SubQ injection volume?

That's the best way if you use luer lock. I use fixed BD insulin syringes. Just if you want my opinion ditch the 18G and replace them with 22 or 23 because 18's are very thick and can damage the rubber stopper. Sometimes it can start degrading and have plastic pieces float in the vial.

Another tried and true method, that's how i treat my cruises when i use castor oil which is thick like syrup. I backfill 7-8 slin pins with a 22G 2,5cc.
When you inject subq everyday do you still just use your glutes? Or rotatate to different spots?
When you inject subq everyday do you still just use your glutes? Or rotatate to different spots?

I used only glutes but i somewhat rotate towards the hip around 1-2 inches away from the bone. Just remember to not hit the exact spot you hit previous time, because if you create a depot and then you keep filling this area i assume it might create a lump and discomfort.
Do you experience edema when doing consecutive injections?

Edema like water retention in ankles n stuff? Or you meant inflammation? I've never experienced any side effect from SC shots. Some guys get some redness and inflammation in the site injection but actual edema, i've never heard anyone get it from subc.
Yall are about to change my life. Been on trt for years (and a couple of cycles) but still have a small needle phobia that pops up almost randomly. My hand gets tremors and I have to give myself the don't be a bitch talk before injecting.

But you're saying I can change my 0.4ml twice a week IM trt shot to 0.4ml subq shot in the stomach twice a week? The only time id have to deal with my needle phobia is on cycle.
Yes u can… but the tremors sometimes dont go away… even with subq….
Why avoid the stomach?
SubQ can leave lumps depending on the volume used you don't want lumps on a visable place on your body like your stomach.
what is the most you can inject IM? 2cc, 3cc or more?
depends on the size of the muscle you're injecting in. if you're new to injecting i don't see why you would want to be doing more than 1ml tho you don't need more gear then a ml a week imo.
Never tried subq with oil but was curious to give it a try. Why avoid the stomach? I usually back fill a 29G x 1/2" needle to pin shallow IM.

Higher chance to nick a vein and get a bruise compared to glutes. Also, if it happens to get lumps from the injection depot will be way more annoying if you see them in the mirror or generally everytime you re shirtless.

Plus, if you use a lifting belt while having a oil depot in your belly..i guess it won't be a pleasant feeling. In glutes you just pin and forget, in all these hundreds of shots i've done i might had 2-3 times a small depot that vanished after 2-3 days which i noticed when i went to rub the area with the alcohol pad while doing the next shot.

Even if it stays for a week, you just don't care while if it's in the abs, i think it's kinda sucks.

Another question, what is the most you can inject IM? 2cc, 3cc or more?

Depends of the muscle site, muscle size and experience. Some guys pin 2cc in delts, 3-4cc in ventroglutes and 5cc in glutes. Just what i've read though, i guess you'll have to own some pretty big muscle to hold up that much volume without spilling. I'm pretty sure if you going to inject 3cc on a virgin glute muscle you'll hate your life for a week lol