[QUOTE="Oregongearhead, post: 1376095, member: 62743" ]My sister has used her accident for sympathy and a crutch . She wont apply herself or get physical .

My wife , on the other hand who was in a car wreck years back broke her L4-L5-L6 and had multiple plate work is nearly pain free to this day . She didnt continue to munch down pills , I would not let it happen . She went thru intensive P/T and pain management and asked for more . Shes a success story and she got it thru hard painful work .

Im not saying everyone who is debilitated is a pillhead who should have been cut loose, but the majority healed physically a long time ago . Nerves heal too....[/QUOTE]

While I do think that you and a lot of others here are justified in believing that opiates make people weak and whatnot I think it is much more complex than that. For example, I won't lie and say I've never used because of something other than my direct pain levels but it was directly tied to it. Take for example, the last few months I was taking heavy painkillers after my surgery and it had a lot to do with where I was in my life. For one I had to drop out of college to get surgery, then got fired because I couldn't work, then my school ripped me off and charged me for a semester I didn't take, and on top of ALL THIS, I couldn't walk for nearly a month after surgery and had a fucking catheter in and didn't know if I was ever going to be able to use my dick again. During this time I also had lots of thoughts of suicide due to the fear that I had lost everything, my job, school, body, and while in pain. Scary stuff, no doubt.

What I mean to say is that I beleive that there is a balance between abuse and "pain management", specifically for me, when I decided to stop taking the heavy medications like oxycontin and Percocet I requested to be moved down. Now a days I take probably 30mg of hydrocodone and anti inflammatories like ibuprofen or Celebrex. But that is what I take to live a normal life and am focusing on getting my life back together. I no longer use my meds to get high but merely to manage constant pain I've had for almost 10 years now. I am their Bane, and they are my mask.
Welcome back Wings , I know the troubles youve had . A very familar story and I believe you truly need the maintance doses just to live semi-normal each day . I was not trying to be insensitive to BBC or you or anyone else that still needs daily pain-pills . Its when the pills arent really needed anymore , yet their use continues that an intervention needs to happen for the best interest and long-term outcome of the patient. I wish the best for all those suffering ....