 1ml at any one time (I use 0.7ml once a week)

Drawing needles (I use 21 gauge)

Injecting needles (I use 26 or 27 gauge)

Alcohol swabs

Sharps box
Ya it probably isn’t Very common but I believe it was an IFBB pro who said he would go completely off everything for like 3 weeks or something. Not that long. Just said to keep lifting and eating and you won’t lose that much. I dunno I mean sometimes they say they are off everything but are still taking 500mg of test so who knows. The podcast btw is the steroids podcast by dan the bodybuilder from Thailand. I’m finding it to be pretty interesting and useful information. But the person who said that was someone he was interviewing.
Reading through the thread.

Going off for 3 weeks isn’t going off. There’ll still be testosterone and metabolites hanging around in your body. Going off is recovering your natural production and that can take many months, particularly as you’re older.

Side note: I personally wasn’t fully shut down at 1.5 years after starting TRT and adding in a little Deca, Masteron or Anavar here and there. I measured my LH levels again at 3 years and I am now shut down.
Addressing one other thing that was left unanswered

10ml vials have rubber or silicone diaphragms on the the top which self-seal. You poke the needle in and when you pull it out, the hole closes to form a sterile barrier. I don’t notice anything wrong with the seal after I’ve poked a needle in 15 times.

Apparently needles larger then 21 gauge can tear the rubber when used repeatedly but I’ve no personal experience of this.
Addressing one other thing that was left unanswered

10ml vials have rubber or silicone diaphragms on the the top which self-seal. You poke the needle in and when you pull it out, the hole closes to form a sterile barrier. I don’t notice anything wrong with the seal after I’ve poked a needle in 15 times.

Apparently needles larger then 21 gauge can tear the rubber when used repeatedly but I’ve no personal experience of this.

I've used 18 gauge for withdrawing routinely for years because it's easier. I never had a problem and was only recently introduced to the concept of "coring."

Just my two cents.
My first shot of 125 Test E Grape was a success. Thanks everyone. I'm 48 hours in. Still a little on the fence about it but I just said what the heck I'll try one shot and start there. I've heard some people can feel quite a change at around 48-72 hours. Not sure I feel anything but overall feel fine. Wasn't any pain. A little past the fear of the needles thing. Kind of exciting tbh.
My first shot of 125 Test E Grape was a success. Thanks everyone. I'm 48 hours in. Still a little on the fence about it but I just said what the heck I'll try one shot and start there. I've heard some people can feel quite a change at around 48-72 hours. Not sure I feel anything but overall feel fine. Wasn't any pain. A little past the fear of the needles thing. Kind of exciting tbh.

Is this a PIP report of your first ever injection?

If so, cool.

If not, I have no idea what you're talking about :)

What are you expecting to feel 2-3 days later?

*manage expectations: you won't "feel" anything other than PIP 2-3 days after 125 mg test E
Is this a PIP report of your first ever injection?

If so, cool.

If not, I have no idea what you're talking about :)

What are you expecting to feel 2-3 days later?

*manage expectations: you won't "feel" anything other than PIP 2-3 days after 125 mg test E
I dont have any PIP. barely felt anything. I was mostly just talking about the effects if any.
Hey, I think I've decided to run HCG with this if I'm going to do it at all. It looks like most places you have to mix it with bacteriostatic water. Is this correct? And how do you know exactly how to measure it and everything?
You fill a 2500 vial with 1ml bac water. 1ml is equal to 100 units That makes every 10 units on an insulin syringe 250.
Hey quick question again. If I'm going to have sides from test, how long would it take to notice them? So far just took 125mg and realized I needed HCG since I couldn't feel my nuts or dick already. I really don't think this was psychological since this seems to happen quick with me with smoking cigarettes among other things. And I have been taking Cialis and having the best erections of my life and this only happened after I took my first shot of test. Regardless, I am wanting to maintain fertility and "natural" production as much as possible. Now taking HCG 900iu 3x/week and seems to get rid of that numbness feeling. I may lower the dose on the HCG to see how much I actually need pretty soon. But only 1 week so far on HCG as well as 250mg/week test E for 1 week but tried 250mg in one day just yesterday just to see how I reacted and no sides still. I thought I had some nipple sensitivity in my left nipple only but it could have been psychological reading all this stuff about gyno. I took one arimidex and not sure if it did anything or if there was a problem in the first place. I'm basically not going to take anything unless I'm sure I have a problem from now on. I just would like to know as I am sort of getting anxious to see how long I should wait to try 500mg/week or possibly Anavar. The plan was just to stick to 250mg per week to see how that goes first but not sure how long I really need to give it to know. maybe 3-4 weeks? But the sides are sooner than that or about the same?
your nuts wont really begin to shrink at all until you've been on like 10 weeks or more in my experience. low libido can be caused by either high or low estrogen. hcg puts your estrogen through the roof btw, most dont take it when blasting cuz of this. if you get low libido from smoking might be either a dht or prolactin problem. take p5p for prolactin and pygeum for prostate/dht sides
finasteride or drugs like that if you have serious dht problems. i wouldnt recommend that though those drugs can mess up your dht production forever
i dont know when i did my first cycle of 500mg test my arms were going numb from blood pressure or who knows what it was 2nd week. I started taking ai then thinking it was estrogen and probably crashed it. you should probably just wait and see if ur body adapts before doing anything and take less hcg
No, just feels only been a week but so far no problems. Hoping this is how its gonna be. Not sure if I notice much else just maybe a little more well being but honestly I think Cialis was enough amazingly. I was a little afraid to mess with just my bupropion and cialis now. Like i know cialis isnt anti depressant but maybe just the blood flow and all.


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