Steroid PCT

Hey guy I’m wondering what’s a good PCT to take after a cycle?
Just wondering what your stats are. Anyway my information comes from personal experience and the belief that most cycles are overkill. Especially first cycles. If you are of proper age and dedication, there is no reason you can't gain over 20 pounds on your first cycle with 250 mg e5d. I see a lot of overkill in PCT these days also. I have never seen the need for both nolva and clomid in the same PCT. It was rarely used that way in the past and it is generally not needed now.
My first cycle was at 38 years old and was 250 mg Sust e5d for 12 weeks.
Weeks 9-12 500 iu HCG 3X per week.
Weeks 14- 18 nolva at 40/40/20/20.

I gained 26 lbs and recovered nicely. Have done multiple cycles since, and at 51 years old now, Natty test levels test at nearly 600. I have always used this PCT and the only additions have been herbals during PCT.
Just wondering what your stats are. Anyway my information comes from personal experience and the belief that most cycles are overkill. Especially first cycles. If you are of proper age and dedication, there is no reason you can't gain over 20 pounds on your first cycle with 250 mg e5d. I see a lot of overkill in PCT these days also. I have never seen the need for both nolva and clomid in the same PCT. It was rarely used that way in the past and it is generally not needed now.
My first cycle was at 38 years old and was 250 mg Sust e5d for 12 weeks.
Weeks 9-12 500 iu HCG 3X per week.
Weeks 14- 18 nolva at 40/40/20/20.

I gained 26 lbs and recovered nicely. Have done multiple cycles since, and at 51 years old now, Natty test levels test at nearly 600. I have always used this PCT and the only additions have been herbals during PCT.

I believe for only test cycles, nolva only for pct is fine for most people! But for heavier cycles i think clomid+nolva will work better! just my thought, i only do test cycles since i love them so no real experience on heavy cycles.
I believe for only test cycles, nolva only for pct is fine for most people! But for heavier cycles i think clomid+nolva will work better! just my thought, i only do test cycles since i love them so no real experience on heavy cycles.
Not to hijack the thread, BUT did you notice LESS growth in say your second test cycle as compared to your first?
Not to hijack the thread, BUT did you notice LESS growth in say your second test cycle as compared to your first?

Yes but i'm pretty sure it was due to my diet. But the awesome feeling while on test was the same. In my opinion if something works and you like it why change it ?