subq injecting first test cycle

Your going to have PIP no matter how you inject it since it’s 500mg a ml I stay away from high concentration gear cuz the PIP is not worth it to me. Bad PIP = can’t train which is counter productive. So if I were you I’d get some new test dosed at 250mg a ml and inject it in the upper outer part of your glute with a 29g 1/2 inch insulin needle if you are nervous about injections. But trust me you don’t even feel this shot. Just jab it in quickly and you won’t feel a thing I promise u will be MUCH better off then going sub q that is a horrible idea. Idk why guys are doing this sub q thing oil based testosterone is not meant to be shot sub q your almost guaranteed to get some kind of abscess and it will be painful as hell and leave scars. DO NOT INJECT SUB Q. It’s just not safe and it’s so easy to do IM injections there’s not reason to do sub q
No it opened up was just a open sore. I took antibiotics. I dont of it helped. I just didnt know what to do. I took some of my gf left over antibiotics. I was to afraid to get medica attention at the time. It went away eventually
Do you remember what kind of antibiotics you took? My wife has some leftover as well.
A lot of people look down on SubQ, but it works just as well in the long term even though fat has about 10% of the blood volume of muscle.

If this was test cyp I'd say go for it, but not .5ml of T-E as that too much volume for a subq injection and will leave you a welt. Welts only matter if they hurt. Having hard itchy golf ball sized lumps all over your body is not a big deal once you get used to it.

The problem with T-E is that some batches have hellish pip, if there was any heat used at all when brewing it, there's a good chance that is gonna be a the worse experience of your life when you want to sleep on which ever side you injected.
You've been reading self-reports of Vets doing subq and being fine. The reality is this will leave you practically crippled and probably sick as a dog from "test flu," a phenomenon that occurs when you first self-administer very high dosages of test, especially high concentrations.

A personal anecdote: my first foray into AAS was pharma sustanon. The long ester alone done into the quadricep crippled me (I was literally hobbling around for a week+) and felt like I had the flu.

The body quickly adjusts, but the problem with what you propose:
- too high a concentration
- too high a dosage

to start

I also think
- subq is for intermediates, much better in practice to get used to a deep (ie comfortable with a 1.5" pin), steady (hands not shaking) injection into the gluteal, ventrogluteal, and deltoid musculature on a rotation in that order

before doing this with a leur lock or insulin syringe.
I have some 500mg/ml high concentrated test-e which I'll be doing in 2x doses per week of 0.5ml/250mg.

I'll be going subq but am having trouble deciding which needles to get. Anyone have any recs? Preferably the least painful/easy to use.

Also, should I inject belly or go for delts/glutes with the slin pin? Conflicting info on this?

If I overcome my needle fear after this first cycle I will try intramuscular but for now absolutely fucking not!
Personally all I can say is FUCK sub q for steroids. It is TOTALLY fine for peptides. That steroid oil just sits under your skin for days--in my case WEEKS--looking like a disease or something,

1/2" slin pin works wonderfully unless you have a lot of padding (fat). End of story. IM is VASTLY superior in my opinion, The PIP goes away fast. Just get used to it, I get ZERO PIP anymore even with large volume injections with multiple substances,
Everyone responds differently to subq/IM. I've been blasting and cruising for several years and I have mostly done subq injections using 1-mL 29-gauge insulin syringes. IM injections, for me, cause painful welts, regardless of needle size. I can count on 1 hand how many welts I've experienced with subq injections, even with daily (and sometimes multiple daily) dosing. I've also never experienced tren cough; though, to be fair, I've never dosed tren IM, so I can't compare.
Bro just do IM injections you will be much better off that’s how gear is intended to be used. You will have problems doing subQ I’ve heard a lot of horror stories of guys getting abscesses and being left with a big ass hole in their stomach where they had to cut out the abscesses.. it’s just not worth the risk when IM is so easy. If you don’t want to inject you’d probably be better off doing the testosterone cream or pills even.
i went the slin pin route and never looked back. half inch (13mm) 28g delts and quads. i got a bubble butt so i gotta do a regular pin with that.
I have some 500mg/ml high concentrated test-e which I'll be doing in 2x doses per week of 0.5ml/250mg.

I'll be going subq but am having trouble deciding which needles to get. Anyone have any recs? Preferably the least painful/easy to use.

Also, should I inject belly or go for delts/glutes with the slin pin? Conflicting info on this?

If I overcome my needle fear after this first cycle I will try intramuscular but for now absolutely fucking not!
Needle fear ….. ohh budddy
Fuck subq. Fuck 500 mg/ml.

Get some 250 or 300 and inject it IM with a 1" needle. After you get some experience, then you can experiment with more painful methods like 500 mg/ml into your delts with a 1/2" needle. Or subq into your foreskin.
Foreskin eezzz best brro
Dude, I went through the exact same thought process you're going through a few months ago. Got the Pcom 500 test e. I was trying to inject lower volume. I also used 30g 1/2" slin pins. Anytime I didn't hit the delt or quad and accidentally went subq the PIP was much worse. Not so bad that it affected anything but it felt like someone frogged the shit out of my arm/leg. If subq works for you go for it. Once you get used to pinning you'll get over that initial needle phobia and start experimenting with different locations. Best of luck.

Edit*: Heat the vial in a tiny hot water bath before drawing. Makes it much easier with the slin pins.
Dude stop being a p*ssy and go IM. Its really not a big deal man just get that g23 and stick it in your butt cheeks twice a week.

It just blows my mind reading about people trying to reinvent the wheel. Even on pharma gear is clearly written "FOR INTRAMUSCULAR USE ONLY". Just stick to it and you'll be fine bro!
Ima try the same thing soon myself. I will have someone else doing the injection just cause I assumed I'd do the ass lol. Was gonna use slin pen too but now I'm debating. Since I'm not doing the injection I really don't care What length the needle is I just don't like the feeling of it popping through with my hand but ima get over that quick I'm sure. May do quad but it is just always a tender spot for me anyway. I'm planning a light at least for first 2 week of 250mg a week pinned 2x a week at 125mg so like .25ml 2x a week can't be bad and I would loos nothing in a slin pin