@MindlessWork Please, please, please do NOT encourage the antics of @BBC3 , he needs help, END of story.
And I applaud the Doc that sniffed @BBC3 out as a Doc shopper!
@BBC3, go, get help, or finish the train-wreck you are on, if anyone in the real world cares for you should have an intervention in your near future....I hope it ends well.

I suspect BBC has been doing this for quite some time , the whole addiction thing , and he seems content to keep on . As long as no one fucks up his supply ! I got a sister just like him , multiple car wrecks , back wrecks and she's hopelessly addicted to pain meds and other substances . She needed them at first , but later on its just addiction ...she wont go to P/T or pain management but she will eat those pills...

"You will only quit when you really want it bad , more than anything ".
You got a LOT OF NERVE talking about your sis if she has spinal injury. MORE THAN YOU KNOW>>>...!

God help you should he deem the same onto you. Cause the ONLY cure for spinal related radiating pain is to either be doped unconscious or DEAD...! You should be ashamed to think of her like that. It dont take much to fuck up a spinal vertabra to the point that pain radiates. I did it once SNEEZING. Haunted me for 15 years.. Might be gone now MIGHT. That was a slight inflammtion and nerve pinch at best.

The best part is that I did not seek pain meds then. I WAS TOO YOUNG AND DID NOT WANT TO GET DRUG DOWN LIKE THAT. I just kept on kickin ass. We are not all that strong... I suffered muscular specific atrophy for 10 of those years. Complete loss of signaling to intended tissue down thru arm to fingers.. Not to mention the pain like the devil landed in my body the first 2 months...

I suspect BBC has been doing this for quite some time , the whole addiction thing , and he seems content to keep on . As long as no one fucks up his supply ! I got a sister just like him , multiple car wrecks , back wrecks and she's hopelessly addicted to pain meds and other substances . She needed them at first , but later on its just addiction ...

"You will only quit when you really want it bad , more than anything ".
You got a LOT OF NERVE talking about your sis if she has spinal injury. MORE THAN YOU KNOW>>>...!

God help you should he deem the same onto you. Cause the ONLY cure for spinal related radiating pain is to either be doped unconscious or DEAD...! You should be ashamed to think of her like that. It dont take much to fuck up a spinal vertabra to the point that pain radiates. I did it once SNEEZING. Haunted me for 15 years.. Might be gone now MIGHT. That was a slight inflammtion and nerve pinch at best.

The best part is that I did not seek pain meds then. I WAS TOO YOUNG AND DID NOT WANT TO GET DRUG DOWN LIKE THAT. I just kept on kickin ass. We are not all that strong...

I"ll tell you the same thing I tell her , those pills will deterorate your internal organs and eventually kill you . They kill pain at first and your whole personality and who you are later . Then they stop working , except in your head...

Pillheads are a bunch of fucking weak zombies that use pain as their crutch . The pain pills create the pain sensitivity and makes things worse . Face the music BBC and get in pain management and get off the pills ....I only want to see the best for everyone here , including you...~Ogh
I"ll tell you the same thing I tell her , those pills will deterorate your internal organs and eventually kill you . They kill pain at first and your whole personality and who you are later . Then they stop working , except in your head...

Pillheads are a bunch of fucking weak zombies that use pain as their crutch . The pain pills create the pain sensitivity and makes things worse . Face the music BBC and get in pain management and get off the pills ....I only want to see the best for everyone here , including you...~Ogh
Exactly this, and I've seen how pain pills destroy people so I also know what it's like from my own experience after getting seriously injured myself.

How your sis doing BTW? Hopefully she's her old self again brother.
My sister has used her accident for sympathy and a crutch . She wont apply herself or get physical .

My wife , on the other hand who was in a car wreck years back broke her L4-L5-L6 and had multiple plate work is nearly pain free to this day . She didnt continue to munch down pills , I would not let it happen . She went thru intensive P/T and pain management and asked for more . Shes a success story and she got it thru hard painful work .

Im not saying everyone who is debilitated is a pillhead who should have been cut loose, but the majority healed physically a long time ago . Nerves heal too....
I hear you both...

Sometimes the pain just outweighs the RISK/EFFECTS. That's just the way it is.

I will agree, I may have become ROMAN in my ritual. We will see...

I understand "ANALGLASIA", or whatever way they have twisted the term that to MEAN - "IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEAD".... There is a whole market trying to cash in on that with Ketamine rubs right now claiming no systemic effects. Oh but my "serum COunt" soap box calls..... Spinal "dorsal reset" and all that bull shit. Try more like HOME General Anesthesia, and the one that supports like function. Forget about the keys to the car...

I have advised my internal many times that I AM SICK OF THE WAY THEY RUN ME DOWN. Some close friends have advised me I am not the same person as when I am not on them.

Still, The pain when trying to sleep and keeping you up - IS TOO MUCH TO SURVIVE with any SUCCESS.. And I know countless pill heads that will testify that hydrocodone will keep you awake. NO...! - I SLEEP LIKE A PRINCE....

Personally, I suspect I am a RARE VICTIM of all this. And that I did a damn good job mitigating the mess I have. But we will see. You don't work up logically over 12 years without going to a higher drug on your own advice if you are an abuser. This is my case. And yes, my modulating factor is ALCOHOL...

I am just going to tell myself i am better than that. And I will be... THAT IS THE WAY I AM....

I'm just saying not everyone walks that tall. We will watch the cannon fodder fall...:(;)

But no more shit from Jim.. PLZ...
Thru 12 years of using hydrocodone. I have watched friends start crunching and snorting oxys, start shooting them, STEAL FROM ME. I always NEVER.. I MEAN NEVER, could understand. Perhaps that's what certified my morals in this arena. But you have not lived till you see a guy like yourself go from a productive society to pawning a list of shit so long that it landed him in a state Penn.. Still, his issues were PERSONAL, and the drug was just the SYMPTOM.... Daddy wasn't there and all.. Disgusting..

Exactly this, and I've seen how pain pills destroy people so I also know what it's like from my own experience after getting seriously injured myself.

How your sis doing BTW? Hopefully she's her old self again brother.
No Neurological heals almost NEVER in adults... You are the one giving her a HEAD JOB and a good one clearly. keep it up..!!!:)

You are clearly a good man who has pulled her along. Keep it up. You are lucky to get laid EVER...!

My sister has used her accident for sympathy and a crutch . She wont apply herself or get physical .

My wife , on the other hand who was in a car wreck years back broke her L4-L5-L6 and had multiple plate work is nearly pain free to this day . She didnt continue to munch down pills , I would not let it happen . She went thru intensive P/T and pain management and asked for more . Shes a success story and she got it thru hard painful work .

Im not saying everyone who is debilitated is a pillhead who should have been cut loose, but the majority healed physically a long time ago . Nerves heal too....
I have advised my internal many times that I AM SICK OF THE WAY THEY RUN ME DOWN. Some close friends have advised me I am not the same person as when I am not on them.

Still, The pain when trying to sleep and keeping you up - IS TOO MUCH TO SURVIVE with any SUCCESS.. And I know countless pill heads that will testify that hydrocodone will keep you awake. NO...! - I SLEEP LIKE A PRINCE....

I was in a car accident in Oct. 6 herniated discs 10-12mm herniations, 2 areas where the sheathing around the cord was spiderwebbed, 2 fractures to vertebrae (L4/L5 and L5/S1.. I'm short and do not have an L6). Docs shoved Hydrocodone at me, and I took them in tiny doses (2.5 mg - cutting the 5mg in half) while I waited for my insurance to work out so I could get in under the knife.

Insurance fucked me around until JULY. By this point, the docs had upped my script to 10mg doses because of tolerance/adaptation.

Taking a pill meant no gym, no physical activity. Not taking a pill meant no sleep, unable to move, unable to work. I had to do a daily choice of what I wanted to do that day... work out and be happy, or take a pill and function so I could keep my family fed.

Got under the knife. Surgeon fixed my neck, but actually fucked up my back a little more (left leg completely numb from knee down, in horrific pain in the left hip and glute). But because of the issues you've mentioned above, the docs didn't want to prescribe anything else. And to be honest, I am fine with that. I stopped taking them cold turkey, determined to get to the other side and find out what the pain is really like. That was a trip through hell - 5 days of not sleeping, feeling like shit, headaches, unbelievable pain in my back and legs (I'd rate it an 8 out of 10 on the pain scale).

Then a bodybuilder friend of mine said hey man, try this out - it's a plant from Thailand - it will help you with the pain. He gave me a bunch of Kratom.

I was skeptical.. did research. It didn't stimulate the same receptors as opiates in moderate doses. I was still skeptical, cuz herbal bullshit has never made any kind of impact on me.

But I will be damned, I was wrong. Away from the opiates and all other western pharma bullshit, the kratom did indeed take the pain away. And it's LEGAL... and cheap, and non-addicting (in the right doses).

I'm waiting to get back on the table so the surgeon can fix whatever the fuck went wrong the last time - and for now, the kratom has helped tremendously to allow me to function with the pain, but without the opiate problems.

Mostly, I will be damned if the government, pharmacies or insurance providers are going to dictate how my medical care should be run. It's between me and my doc. At least with the Kratom I know I have a natural solution to the pain problem, should I ever need it again.
Good reply,!

Yes I have heard that term KRATOM? Once or twice now.. Gonna have to look it up..

On another note, a buddy turned me on to some shit at the gas station that comes in a little bottle like one of those 5hr Vitamin B's LOL.. But they guard it and charge as much as 9 bucks a shot. Seen em as cheap as 5.00. I wonder if that's in there..?

OH!! But they are marketing them to public as comparable to hydro in pain relief and overall sensation. I got a little similarity from them. But not worth the $$.. I noted a bunch of natural aspirin and Yohimbe and a few other ingredients I did not recognize..
I want to apologize to BBC ; It wasnt my place to tell you to get off pills BBC , thats your biz . But you would feel so much better eventually when your away from that world . Gotta quit the alcohol too , that will bring you full circle back to the pills...

You dont know how bad things are until you step away from the pills/alcohol and see life thru sober eyes . Maybe give alternatives like Kratom a chance . Im gonna see about getting some for my sister , too .
I want to apologize to BBC ; It wasnt my place to tell you to get off pills BBC , thats your biz . But you would feel better eventually when your away from that world .
You dont know how bad things are until you step away from the pills and see life thru sober eyes . Maybe give alternatives like Kratom a chance . Im gonna see about getting some for my sister , too .
If you get her some Kratom tell her it is a better painkiller than what she is taking.
Since starting with the Kratom I've met a lot of fitness folks who use it. The trick, like gear, is dialing in the dose for you to get the effect you need, whether it's GI tract help, pain relief, or help with withdrawal from other substances.

And, once it's done with the purpose it served - you just stop. No withdrawals, no addiction problems.
If you get her some Kratom tell her it is a better painkiller than what she is taking.

My sister is why this is so personal to me . I despise the pills . They have wrecked her life , her relationship with her husband and especially her kids (3 boys over 21) they hate her (what they hate is the drug behavour) its really sad to see her "melt" and turn into a babbling zombie .

She went 2 yrs without the pills and was doing OK , then she let life get her down one day and she turned back to the pills . It wasnt about the pain returning , it was about an inability to cope with life . The pills are a cop-out and escape .
No its Cool I was hoping you did not construe me to be a dick in one of those posts. It came across wrong.

BELIEVE ME... I HONESTLY DO NOT LIKE THE OVERALL EFFECT. There wont be a full circle either. Cause I have already noted that I like to drink more with the pain pills. I have pondered whether its because it helps synergize or abusing. I don't know. But I DO know that when I have to take them I am like fuck it anyway, got no ass left - WHY NOT...

IT SUCKS because I get sober and off pills for a week or so. And believe me THAT IS ALL IT TAKES for life perspective to return to clarity. Then the pain returns. Then REAL DEPRESSION.. Depression about AGE.. I go no further on this one...:)

I want to apologize to BBC ; It wasnt my place to tell you to get off pills BBC , thats your biz . But you would feel so much better eventually when your away from that world . Gotta quit the alcohol too , that will bring you full circle back to the pills...

You dont know how bad things are until you step away from the pills/alcohol and see life thru sober eyes . Maybe give alternatives like Kratom a chance . Im gonna see about getting some for my sister , too .
No its Cool I was hoping you did not construe me to be a dick in one of those posts. It came across wrong.

BELIEVE ME... I HONESTLY DO NOT LIKE THE OVERALL EFFECT. There wont be a full circle either. Cause I have already noted that I like to drink more with the pain pills. I have pondered whether its because it helps synergize or abusing. I don't know. But I DO know that when I have to take them I am like fuck it anyway, got no ass left - WHY NOT...

IT SUCKS because I get sober and off pills for a week or so. And believe me THAT IS ALL IT TAKES for life perspective to return to clarity. Then the pain returns. Then REAL DEPRESSION.. Depression about AGE.. I go no further on this one...:)

BBC---You seem like a very intelligent guy , with a great sense of humor and very detail oriented . You just had an unfortunate accident and used the only life buoy available , the pain pills/alcohol .

Been there , I was an alcoholic for 20 yrs . Been 7 yrs this month (8th) since I had a drink . Sure miss my beer . But it was ruining me and my relationships . Then there was the law aspect . No drivers license for 12 yrs . sneaking around driving , repeated jail trips for DOS and DUI"s.

7 yrs later , feel great & look great & drive legal , even commercially . Its nice.
BBC---You seem like a very intelligent guy , with a great sense of humor and very detail oriented . You just had an unfortunate accident and used the only life buoy available , the pain pills/alcohol .

Been there , I was an alcoholic for 20 yrs . Been 7 yrs this month (8th) since I had a drink . Sure miss my beer . But it was ruining me and my relationships . Then there was the law aspect . No drivers license for 12 yrs . sneaking around driving , repeated jail trips for DOS and DUI"s.

7 yrs later , feel great & look great & drive legal , even commercially . Its nice.
Rock on OGH!!
Great story man...good for you!
I gave up drinking 20 some years ago...because nothing good ever came of me (or the friends I ran with) when alcohol was involved. NOTHING.
It wasnt about the pain returning , it was about an inability to cope with life . The pills are a cop-out and escape .

This ^^^

I've seen that a few times in friends... and honestly I was scared that it would happen to me, and I would manufacture physical pain to escape stress.Thusly the focus on fixing the problem that causes the real pain (surgery) and using Kratom in the mean time to manage the pain. For me there's no euphoria/high that comes with it, just a noticeable decrease in the pain in my leg. I suppose you probably could take a massive dose and get a high, but I doubt it would be anything like an opiate high.
Been there , I was an alcoholic for 20 yrs . Been 7 yrs this month (8th) since I had a drink . Sure miss my beer . But it was ruining me and my relationships . Then there was the law aspect . No drivers license for 12 yrs . sneaking around driving , repeated jail trips for DOS and DUI"s.

7 yrs later , feel great & look great & drive legal , even commercially . Its nice.

Congrats brother - great job. I was never able to get into alcohol - 2 sips of just about anything with alcohol and I get an almost instant (within 10 minutes) cluster headache attack.

My vice is the gym and sex - which I refer to as morning cardio.