English isn't this lames first language. Could be nandroxl or any 1 of a host of frustrated shills and wanna be sources along with their twinkle toed reps.
Pathetically acting out as only the passively aggressive bottom feeders can. I'd slap the shit out of this fucking idiot. He had fantasized and jacked off to the very unlikely outcome of being more than a hater/loser dumb fuck here at meso. Sometimes things happen the only way they could have at the time we all crossed paths.
I'm certain 15 posts after my first post directed at him that I had effectively emasculated this dim wit. Once again, life chewed him up and shit him out.
Pathetically acting out as only the passively aggressive bottom feeders can. I'd slap the shit out of this fucking idiot. He had fantasized and jacked off to the very unlikely outcome of being more than a hater/loser dumb fuck here at meso. Sometimes things happen the only way they could have at the time we all crossed paths.
I'm certain 15 posts after my first post directed at him that I had effectively emasculated this dim wit. Once again, life chewed him up and shit him out.