Starting Monday, Viagra goes generic; price drops by half

I don't know if this has been posted yet, but I figured I would share the article. I know a lot of the community here are proponents of viagra.

Starting Monday, Viagra goes generic; price drops by half
Article reads:

TRENTON, N.J. — Viagra, the little blue pill that's helped millions of men in the bedroom, is going generic next week.

Drugmaker Pfizer is launching its own cheaper generic version of Viagra rather than lose most sales when the impotence pill gets its first generic competition next week.

Pfizer Inc. will begin selling the white pill at half the $65-a-pill retail price on Monday, when its patent-protected monopoly ends. Generic maker Teva Pharmaceuticals can start selling its version then, but isn't disclosing the price.

Many more generics go on sale next summer, which will steadily slash the price of generics, possibly by 90 percent.

"Patients are paying fortunes. When generic Viagra comes out, they will be very happy," said Dr. Nachum Katlowitz, a urologist at New York's Staten Island University Hospital.

Launched in 1998, Viagra was the first pill for impotence. It transformed a private frustration for many aging men into a publicly discussed medical condition with an easy treatment, far more appealing than options like penile injections and implants. Pfizer's early TV ads for the little blue pill even coined the term erectile dysfunction, ED for short.

Eli Lilly's cialis came out in 2003 and now dominates the U.S. market with on-demand pills and daily, low-dose ones. Viagra is a close second.

Pfizer says its market research shows 20 percent of customers are loyal to Viagra. So rather than give up sales to generic makers as brand-name drugmakers once routinely did, the company is selling its own generic and also fighting to keep men on its blue pills.

"We believe that the story for Viagra isn't done. It's just going to be a new chapter," said Jim Sage, president of U.S. brands for Pfizer Essential Health, which sells its older medicines.

In January, the drugmaker will offer two new discount programs and increase its copayment card discounts. Uninsured men can get brand-name Viagra half off through an innovative online home delivery program, Pfizer Direct. Many insured patients will be able to get a month's prescription — typically six to 10 pills, depending on plan limits — for as little as a $20 copayment.

"This is the most comprehensive pricing and marketing response I've seen to a generic," said Erik Gordon, a pharmaceuticals analyst at the University of Michigan's business school. "It's unprecedented."

Gordon thinks Pfizer's reduced prices will retain some patients and attract others who buy pills, often counterfeits, from the internet.

Dr. Matthias Hofer, a urologist at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, said some of his insured patients who take Viagra wouldn't want a generic. "They will be ecstatic if they can save money and get the brand product from Pfizer," he said.

Last year, more than 12 million prescriptions for Viagra and Cialis were filled in the U.S., generating a combined $3 billion in sales, according to health data and clinical research company IQVIA. However, prescriptions have dropped more than 20 percent since 2012, as repeated price hikes put the pills out of reach for many men lacking good insurance.

According to health information analytics firm Elsevier, over just the past decade, retail prices jumped from about $10 to $62 per pill for Viagra and from $11 to $61 for Cialis. Pharmacies and other middlemen add a few dollars more per pill.

Generic Viagra, called sildenafil, will become even more affordable starting June 11, when more versions go on sale.

"Many patients already know it's going generic and they want it," said Aracely Pena, a medical assistant at San Diego Sexual Medicine.
Cialis and Levitra, another pill launched in 2003, get their own generic competition next fall.

In the meantime, some doctors specializing in sexual dysfunction have found other options. Some prescribe generic Revatio, the blood pressure pill Pfizer was testing when older patients reported stronger erections as a side effect. It contains one-fifth the sildenafil dose in Viagra and costs as little as $1 per pill.

Northwestern's Hofer arranges for his patients to receive made-to-order pills from a couple of specialty pharmacies.

Daniel Lobello, 60, is satisfied with those pills but thinks a lot of men probably would use cheaper generic or brand-name Viagra.

"It's great" that the prices are getting cut, said the West Chester, Illinois, electrical inspector, "because it's something men need."

-- The Asssociated Press
Generic sildenafil (generic for Revatio) is as little as 50 cents per pill (20mg) at the pharmacy. Check using the GoodRx app. Without the GoodRx coupon it will ring up for hundreds for 90 $900 for 90 pills at Walgreens. There is some real fuckery going on with prescription meds in the US.
Once generics come into mkt the price on those blue pills will be 90% cheaper. Pfizer is even coming out with a generic cause its so dirt cheap they'll take any profit margin.
Generic sildenafil (generic for Revatio) is as little as 50 cents per pill (20mg) at the pharmacy. Check using the GoodRx app. Without the GoodRx coupon it will ring up for hundreds for 90 $900 for 90 pills at Walgreens. There is some real fuckery going on with prescription meds in the US.

Blame the government's involvement in the health care "insurance" business, and of course Medicare, the pricing ass-rape starts there.

We don't actually have any health "insurance" in the US, it's a convoluted prepay plan with a peculiar pricing model that goes back to government Medicare rates.

Rand Paul grilled some FDA fuck face about why we can't import drugs from other first world countries. The FDA asshat was just regurgitating nonsense about drug safety. As if Canadian, Australian, Japanese, or EU meds are unsafe? I'm running out of words to describe the disingenuity of the FDA. They have their heads so far up the asses of the pharma lobbyists that they're seeing the smaller intestines by now.

Last edited:
Blame the government's involvement in the health care "insurance" business, and of course Medicare, the pricing ass-rape starts there.

We don't actually have any health "insurance" in the US, it's a convoluted prepay plan with a peculiar pricing model that goes back to government Medicare rates.

Rand Paul grilled some FDA fuck face about why we can't import drugs from other first world countries. The FDA asshat was just regurgitating nonsense about drug safety. As if Canadian, Australian, Japanese, or EU meds are unsafe? I'm running out of words to describe the disingenuity of the FDA. They have their heads so far up the asses of the pharma lobbyists that they're seeing the smaller intestines by now.

Rand is a ROCKSTAR!
Rand is a ROCKSTAR!

For all his quirks - Rand *IS* a bloody weirdo at times - and I say this as a fellow libertarian! - I love his view of government and his constitutional grounding.

Then there's the ex-prosecutor from South Carolina - Harold Watson "Trey" Gowdy III - he's another one I love to listen to. One of the sharpest minds and tongues in DC. His Southern flair is very nice too, I'm biased, I'm in GA :)

Ted Cruz is in some great videos too - grilling the former administration in an exquisite way. I have a really hard time liking Cruz as a person, but he is clearly extremely competent as a litigator.
Insurance ? No problem.
Remeber is all about making America great again..
Making the few great again.
Insurance ? No problem.
Remeber is all about making America great again..
Making the few great again.

Please read up on this topic (once at least) before putting a foot in your mouth.

Then formulate these three statements:
* assessment of the current situation
* underlying causes
* proposed remedies

Without this, you look like a whiner.

Hint: you will find that the root cause is the government's involvement - which goes back to WWII and FDR's wage freezes - and even further back than that if you consider the FDA's role. Note Teddy Roosevelt 1906 (Wiley Act), FDR 1938 (FDA creation), Carter 1974 (medical devices) - three major asshole presidents doing their best to fuck things up. And I can go on. But I'm sure you'll just say - "uh, so what, I don't like Trump" and just prove my point that most people are really too dumb to be allowed to vote.
Please read up on this topic (once at least) before putting a foot in your mouth.

Then formulate these three statements:
* assessment of the current situation
* underlying causes
* proposed remedies

Without this, you look like a whiner.

Hint: you will find that the root cause is the government's involvement - which goes back to WWII and FDR's wage freezes - and even further back than that if you consider the FDA's role. Note Teddy Roosevelt 1906 (Wiley Act), FDR 1938 (FDA creation), Carter 1974 (medical devices) - three major asshole presidents doing their best to fuck things up. And I can go on. But I'm sure you'll just say - "uh, so what, I don't like Trump" and just prove my point that most people are really too dumb to be allowed to vote.
relax ;
Sarcasm /joke . Dont take it dry. Get lub.