Studies that show much testosteron is created from a certain amount of hcg


New Member
I've been trying to look into, what kind of dosage and frequency one should use if trying to replicate a normal male testosterone production with hCG as monotherapy

I found one study on mountain climbers that were injected with 1x1000iu and it seemed that 1000iu produced an normal amount of testosteron in those people.

But what does your doctors say?

From what i've seen many people use 1000iu three times a week for normal testosteron levels.

I'm not trying to do hCG monotherapy, i¨'m just interested in what diffent kind of dosages of hcg does produce in terms of testosteron..

Gries JM, Munafo A, Porchet HC, Verotta D. Down-regulation models and modeling of testosterone production induced by recombinant human choriogonadotropin. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1999;289(1):371-7.

Chorionic gonadotropin (CG) is a glycoprotein hormone, whose action is mediated by the luteinizing hormone/CG receptor. Testosterone concentrations from six pituitary-desensitized, healthy male volunteers were obtained after four different administrations of recombinant-human CG (rhCG). We present a modeling study to provide a possible explanation for the observations that increased exposure to rhCG induces higher and then lower testosterone concentrations and that marked rebound effects are observed at the end of repeated administration of rhCG. We used semimechanistic models (in which flexible functions represent unknown parts of the models) to identify the relationship of rhCG concentrations to the testosterone levels. Based on the results obtained with the semimechanistic models, different mechanistic down-regulation models were devised and tested. The final model uses a one-compartment model to describe the endogenous production rate of testosterone; rhCG affects the production rate with a mechanism consistent with a two-site binding site, with effect proportional to one-site bound concentration. The modeling results indicate that when rhCG concentration increases, the testosterone production rate increases to 45 times the baseline value. However, at an rhCG concentration of more than about 30 IU/liter, the production rate decreases. Simulations showed that both dose and dosing interval profoundly influence testosterone response to rhCG.
So according to these graphs (in the full-text) for a normal mid-to-upper-range testosteron level (20-30nmol/L) 500iu every other day would be sufficient and perhaps the most "stable" solution?

It seems that 1000 iu every other day is overkill and not within the normal range, from what these graphs tell me, am I wrong?

The text states, that these doses are transferable to "hypogonadotropic hypogonadic male subjects", does that include steroid induced hypogonadism?

Let me know if I interpret everything wrong, I'd love to be lectured :D