Starting my second cycle

No education?
There are exactly ZERO medical studies where results implied a 19nor, or any steroid for that matter, elevated prolactin in such a manner that resulted in any side effects to the user. Gyno and lactation occur from elevated e2... whether or not elevated prolactin existed at the time is inconsequential. "Deca dick" can come from the hard shut down with insufficient e2 and/or testosterone in some individuals where is suspect sexual dysfunction is already present. Again- prolactin has NOTHING to do with any of this. Caber and prami are WORTHLESS at best and harmful in some cases. What you are spewing is bullshit bro science at it's best. Caber or prami is an essential part of a 19nor cycle? What a joke. Prove it. Attach one where the results illustrate harm from prolactin or that caber or prami are of any value to a bodybuilder. In the meantime go regurgitate that bulls hit somewhere else.
For those of you that don't know, NPP is a 19-nor compound, in the same family as Tren. That being said, it's progestagenic in nature, making the need of Caber or Prami an essential component of your protocol, or you may be complaining of Deca dick much sooner in your cycle since its a much shorter water than Deca. Nandrolone also shuts down your system, great increasing long term HPTA function... HCG reduces this chance by keep your system running during cycle, instead of just relying on your PCT to hopefully restart your system to its ORIGINAL form.

Just my .02¢
This is the first time I have heard this Could you send a link to a study?
Brutus, Caber or Prami have no place in a Durabolin or Tren cycle? You serious? I don't know you from Adam but I'm going to assume that you have tried either of these compounds since you are apart of this forum, though assuming is the worst thing to ever do? I'm curious, if you have indeed taken either of these compounds what were your side effects?
Brutus, Caber or Prami have no place in a Durabolin or Tren cycle? You serious? I don't know you from Adam but I'm going to assume that you have tried either of these compounds since you are apart of this forum, though assuming is the worst thing to ever do? I'm curious, if you have indeed taken either of these compounds what were your side effects?
Why would any side effects I personally experienced have any bearing whatsoever on the usefulness of (or lack of) these Ill advised medications?

They have no purpose in this scenario- no medical use in the mythical 19nor/prolactin "issue". I asked for proof of anything to the contrary. No dice?
I injected 250mg of test cyp in left quad and 150mg of npp in right quad yesterday. Went in smooth as butter. Today both legs are painful to bend. Dam. I haven't pinned my legs in 3 months and it feels like a virgin muscle again.
sorry to break it to you partner, but virgin muscle is a bro science myth...i get pip all the time, sometimes i dont...usually its when I moved the syringe while injecting....something you gotta get used to I guess....unless its warm to touch and red i wouldnt worry about it...muscle through it
Yeah I know, I really think it was because I was using 23guage also. I switched to 25guage. I noticed a big difference last time.
Why would any side effects I personally experienced have any bearing whatsoever on the usefulness of (or lack of) these Ill advised medications?

They have no purpose in this scenario- no medical use in the mythical 19nor/prolactin "issue". I asked for proof of anything to the contrary. No dice?

I was really looking forward to what this dude was going to provide as far as evidence to back up his claims and Ill im hearing is crickets as usual.
So @brutus79 ... I have kinda been asking this question in my separate thread. I will highjack off this thread but does not take away from the topic.

I want to avoid gyno at all cost, just finished gyno surgery 5 weeks ago now. DON'T want to have to deal with it again. Thus going with a Test & Tren cycle.
  • Test @ 100mg/wk
  • Tren @ 100mg/EOD
You are saying a DA (prami, caber) is NOT necessary in any manner for such cycle? What about an AI with these dosages?
So @brutus79 ... I have kinda been asking this question in my separate thread. I will highjack off this thread but does not take away from the topic.

I want to avoid gyno at all cost, just finished gyno surgery 5 weeks ago now. DON'T want to have to deal with it again. Thus going with a Test & Tren cycle.
  • Test @ 100mg/wk
  • Tren @ 100mg/EOD
You are saying a DA (prami, caber) is NOT necessary in any manner for such cycle? What about an AI with these dosages?

It is absolutely positively NOT NECESSARY to run dogshit like prami or caber.

Ai is mandatory- as ozzy alluded to I have found I am more gyno prone with tren. I always thought it out competed test for some receptors and results in higher aromatisation (is that a fucking word?) So higher estrogen causes estrogen dependant tissue to flare up. Either way gyno is caused by one of three things- estrogen, estrogen or estrogen. Control the estrogen. Ai's eliminate the e2, but a serm in the form of nolva or ralox serves two purposes- it blocks your estrogen receptors AND will reverse most gyno symptoms over time. (Non fibrous). If you have no existing gyno use an Ai and monitor e2 levels with bloods; if you have existing gyno run nova at 40mg ed for the duration as well.

Personally I would reverse your dosing- high tren low test. I have zero acne issues and zero gyno issues running test at a trt dose (less than 200wk) and tren at 75-100ed.

Good luck.


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