Starting pct 4-5 weeks after last pin


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My source is out of pct items and I am probably going to get pct items to start pct in a few days. Is this safe? I've been using hcg since I've stopped taking test. I just don't have any nolva and Clomid with me at the moment. Is starting pct so late dangerous?
deepends on esther.. enanthate?? i wouldnt see a prob.. prop.. ur a lil late
2 and 3rd week enanthate run i do hcg.. then week 4-5 clom/nolva
week 6-7 test booster( i know its shit but it does help some../plus i have a bottle that some1 gave me too why not take it..)
week 8... bloods..
fuck the world!
If you did a prop cycle ur fuck haha

If is cyp or enethate or those 4-5 mix ester your are good..

Personally i wait 21-25 days after last pin to start pct for test E.
How bad is it to start pct 5-6 weeks in? I still haven't gotten my nolvadex and clomid shipped in yet, and I am getting worried. I already placed my order and have been going to the gym everyday since starting pct, although my strength has been down.
My second question is should I add in something like triptorelin because I am going to start pct so late? I have been taking hcg ever since I stopped test, but if I am not mistaken hcg hinders recovery correct?
My second question is should I add in something like triptorelin because I am going to start pct so late? I have been taking hcg ever since I stopped test, but if I am not mistaken hcg hinders recovery correct?
lesson learned I hope, ...have all your pct on hand and protocols lined out before you start pinning no reason to be scurrying around getting pct meds this late in the your pct and get bloods done 5-6 after and see how you’ve recovered .... stock up on pct meds before u run any more gear