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Regarding ordering from Pharmacom, they are a large distributor. I am not comfortable going into specifics, but I am familiar with them. Darius is a professional, lots of experience. I believe Pharmacom does have a better product(s) than the average UGL. Their products are pricey. However, I think most consumers are willing to pay more for a better made product.

The bad: They are not domestic. Which means you could (most likely will) have to sign for the package. Signing for the package is one of the most (if not the most) incriminating pieces of evidence that can be used against someone. No amount of lean body mass is worth a pair of silver handcuffs. Someone correct me if I am wrong but I believe possession of AAS, even for personal use, is still a felony.

The eroids rating is misleading, IMO. If someone joins eroids and leaves positive feedback they are granted a $100 credit toward their next purchase.

I REALLY wish Pharmacom could ship originating from a domestic location so signing for the package would be less of an issue.
Flounder you make it sound so easy bro :-) like ordering a starbucks ;) hahaha Cdn customs on that like flies on shizzz. Lol
I'm east coast USA so my packs come through NYC, which is a good thing for me. I am not familiar with Canadian customs, but have heard it can be tough. If it matters, Darius packs are pretty well concealed, but of coarse, if customs wants to find it they will.
No. I have not ordered from this place yet so I don't want to give false representations until I have personally tried it. Planning on shortly and will fill the board in of legitimacy. However, I too am walking shrewdly due to many scammers. If you check other boards it's not hard to find.
Based on my experience with Darius , he is a very cool guy, Shipping/to Europ, communication, is way very fast, his prices is kinda expensive, yes thats true.
I'm using his Dbol, test E, and Test P, almost 2 weeks now, already started seeing gain on Dbol. My sex drive is up, guess that test P kicked in.
I was informed by a someone in the industry that signing for packages (or not) is influenced by the postal service district handling your mail. For the district I am in, there is a policy to sign for certain packages. Accepting a package via signature isn't always restricted to international orders. I have had to sign for regular items sent from a domestic source. I do not know what specifically triggers the requirement for a signature on one package and not another.

I haven't seen a legitimate, domestic Pharmacom reseller. I have seen scammers on other boards claiming to have ties to Darius and Pharmacom, but not a legitimate shop. I hope something has recently changed and I am wrong.
Tell ou what testp high dose of + 150 is painful. I rather do 100mg.
Test 500mg had me in pain for a day or 2 after every shot.
@double-leg do u have experience with their Tbol? Also I posted my pre cycle bloods is there any possibility u can take a look for me bro? The measurements they use is totally different from what Im used to seeing.


