Success of Dr. Mariano's Protocol on Hypothyroidism and Adrenal fatigue to incresae T


New Member
I read here that Dr.Mariano's approach is to treat Hypothyroidism and Adrenal fatigue first before looking at TRT

I would like know whether there are success stories here who have raised their T to a reasonable level (say 500 to 600) by addressing Hypothyroidism and Adrenal fatigue without using TRT. Also does Dr. Mariano prescribes HCG without TRT as a restart protocol?

Thanks for your help. I have low T, as well as Thyroid and Adrenal issues. I am really confused what is the best approach. Should I address Thyroid/Adrenal issue first or Parallel with TRT

I appreciate your feedback
Re: Success of Dr. Mariano's Protocol on Hypothyroidism and Adrenal fatigue to incres

Treat all at same time ...other wise you may be a missing part of the puzzle
Re: Success of Dr. Mariano's Protocol on Hypothyroidism and Adrenal fatigue to incres

Treat all at same time ...other wise you may be a missing part of the puzzle

Why so HAN?? Not sure I agree with you here... Let's suppose the cause of one's low test is poor adrenal function, and by fixing the adrenal will raise one's testosterone levels to higher acceptable range. Why risk messing up the HPTA along the way while trying to fix the adrenals???? That makes no sense!!!

If you put this patient on TRT while attempting to fix his adrenals, you'll end up having to fix his HPTA also afterwards as a consequence... You were in one problem in the begining and now you're dabbling with two???!!!!

Why not let the patient live a little longer with his lower testosterone, do your best in correcting the adrenals, do blood work along the line and hope for the best??? When overcoming adrenal issues, other hormones start flowing in better normal ranges... Then when that's over, you're home free....

The less the meds one have to take, the better. The body has an amazing ability to recover and reach homeostasis on its own. Why keep throwing clutters along the way and end up in a bigger mess than originally stared with???

Again... with all my respect.. :D
Re: Success of Dr. Mariano's Protocol on Hypothyroidism and Adrenal fatigue to incres

I was just helping a guy with this his Testosterone levels are way to low for the adrenals to do this kind of damage. If your below the normal range for get it it's not adrenals it can be a pituitary problem like I have where Thyroid, Cortisol and Testosterone are all low. I don't feel fixing adrenals will bring you from 120 or even 250 up to 600. Best to treat them all if your adrenals are stressed out and your testostreone is this low just treating adrenals will not make the poor guy feel better because the Testosterone will hold him back and keep him from fixing the problem. So a guy like this takes HC it supports his adrenals and the low testosterone keeps putting stress on them it's like putting gas in a car are pushing it around in stead of starting it and driving.
Why so HAN?? Not sure I agree with you here... Let's suppose the cause of one's low test is poor adrenal function, and by fixing the adrenal will raise one's testosterone levels to higher acceptable range. Why risk messing up the HPTA along the way while trying to fix the adrenals???? That makes no sense!!!

If you put this patient on TRT while attempting to fix his adrenals, you'll end up having to fix his HPTA also afterwards as a consequence... You were in one problem in the begining and now you're dabbling with two???!!!!

Why not let the patient live a little longer with his lower testosterone, do your best in correcting the adrenals, do blood work along the line and hope for the best??? When overcoming adrenal issues, other hormones start flowing in better normal ranges... Then when that's over, you're home free....

The less the meds one have to take, the better. The body has an amazing ability to recover and reach homeostasis on its own. Why keep throwing clutters along the way and end up in a bigger mess than originally stared with???

Again... with all my respect.. :D
Re: Success of Dr. Mariano's Protocol on Hypothyroidism and Adrenal fatigue to incres

My T is 229. Thanks
Re: Success of Dr. Mariano's Protocol on Hypothyroidism and Adrenal fatigue to incres

Very little libido.

My dilemma is should I try restart Protocol, address Thyroid, Adrenal issues before plunging in to TRT? Would like to know if there are any success stories who have done this.
Re: Success of Dr. Mariano's Protocol on Hypothyroidism and Adrenal fatigue to incres

I can't recall theirs nicks, but you're in the right place since there are a few on here who're Dr. Marianco's patients.

Mc Donnells is one of them, but there are more of them.

What I find VERY furstrating with AF is that most M.D.s dismiss it, and say there's no such thing. I for one scored low on a 24-hour urinary essay for free Cortisol, but I was told by the endo that it doesn't mean anything until an ACTH stim test is done. Then another Dr. (the only one I found in my area who believes in AF) said that he doesn't need no ACTH stim test to make a diagnosis, and that if he HAD TO use an ACTH stim test to make a diagnosis, he'd miss too many AF patients.
Re: Success of Dr. Mariano's Protocol on Hypothyroidism and Adrenal fatigue to incres

I can't recall theirs nicks, but you're in the right place since there are a few on here who're Dr. Marianco's patients.

Mc Donnells is one of them, but there are more of them.

What I find VERY furstrating with AF is that most M.D.s dismiss it, and say there's no such thing. I for one scored low on a 24-hour urinary essay for free Cortisol, but I was told by the endo that it doesn't mean anything until an ACTH stim test is done. Then another Dr. (the only one I found in my area who believes in AF) said that he doesn't need no ACTH stim test to make a diagnosis, and that if he HAD TO use an ACTH stim test to make a diagnosis, he'd miss too many AF patients.

I do not think the doctor would miss AF. Not if he was looking for someone who is borderline primary. The baseline AM cortisol should be close to 30, and one hour post stim it should be 50 plus. However, if said doctor is looking at this bullshit reference range that labs give out for the stim test, no one would fail the test unless they had zero adrenal function. Apparently you pass the stim test if you go to 35, irregardless of what your baseline was.
Re: Success of Dr. Mariano's Protocol on Hypothyroidism and Adrenal fatigue to incres

I read here that Dr.Mariano's approach is to treat Hypothyroidism and Adrenal fatigue first before looking at TRT

I would like know whether there are success stories here who have raised their T to a reasonable level (say 500 to 600) by addressing Hypothyroidism and Adrenal fatigue without using TRT. Also does Dr. Mariano prescribes HCG without TRT as a restart protocol?

Thanks for your help. I have low T, as well as Thyroid and Adrenal issues. I am really confused what is the best approach. Should I address Thyroid/Adrenal issue first or Parallel with TRT

I appreciate your feedback

You have to ask yourself what came first, the chicken or the egg? Hypothyroidism or hypogonadism?

I don't think there is a one-size-fit-all treatment to this because we've all arrived at these conditions through different circumstances.

I think the most important thing is to figure out what caused your hormones to be out of balance in the first place. And then begin treatment.

I've been hypopituitary all my life. I've been on TRT for more than ten years. Last August, after a visit with Mariano, I started treating my adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism.

I'm sure I've always had issues with this, but it has gotten much worse in recent years. However, my hypopituitarism has been with me all my life, so it really doesn't make sense to just treat my thyroid expecting everything else to just fall into place.

Besides, it can take up to a year to recover from adrenal fatigue. If you have low T, do you really want to spend another year waiting to see if your T levels increase when there is no guarantee it will even happen?
Re: Success of Dr. Mariano's Protocol on Hypothyroidism and Adrenal fatigue to incres

I have low test, thyroid, and adrenals.

I'm starting with adrenal treatment, then I will add in thyroid. I will then evaluate testosterone levels to see if they go up at all, and if not, I will add TRT. TRT is something I'm looking to avoid if possible, but I'll go back on it if I have to.

Currently I'm up to 4 isocorts a day. I'll get up to 8 then switch to HC to see how it feels. Then I'll add in Armor at 1/4 grain per week whilst staying on HC.

I have a pituitary problem also.
Re: Success of Dr. Mariano's Protocol on Hypothyroidism and Adrenal fatigue to incres

We should start a club for Pituitary Problems I am also Hypopituitary but it took many yrs. to figure this out like 23. Now I treat everything and still was not doing so hot. Then I tested my Ferritin levels they came back below normal and my dam Dr. told me 3 yrs ago men don't need this tested and when my labs came back below normal he still missed it. I have been on Iron pills and feel like a new man now.

Chris has a forum for us you all need to go and read it.
Real Thyroid Help Forums :: View Forum - Hypopituitary
Re: Success of Dr. Mariano's Protocol on Hypothyroidism and Adrenal fatigue to incres

Thanks Eeso, pmgamer18. We all seem to be sailing in the same boat.

Eeso: How do you feel on isocort? Do you feel better? This is Over the counter medication. Right?
Re: Success of Dr. Mariano's Protocol on Hypothyroidism and Adrenal fatigue to incres


I think Dr. Mariano's approach to FIRST look at treating thyroid/adrenals is a sound one. If this turns out to be the reason for your low testosterone levels, and you feel better in a month or two (e.g., better libido, boners, etc), after having been on thyroid/adrenal meds, then wouldn't it be great if you did not have to supplement with testosterone? However, if the improvement in thyroid/adrenal function doesn't have an effect on your T levels, libido, etc., you'd most likely have to look into T supplementation (including HCG).

Re: Success of Dr. Mariano's Protocol on Hypothyroidism and Adrenal fatigue to incres

Thanks Eeso, pmgamer18. We all seem to be sailing in the same boat.

Eeso: How do you feel on isocort? Do you feel better? This is Over the counter medication. Right?

here's my story:

I went on Armor but when I got to 2 grains I felt very bad. I dropped back down to 1.5 grains and still felt awful so I stopped taking it. At this time I had a reverse T3 blood test taken.

I told my doctor I thought it was because of low adrenal functioning and thyroid buildup in the blood and I wanted to take HC before going back on Armor. He laughed at me and brushed me off - he basically spoke to me like an idiot. He said it was definitely Reverse T3. He was so damn sure of it he wouldn't listen to anything else. So he prescribed me slow release T3 meds and told me to go on them.

I sent him an email asking if I should do the Wilsons reverse T3 protocol. He sent a long email back saying, quote, "I know everything ever written about the thyroid" and told me to go elsewhere if I didn't want his help.

At this time I took 1 isocort pellet and it nearly blew my head off. This was because of all the buildup of thyroid hormone in my blood.

I decided to wait until I received the Reverse T3 results which took 6 weeks before doing anything. And guess what - my Reverse T3 was PERFECTLY NORMAL, as I suspected they would be.

So I have now started on Isocort and no such bad effects because the thyroid hormone has now cleared from my system. I'm building up to 8 pellets a day then I'll switch to HC. Then I'll go back on Armor.

Needless to say I haven't bothered going back to that doctor again.

So my plan is:

Work up to 20mg cortisol support
Add in Armor increasing at 1/4 grain per week
When I optimize thyroid, do blood tests for testosterone etc...
If testosterone hasn't gone up, add it in, if it has, then I won't add it.
Then I'll taper off the Adrenal support.

This plan will take quite some time of course.
Re: Success of Dr. Mariano's Protocol on Hypothyroidism and Adrenal fatigue to incres

Oh and to answer your question, I feel fine on Isocort. No massive changes, but I seem to be sleeping better and I think it's improved my thyroid absorption because I dont get as cold in bed. No massive improvements, but noticeable. I felt great on Armor though so i'm looking forward to starting that again
Re: Success of Dr. Mariano's Protocol on Hypothyroidism and Adrenal fatigue to incres

Thanks Eeso for your response. I have purchased Isocort today and took 1 tablet this evening.
I will take 2 tablets tomorrow and increase to three and four progessively and see how it goes
Re: Success of Dr. Mariano's Protocol on Hypothyroidism and Adrenal fatigue to incres

here's my story:

I went on Armor but when I got to 2 grains I felt very bad. I dropped back down to 1.5 grains and still felt awful so I stopped taking it. At this time I had a reverse T3 blood test taken.

I told my doctor I thought it was because of low adrenal functioning and thyroid buildup in the blood and I wanted to take HC before going back on Armor. He laughed at me and brushed me off - he basically spoke to me like an idiot. He said it was definitely Reverse T3. He was so damn sure of it he wouldn't listen to anything else. So he prescribed me slow release T3 meds and told me to go on them.

I sent him an email asking if I should do the Wilsons reverse T3 protocol. He sent a long email back saying, quote, "I know everything ever written about the thyroid" and told me to go elsewhere if I didn't want his help.

At this time I took 1 isocort pellet and it nearly blew my head off. This was because of all the buildup of thyroid hormone in my blood.

I decided to wait until I received the Reverse T3 results which took 6 weeks before doing anything. And guess what - my Reverse T3 was PERFECTLY NORMAL, as I suspected they would be.

So I have now started on Isocort and no such bad effects because the thyroid hormone has now cleared from my system. I'm building up to 8 pellets a day then I'll switch to HC. Then I'll go back on Armor.

Needless to say I haven't bothered going back to that doctor again.

So my plan is:

Work up to 20mg cortisol support
Add in Armor increasing at 1/4 grain per week
When I optimize thyroid, do blood tests for testosterone etc...
If testosterone hasn't gone up, add it in, if it has, then I won't add it.
Then I'll taper off the Adrenal support.

This plan will take quite some time of course.

I wouldn't go so far as to say that ALL M.D.s have a massive ego, but many do fit this picture. The above brush off you described above is all too common.

At times I'd just feel like wrapping my hands round their delicate neck in the Omer Simpson to Bart way ;) but In the end I end up using my brains rather than my hands obviously.

One thing is for sure, I'm VERY BIG on where I get my health related info, as I want to walk into my pcp's office with solid evidence in hand that she won't look at in contempt.

Don't know what else to add but that it can get very annoying in the long run to see docs turn up their nose at what we present them, most especially when it's got scientific basis.
Re: Success of Dr. Mariano's Protocol on Hypothyroidism and Adrenal fatigue to incres

Seth, I can tell you Dr. Mariano does not always treat Thyroid/Adrenal first. There are some cases like mine that he shoots several bullets at once and not worrying about sequence. The only thing he told me he is basically inflexible on is growth hormone therapy is last.
Re: Success of Dr. Mariano's Protocol on Hypothyroidism and Adrenal fatigue to incres

I was initially on Nolvadex at 20mg ED when I saw Dr Mariano. Symptoms were primarily low energy and difficulty in concentrating.

I got tested (this is from memory, but the numbers were something like this):

Total T: 370 (241-827)
Free T3: Bottom of the range
Free T4: Middle of the range
Saliva cortisol: Low at all times (7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm)

After 2 months on Medrol and slowly working my way up to 3 grains/day of Armour Thyroid, the numbers came back like this:

Total T: 585 (241-827)
Free T3: Top of the range
Free T4: Top of the range
Saliva cortisol: Not re-tested since Medrol/HC will skew the results

I was still on Nolvadex at 20mg ED. As you can see, the adrenal/thyroid stuff substantially improved the result I got from it. I probably should have tried to go off TRT at that point, but I went back on Test + HCG (which didn't work for me after 3 months) and then back to Nolvadex.

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