Yeah I think halo is a great AAS and it is pretty damned hard to find in the states. I heard Europeans have easier access to it though but I believe it is the most expensive oral AAS to produce and then Anavar would be second (someone correct me if I'm wrong). But due to its expense, it is still often fake. I've been wondering if pharmacoms halo is official.
Halo is often used by powerlifters (like you said), fighters, and anyone who needs to control their weight. I've never actually ran legit halo but I've ran a lot of drol and found it to be my oral AAS of choice due to the strength gains, but I would definitely prefer halo if I had access to it. Most sources I've used don't even carry it and the ones that do are usually sending out something else that is just labeled as halo. Usually the prices are too low and that is an indicator, to me, that it won't be legit halo.
If you actually get legit halo, run that shit and let us know how it is. I don't see an issue with you running halo versus any other oral, just a matter of personal preference. Though I would think it's a waste to run halo (due to its cost) vs other cheaper orals, unless you specifically want to run halo. I would actually like to see some positive test results on Halotestin.
Honestly the hepatotoxicity of oral AAS is overblown, IMO. I'm not saying orals aren't hepatotoxic, because they certainly are, but if you look at some of the actual prescribed doses for oral AAS (especially ones that people consider to be really hard on the liver) and the duration, you may be surprised.