SubQ issues


New Member

I’ve been pinning subq in my stomach for around a year, no issues keeping below .5ml at a time and rotating sites.

Over the last month they are all swelling, hard to touch, red for 3 days then it goes away.

Buying from chilton labs the whole time, same test e the whole time, same amount injected.

Any ideas why this might be happening? I’m concerned about going IM as I feel a reaction might be worse Inside a muscle.

Try filtering.

How old is the vial?
Less than a month, I purchased two non my last shipment and it started then.

I feel like they have always been reliable, I posted on the Chilton thread a got zero other responses so I’m assuming it’s an issue with my body

I’ve been pinning subq in my stomach for around a year, no issues keeping below .5ml at a time and rotating sites.

Over the last month they are all swelling, hard to touch, red for 3 days then it goes away.

Buying from chilton labs the whole time, same test e the whole time, same amount injected.

Any ideas why this might be happening? I’m concerned about going IM as I feel a reaction might be worse Inside a muscle.

Steroids were made for deep IM injection not sub Q! You can put a little under the skin to try a new brand or oil like .1-.2ml but with no reaction you the shoot IM don’t go pinning a half mL in your stomach
I’ll go back to IM, I used to pin my delts, only went to SubQ as I was building scar tissue.

Here’s hoping that I don’t get the reaction in the muscle…
I’ll go back to IM, I used to pin my delts, only went to SubQ as I was building scar tissue.

Here’s hoping that I don’t get the reaction in the muscle…
Switch to quads and VG if you want to give the delts a break. I personally am not a fan of injecting my delts.
There’s been some issues with test e raws where people are getting a few good batches out of it and then everything after those batches is coming out with a lot of pip and other issues. I don’t think anyone actually knows why but seems to be related to them sitting around for a bit. Switch to C and will likely go away. I disagree this is an IM vs subq issue. If it happened consistently or you were adding other stuff like primo or tren then yah but regular test should be just fine subq.
Switch to quads and VG if you want to give the delts a break. I personally am not a fan of injecting my delts.
I was doing quads for a few months but it made my chicken legs hurt. lol Now I just use a 3ml 1" 25g to shoot everything in the glute. Unless I'm cruising on TRT doses, than a 1ml 0.5" 29g to the delt.
I was doing quads for a few months but it made my chicken legs hurt. lol Now I just use a 3ml 1" 25g to shoot everything in the glute. Unless I'm cruising on TRT doses, than a 1ml 0.5" 29g to the delt.
Do you get an assist when injecting the glute? I’m thinking about asking the Wife to help (me not you lol). I like easy and quads and VG are easy. Delts are easy but it doesn’t take much to irritate my shoulders.
Cant tell you the reason for that to happen. Guess it depends also on the compound, carrier oil and BA/BB concentrations. And also how much you put (to me 0.1-0.2cc was best).

Experimented subq with different prescribed TE brands straight from the pharmacy (to have an accurate comparison). We used to have castor oil BA/BB and back then peanut oil (without BB).
Second product caused less irritation for me personally, also I.M. it did not give me as much pip.

I went back to I.M. entirely. These lumps just got more annoying than the "classic" pip to me. Looked like shit, went away too slow, were annoying laying on them etc etc.
I do not. I saw a video on YouTube and modified it for knuckle draggers. I guess you would call it ventrogluteal or hip. What you do is place you hand on your hip push in with you thumb. Where the mark from your thumb is you come down about a inch or two and inject. The video said to rotate your hand on the thumb and inject at the bottom of your hand. I have big hands so that was past my glute and I could not see that location in the mirror (or rotate that much) lol
I do not. I saw a video on YouTube and modified it for knuckle draggers. I guess you would call it ventrogluteal or hip. What you do is place you hand on your hip push in with you thumb. Where the mark from your thumb is you come down about an inch or two and inject. The video said to rotate your hand on the thumb and inject at the bottom of your hand. I have big hands so that was past my glute and I could not see that location in the mirror (or rotate that much) lol
Oh. So VG? I thought you meant the dorsogluteal muscle when you said glute. That one would be hard to do alone. But VG is easy to get to one handed.