Starting PCT today but my nips are sore


So today i start my PCT ive got clomid and tamox for the pct I was running test e 600mg/wk i was taking .25 of arimidex eod up until pct my nipples got sore about two days ago for the first time
Ive got plenty of arimidex left what should I do?
[QUOTE="Easyroller, post: 1437271, member: 75123.
Theres no lump or anything im just worried.

Worrying never acomplished a damn thing! Try doing something that will rectify or answer those questions you SHOULD HAVE about the issue confronting you.

I'd first suggest a visit to the PCT sticky threads followed by blood work or perhaps an ultrasound but "worrying" for the sake of worrying, hmm try another forum fella!
[QUOTE="Easyroller, post: 1437271, member: 75123.
Theres no lump or anything im just worried.

Dr JIM said:
Worrying never acomplished a damn thing! Try doing something that will rectify or answer those questions you SHOULD HAVE about the issue confronting you.

I'd first suggest a visit to the PCT sticky threads followed by blood work or perhaps an ultrasound but "worrying" for the sake of worrying, hmm try another forum fella!
idk who pissed in your cheerios but im not worrying like a bitch just making sure im doing things right...? or if im not doing something right. idk bro but youre an asshole for no apparent reason lol... someone needs to go get laid
Although it may surprise or even worry you, on Meso members post their CONCERNS and others post SOLUTIONS but what we don't do is sit around pondering each others navels and WORRY as if to partake in some lame seance.

And to that end the world is full of "worry warts" go find your place amongst them!
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Although it may surprise or even worry you, on Meso members post their CONCERNS and others post SOLUTIONS but what we don't do is sit around pondering each others navels and WORRY as if to partake in some lame seance.

And to that end the world is full of "worry warts" go find your place amongst them!
I guess talking shit online behind a computer is what gets you off? whats the point in coming onto a forum just to run your worthless dicksucker? hop off my balls bitch god forbid someone asks a question lol.. People like you really make no sense in life. Was worried the wrong word i used? maybe i should have used concerned so i didnt offend your almighty self? sorry your life is so shitty you need to come onto a forum to rag on people to feel better about yourself though..
Have you thought about Haldol or Prolixin as a remedy for what "worries" you?

At least then people might take you a little more seriously having discovered your "worrying" is accompanied by a blank stare, drooling and generalized catatonia?
idk who pissed in your cheerios but im not worrying like a bitch just making sure im doing things right...? or if im not doing something right. idk bro but youre an asshole for no apparent reason lol... someone needs to go get laid

Jim is a no nonsense guy and cuts directly to the point. If you read and understand the points he makes, and filter your emotions, you'll discover the valuable information he's provided you. What he, and most of us, are not here to do is hold hands and sing Kumbaya. If you have a concern, post it and it will be addressed. If youre not satisfied with the answers, perhaps another forum will tell you want you want to hear.