subq injecting first test cycle


New Member
I have some 500mg/ml high concentrated test-e which I'll be doing in 2x doses per week of 0.5ml/250mg.

I'll be going subq but am having trouble deciding which needles to get. Anyone have any recs? Preferably the least painful/easy to use.

Also, should I inject belly or go for delts/glutes with the slin pin? Conflicting info on this?

If I overcome my needle fear after this first cycle I will try intramuscular but for now absolutely fucking not!
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Could I do 0.5ml intramuscular with an insulin needle? 29g 13mm? I think the depth doesnt bother me, its more the needle length
Ah shit, its expiry date is 2025 so should I hold off and get standard 250mg/ml or just dive in. How much more painful would it be
Try it out if you want, but I’d think about at least cutting it with 250mg/ml unless you have a really high pain tolerance. High mg gear is generally meant to be mixed with less painful stuff to keep injection volumes down. Using them alone is just masochistic.

0.25 ml of the 500mg/ml and 0.5 ml of 250mg/ml test twice a week will get you where you want to go with less pain. Or just get 250mg/ml and save the 500 for later.
Fuck subq. Fuck 500 mg/ml.

Get some 250 or 300 and inject it IM with a 1" needle. After you get some experience, then you can experiment with more painful methods like 500 mg/ml into your delts with a 1/2" needle. Or subq into your foreskin.
If you do go sub q with that product, DO NOT PIN YOUR BELLY FAT OR LOVE HANDLES.
Anyhow just pin in normal areas.
Buy 30 gauge 5/16” insulin pin. Back load.
If it burns like fuck doing 1/2 cc reduce your volume by injecting eod.

So pin your ventroglutes, glutes, thighs (on a 45 degree angle up high) rear delts.

Just jam the insulin needle in like you were doing a IM injection and do it.
Don’t overthink it, you will not die, lol

I always found gear with bad pip to be more tolerable sub q.
Your gonna regret it. Sub q despite what you read has terrible absorption. There is hardly any blood flow in the sub q layer so the esterase which breaks down the test ester to release the hormone doesnt reach the depot before your body will straight dispose of the injection. Some people say it works for them but I would get bloods to verify cause everyone is different at about two weeks+ in. When I did sub q it was a lot of pain even got a sterile abscess. I never felt lower serum wise. I started going IM again at the same dose and everything was fine
Your gonna regret it. Sub q despite what you read has terrible absorption. There is hardly any blood flow in the sub q layer so the esterase which breaks down the test ester to release the hormone doesnt reach the depot before your body will straight dispose of the injection. Some people say it works for them but I would get bloods to verify cause everyone is different at about two weeks+ in. When I did sub q it was a lot of pain even got a sterile abscess. I never felt lower serum wise. I started going IM again at the same dose and everything was fine
Bioavailability is practically the same: Pharmacokinetic Profile of Subcutaneous Testosterone Enanthate Delivered via a Novel, Prefilled Single‐Use Autoinjector: A Phase II Study

Which shouldn't come as a surprise; AAS aren't broken down until they have dissociated from the oil into the surrounding tissue and are transported to tissues which are equiped with the enzymes to break them down.

As a final note: blood flow on a per g tissue basis is very similar to that of skeletal muscle at rest.
Could I do 0.5ml intramuscular with an insulin needle? 29g 13mm? I think the depth doesnt bother me, its more the needle length
Just get a 27-30g 1/2 inch and slowly slide it in, start with side delts and ventros, their the easiest.

dude with 500mg/ml it’s gnna have higher solvents. You really don’t want that stuff subq it’ll likely be more of a pain (longer lasting too) than using a regular 25g 1” into your glute which is painless and you can technically hit that whole 500 in one shot once a week just fine
Just get a 27-30g 1/2 inch and slowly slide it in, start with side delts and ventros, their the easiest.

dude with 500mg/ml it’s gnna have higher solvents. You really don’t want that stuff subq it’ll likely be more of a pain (longer lasting too) than using a regular 25g 1” into your glute which is painless and you can technically hit that whole 500 in one shot once a week just fine
I only recommended sub q because that is how I’ve always used up painful gear.
Try it one time.
Surface pip vs intramuscular can’t move the muscle pip.
Your gonna regret it. Sub q despite what you read has terrible absorption. There is hardly any blood flow in the sub q layer so the esterase which breaks down the test ester to release the hormone doesnt reach the depot before your body will straight dispose of the injection. Some people say it works for them but I would get bloods to verify cause everyone is different at about two weeks+ in. When I did sub q it was a lot of pain even got a sterile abscess. I never felt lower serum wise. I started going IM again at the same dose and everything was fine
How did you get rid of the abscess ? Was it hard, red, swollen spot ?