Steroid homebrew calculator


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Can someone explain to me how is it possible that I gotta use only 3.55ml of oil for a 100ml batch of testo U?
I mean what is this an only BB brew? Ahahha

Really I must be retarded I know but I just can't understand it.

What should I put in that beaker? 3.55ml of castor oil - 50gr of raw - 1ml of BA and 50ml of BB?
Yeah it's the high concentration with 250-300mg the quantity of oil is reasonable. I don't think it's very healthy to have a solution made mostly only of BB... Nebido is made of 50% BB but the concentration is 250mg/ml and that gives a good quantity of castor oil in it. I'm not sure that with just
3.5ml of castor Oil in a 100ml total solution you gonna have any extended halflife either. It's like there is no oil almost there.
So rateo of Nebido is: for every 1ml of oil 0.26 is castor oil. That extend the half-life of 33% of testo U.

So if we wanna trust Bayer and keep the same rateo for every 50mg increase more or less we gotta decrease the BB of 5%.

For 300mg we need 45% BB
For 350mg we need 40% BB

I would probably brew max at 350mg as it become quite thick the less BB you use.
So I have come to the conclusion that high concentration testo U Is kinda useless injection volume for TRT is low and don't see the point in deviating from bayer, the closer it is to pharma the better in this case
Cause the powder itself has a huge volume and high amount of bb. If you want extended half life, just brew normal concentration with 10 to 20% bb
Cause the powder itself has a huge volume and high amount of bb. If you want extended half life, just brew normal concentration with 10 to 20% bb
Extended half life is achieved with 50% BB at normal concentration of 250mg. As per Bayer Nebido recipe.

And the oil is not too thick as well.

At 20% BB it's like honey xD
I don't understand the desire to use undecanoate. The pharmacokinetics amount to a trickling of test over a long period.
Idk. At a point. " Is this necessary? "

I didn't go to 450mg/ml+ for a reason. It's not necessary.
Yeah I'll brew it at 300mg max
And will keep the ratio 0.26ml of castor oil for each ML of total solution.

So 250mg@50BB or 300@45BB

I do every two weeks injection anyway so the volume is still low, 1.5ml or less for me
That is why I do it. Pain in the ass to dial it in, but it is worth it in my opinion.
I mean it's just very long to dial it in because every time you change dose until you find YOUR TRT dosage it takes weeks to see the changes but when you do find it you are set for life and on one pin every 2 or 3 weeks and that's just so fucking good.
Nope. Body changes the way it metabolizes gear as we age. It needs once or twice a year reassessment
Thanks for the heads up, I'll remember that does it usually mean we gotta increase with time or decrease? Or it's random and very personal?