MESO-Rx Sponsor Steroidify - Official Worldwide Pharma Distributor since 2008


New Member
Hey so I havent found any bad reviews about this UGL so far. Only 1 but it was about a fake site. And the real guy seems to have been around for a while. Any input? Recommendations?

I loved the site I was at .in correct?

Any first hand experience from well known members would be greatly appreciated!

Hey so I havent found any bad reviews about this UGL so far. Only 1 but it was about a fake site. And the real guy seems to have been around for a while. Any input? Recommendations?

I loved the site I was at .in correct?

Any first hand experience from well known members would be greatly appreciated!

I've heard good things.
I've used Darius' Tbol and Test Cyp with solid results. I would use them again. I am sitting on some Sust500mg and EQ500mg for a future cycle and feel confident they will be good as well.
Flounder curious how long ago you used them? I'm just hesitant with sites from Eroids. Not saying they are all bunk but just cautious as we all should be...
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Have u guys read any of the threads on hplc testing? My god its depressing. Makes me question anything not pharma.
I have some var from Darius that I need to labmax. I'll be starting it soon, so I'll post up some LM testing
Dbol from Darius seems spot on. I wouldn't get pharmacom through anyone else. Dude has been real stand up around here so far.

