Starting my Senior Dog on TRT.


New Member
First off I want to preface that my dog is my best friend and I would never do anything to hurt him. So please save your judgement. It was time to put him down and I gave this a shot as a last resort. The results have been so outstanding I wanted to share.

My dogs breed has a life-span of 12-14 years. He is now 16. A few months ago things were getting bad. Non responsive to his name, sleeping all day, trouble going up and down the stairs, no longer able to go on slow jogs with me, loss of interest in playing, (fetch, toys, playing tug etc...)

For the past few month I've put him on 50mg/week of Test U. The results were almost immediate, however really started to shine 3 weeks in. He's now back to playing, oddly playful, can keep up with me on fast jogs, his recall has returned and listens much better.

The cons. On injection day he will have a burst of energy, and even be a bit anxious. Zooming around the house and just being an annoying hyper dog.
Anyway I'm hoping this gives me a couple more years with him and wanted to share.
First off I want to preface that my dog is my best friend and I would never do anything to hurt him. So please save your judgement. It was time to put him down and I gave this a shot as a last resort. The results have been so outstanding I wanted to share.

My dogs breed has a life-span of 12-14 years. He is now 16. A few months ago things were getting bad. Non responsive to his name, sleeping all day, trouble going up and down the stairs, no longer able to go on slow jogs with me, loss of interest in playing, (fetch, toys, playing tug etc...)

For the past few month I've put him on 50mg/week of Test U. The results were almost immediate, however really started to shine 3 weeks in. He's now back to playing, oddly playful, can keep up with me on fast jogs, his recall has returned and listens much better.

The cons. On injection day he will have a burst of energy, and even be a bit anxious. Zooming around the house and just being an annoying hyper dog.
Anyway I'm hoping this gives me a couple more years with him and wanted to share.
Look into nandrolone as well. Thanks for sharing and consider a new member intro post (see the new member thread).

I hope your pal has many years of health and pain free life.
Thanks. So, being female doesn’t matter??
Yes, it affects the endogenous daily testosterone production of the animal IIRC. I'd have to check on ratio of female to male for cat. But for an older animal I'd venture virilization concerns aren't high on the list. But that's where nandrolone would be useful.

See products above and vet dosing literature.
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This is awesome, you probably added years to his life--Good Man! I nerd out on AM radio here and there and they ALWAYS have an advertisement for Ruff Greens, apparently it is the real deal, most dog food is dead food, barely any nutrients. This stuff, you sprinkle on their food and that's it, tons of good stuff for em. Might be worth looking into :)

Edit: You might be able to slow down the release of the Test by using Castor Oil as the carrier. Sounds like you want a nice slow release.
Thanks for posting this. I wanted to make a post, but feared I’d get a lot of backlash from people who always have something negative to say.

I recently started giving my senior dog test as well. He is only 5 lbs so been giving him 2.5 mg/week test C. Being a rescue he was neutered when we picked him up & we’ve noticed a recent decline in his health and energy

I couldn’t find a lot of research on dosing, some suggestions said 1-1.5 mg/kg so I did 1mg/kg (2.5mg weekly) to start. We’ve had him on this for around a month now & he seems to be doing a little better. I’m not certain if the dose is too low or not, but I figure the tiny amount he is getting is significantly more than what he was making himself. I would think he would be almost none without any testicles, but I’m not sure.

How large is your dog? I wonder if our dosing was around the same mg/kg.