Steroid / COVID

Ok guys , I just tested post for COVID , I’m just about 3 weeks into my test cycle . Should I quit injecting myself till this shit is gone or is it safe to keep taking the test eth . And possible other goodies like tren e or npp if I decide to take one or the other . Any advice would be great . Is there anyone out there that had juiced while in COVID ? Or should I stop ?
Ok guys , I just tested post for COVID , I’m just about 3 weeks into my test cycle . Should I quit injecting myself till this shit is gone or is it safe to keep taking the test eth . And possible other goodies like tren e or npp if I decide to take one or the other . Any advice would be great . Is there anyone out there that had juiced while in COVID ? Or should I stop ?

Firstly how do you feel? Also are you sure it wasn't a false positive? The pcr tests can be a bit inaccurate. If the positive is correct a lot of people are asymptomatic.... If I felt good I would personally keep blasting. But hey I have a home gym....
Ok guys , I just tested post for COVID , I’m just about 3 weeks into my test cycle . Should I quit injecting myself till this shit is gone or is it safe to keep taking the test eth . And possible other goodies like tren e or npp if I decide to take one or the other . Any advice would be great . Is there anyone out there that had juiced while in COVID ? Or should I stop ?
What human backhoe said. If you feel good then keep going. If you start to get tired and have a temperature, then I would stop or only do a little like 200mg ew.
It all depends on how you feel regarding the working out. Hopefully you have a home gym or private place to go. I would definately keep injecting to keep your test levels where you want them. A lot of people test positive or have the virus and have no symptoms.
Fuck that. I would stop everything. Eat well, rest, and make sure you are not doing anything that might negatively affect your body's ability to fight the virus. Odds are that it will be mild to nothing, but that depends upon you being very healthy.

Note more men than women get severe illness and death from this.

In the end, a couple weeks' break is nothing.
"The observed role of androgens in transcription of transmembrane protease serine-2, which facilitates COVID-19 anchoring to angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 cell surface receptors, seems to suggest that higher testosterone levels might be detrimental for outcomes."
there is already an increased risk of thrombosis in COVID-19 patients therefore testosterone use should be contraindicated in COVID-19 patients with known thrombosis [28], [29]. The optimal dose of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) needs to be determined to strike the fine balance in varied indications, especially COVID-19. Careful dose titration and monitoring can help alleviate undesirable side effects (eythrocytosis, thromboembolism, etc.) [30]. Baseline hemoglobin and hematocrit levels and periodic monitoring for dose adjustment and risk assessment is pivotal for optimal outcome [31]. Thyroid axis also must be corrected if testosterone replacement is sought. If TRT is undertaken in COVID-19 patients, at least monthly monitoring of hemoglobin should be undertaken given the heightened risk of thrombosis in this population due to erythrocytosis
Fuck that. I would stop everything. Eat well, rest, and make sure you are not doing anything that might negatively affect your body's ability to fight the virus. Odds are that it will be mild to nothing, but that depends upon you being very healthy.

Note more men than women get severe illness and death from this.

In the end, a couple weeks' break is nothing.
If he is young and healthy I think it would more harmful to stop mid cycle injections for a few weeks. Stopping the juice cold turkey would probably do more harm than the virus will do to a young healthy person.
The studies indicate problems with low testosterone and high testosterone when combined with this infection.

You are three weeks in, so you have elevated testosterone. It is unlikely that you would have low testosterone within the next two weeks (depending on what and how much you are running).

At MOST I would not exceed 100mg a week, and that is merely to offset Covid-19's depletion of testosterone.

"In our study, the mean total testosterone decreased, as the severity of the COVID-19 increased. . . .

"We found, Hypogonadism -- a condition in which the body doesn't produce enough testosterone -in 113 (51.1%) of the male patients.

"The patients who died, had significantly lower mean total testosterone than the patients who were alive.

"However, even 65.2% of the 46 male patients who were asymptomatic had a loss of libido."
If he is young and healthy I think it would more harmful to stop mid cycle injections for a few weeks. Stopping the juice cold turkey would probably do more harm than the virus will do to a young healthy person.

In what world would supra-physiological levels of testosterone improve outcomes from a Covid-19 infection?


If your concern is low (suppressed) testosterone, then that depends on what he is running. If he is running 500mg a week of testosterone cypionate, then we will not even drop below the reference range at 14 days when he is clear to resume and be around people again and hit the gym.

Like I said above, maybe in the second week inject 50mg twice (100mg total), but I doubt even that is necessary to keep his levels in the normal range.

OP, what and how much are you running, and when was your last injection?
Ok guys , I just tested post for COVID , I’m just about 3 weeks into my test cycle . Should I quit injecting myself till this shit is gone or is it safe to keep taking the test eth . And possible other goodies like tren e or npp if I decide to take one or the other . Any advice would be great . Is there anyone out there that had juiced while in COVID ? Or should I stop ?
When I had it I dropped down to a simple TRT dose of test until I was better. I would definitely stay away from tren. I didn't work out, and just did some very light cardio until I was all better. Also took a lot of zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D, and NAC, all of which I was taking before I tested positive.
No, Im saying crashing is test levels would be more detrimental to his health than a very mild / non symptomatic covid case.
When I had it I dropped down to a simple TRT dose of test until I was better. I would definitely stay away from tren. I didn't work out, and just did some very light cardio until I was all better. Also took a lot of zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D, and NAC, all of which I was taking before I tested positive.
No, Im saying crashing is test levels would be more detrimental to his health than a very mild / non symptomatic covid case.
Ah. Well, I am not suggesting he "crash his testosterone levels." That would be a bad idea. I am suggesting he not stay above the top of the human reference range while infected.
As others have already stated, dropping to a cruise/TRT dose for the next 2 weeks is probably the best course of action. Most people are not terribly affected by the virus but some people have very bad symptoms. And it's a lot higher than the mortality numbers. In the grand scheme, 2 weeks is nothing. Get healthy and then pick back up once you're all healed up.

Just out of curiosity, which type of test did you have done? RT-PCR or antigen?
I did the rapid test and the 48 hour test both were nasal . The rapid one is not very accurate I was warned by the doctor so I did both . The rapid said negative and then the 48 hr one was positive . Rite now I have cold chills and nausea , both come and go in quick increments, a headache for about 3 days now , stuffy nose , I cannot taste or smell anything and I mean anything, I took a tspoon of Siracha and it mine as well been water because I didn’t taste a thing. My main thing is I’m very fatigued and feel very week and tired . I new something was up when I drank my preworkout and didn’t feel anything from it .
While I’m resting and planning my post COVID cycle lol , anyone can pm me or start a conversation about were I can get caber or dostinex please ? After this is done I think I’m going to blast tren e which I have not done tren in about 10 years . I figure I try to get big as I can on tren e and test e so I’m big but lean, then switch to test e , npp or Deca and anadrol and balloon up for summer lol abs just look like a mass freak
I got COVID in the middle of a low test/tren/mast cycle and continuing like I did was a waste of drugs. Anyway, I got caber from fusianpharma, sister company to expresspct
If I tested positive and couldn’t get to a gym for a couple weeks, AND I was only a few weeks in, I would drop down to 100-150mg/wk and cruise until I could get back. Otherwise i personally feel you’d be doing harm to your body for no reason. I also think coming off completely and hopping right back on would be harmful so I wouldn’t personally do that roller coaster to my body. Cruise at healthy levels until you can put the androgens to good use. If you have weights at home, then keep going and challenge yourself at home (given you aren’t having symptoms of illness).


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