Hi all.
I just recently saw Dr. Mariano. I have hypothyroid, adrenal fatigue and hypogonadism. My T is around 365, and I am low free T (tho Dr. M does not attach importance to free T). My LH and FSH are relatively low, suggestive of hypopituitarism. I also have a varicoele.
Dr. M decided to start with the thyroid and adrenals. He placed me on Armour. Because I already take Flonase and Advair, he did not prescribe any form of cortisone; he said I was getting enough. He said he wanted to see if this could bring the T back to respectable levels. He also opined that I may not be hypopituitary (as my numbers are in the normal range, but for the low T), and that low thyroid could be the culprit.
I've been on 2 grains of Armour for 1 week. I don't know whether the T has moved up, but I can say one thing, boy am I getting wood -- the supercharged kind, that I only though I could get by taking Cialis. I suspect I could hold up a gallon of paint on this sucker! I'm also waking in the middle of the night and the morning with wood, for the first time in as long as I can remember. And I am much more sexually responsive, and sex (the whole act, rather than just the touchdown) is a real joy again! Sorry for the details, but I thought they would help explain matters better.
So, there's some anecdotal evidence for you, for what it's worth. The only negative is that I am getting headaches, but I assume I am just adjusting to the Armour, as this happened with T4 too.
Incidentally, I would imagine part of this attributable to warmer basal temperature, which has caused my nuts to hang nice and low again, which may be serving to increase T. Just a thought.