starting to gain on pct


New Member
I ended cycle at 216lbs then dropped to 210 quickly but am now back to 215lbs on my 3rd week of pct should I take an ai is their a chance its just water weight? should i expect another drop in weight after pct? I know you guys might not be able to answer without bloodtests but just wanted some opinions. Thanks
first day was 200mg clomid 60mg nolva then 100/50/50/50 for clomid and 40/40/20/20/10 for nolva then other side supps like maca root fish oil bcaa etc. and my strength is around the same that it was on cycle for pretty much everything my bench went like 5lbs down but that couldve just been a couple off lifting days cant always expect to hit the exact same weight but im not really worried if the little weight im gaining is fat because of how fast my metabolism is i can cut the weight very easy later im more concerned about keeping the max amount of muscle gained form the cycle should I expect a drop in muscle after pct or is it realistic for me to think i can keep all the gains I made
This is not uncommon. Many times during PCT you will fluctuate in weight and strength. I believe this is largely due to fluctuations and the body trying to reach homeostasis. Enjoy it and keep working hard. Dont forget to continue to feed your new mucsle - re calculate your TDEE.