Suck it, SHBG (feedback needed)

Test boosters that contain ai's like arimistane also effectively lower shbg. But do also try hcg.


How about that HCGenerate?

N2Guard is good stuff too?

Go back to Evo bro. Nobody believes in that shit here.

Would you care to explain to us how arimistane has been shown to “effectively lower shbg”? I gotta see this.

Arimistane is bullshit and the only reason I’m coming down hard on you is that I don’t want newbs reading your post and fucking themselves up. Stop it.

2 days ago, I added 20mg/day of var. And have also added 200mg/wk of primo to my protocol (both DHTs).

The idea behind it is for the low dose of var to quickly lower the SHBG and discontinue the var after 6 weeks and then just cruise on the low dose of primo (along with my TRT) if I have to. If it does work - it will confirm that my ED issues and the SHBG levels are linked. If it does not work - it means I got other problems...

Either way, I will re-test labs in about 4-6 weeks.

I can tell there is some slight improvement already but will give it at least 10-15 days before I start to draw any conclusions...

How about that HCGenerate?

N2Guard is good stuff too?

Go back to Evo bro. Nobody believes in that shit here.

Would you care to explain to us how arimistane has been shown to “effectively lower shbg”? I gotta see this.

Arimistane is bullshit and the only reason I’m coming down hard on you is that I don’t want newbs reading your post and fucking themselves up. Stop it.

You're funny. But your barking out your ass. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about and you cant substitute content with rhetorics.

Arimistane lowers shbg, period. I did bloods prior and after. Shbg was down, e2 was down 7 points and free t was above lab range. It's all fairly insignificant compared to aas, but it does what it's advertised to do.

I wont comment on the dick topic. Do a bit of research. Flacid dick size is largely influenced by androgens. There are lots of threads about it. The one that lead me to this topic is actually here on meso. If you havent heard of it, it doesn't mean its not true. You can probably find some proper research on it to.
You're funny. But your barking out your ass. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about and you cant substitute content with rhetorics.

Arimistane lowers shbg, period. I did bloods prior and after. Shbg was down, e2 was down 7 points and free t was above lab range. It's all fairly insignificant compared to aas, but it does what it's advertised to do.

I wont comment on the dick topic. Do a bit of research. Flacid dick size is largely influenced by androgens. There are lots of threads about it. The one that lead me to this topic is actually here on meso. If you havent heard of it, it doesn't mean its not true. You can probably find some proper research on it to.

I think you got it backwards here bro. You’re the one that is barking out of his ass and choosing rhetoric over content. You can’t spit a “suggestion” like look at your flaccid rubbery dick wrinkles or whatever it was to determine DHT/E2 ration without backing it up with something.

Now it’s flaccid dick size is controlled by androgens? That’s fucking hysterical. You’re changing your original comment already.

Oh and Arimistane lowered your estrogen a solid 7 points? Wow. Significant.

I’m sorry that every once in a while someone posts stuff so profoundly stupid and I gotta call you out. Post a study otherwise you’re the one doing the rhetorics.
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You're funny. But your barking out your ass. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about and you cant substitute content with rhetorics.

Arimistane lowers shbg, period. I did bloods prior and after. Shbg was down, e2 was down 7 points and free t was above lab range. It's all fairly insignificant compared to aas, but it does what it's advertised to do.

I wont comment on the dick topic. Do a bit of research. Flacid dick size is largely influenced by androgens. There are lots of threads about it. The one that lead me to this topic is actually here on meso. If you havent heard of it, it doesn't mean its not true. You can probably find some proper research on it to.

After working out, I realized I don’t want to argue with you. I think we all fell down this rabbit hole. Everyone is trying to be helpful but we’re on the wrong path.

Let’s hit the reset button though. Go all the way back to the start. OP needs to go see his doctor. Throwing MORE drugs at the problem based on amateur research is not the solution. @WatchWho I get that you’re experimenting trying to find the solution but it’s clearly frustrating. Get medical advice. It may be a simple fix.
You can try running the proviron a little higher. A lot of guys run it at 100 mg/day.

Proviron binds to the SHBG which in turn allows more free test. It would still show up as higher SHBG but it’s not grabbing testosterone. It’s got more to do with that than the androgen benefit.

How are you pinning your 210 mg/week of TestCyp daily though? That’s just barely over a tick. That’s crazy.

Out of curiosity, why proviron over Primo? Primo lowers SHBG without that first pass through the liver.
Out of curiosity, why proviron over Primo? Primo lowers SHBG without that first pass through the liver.

Proviron isn’t methylated. It’s not hepatoxic.

But again, OP should talk to his doctor.

Even if his SHBG is high, I can’t believe it’s grabbing all his free test to the point that it’s the cause of his ED. There’s no reason to be running drugs long-term.
Proviron isn’t methylated. It’s not hepatoxic.

But again, OP should talk to his doctor.

Even if his SHBG is high, I can’t believe it’s grabbing all his free test to the point that it’s the cause of his ED. There’s no reason to be running drugs long-term.


Definitely agree about seeing a doctor.

Although proviron is safe on the liver, I was under the impression that mg for mg primo was a better option.
You are all correct. I did consult with my doc and all they offered was more cialis and a referral to a specialist. I am waiting (since May) for an opening with a specialist. My issue is not considered priority (thanks COVID), so in the meantime - I am trying to solve it myself.
Proviron isn’t methylated. It’s not hepatoxic.

But again, OP should talk to his doctor.

Even if his SHBG is high, I can’t believe it’s grabbing all his free test to the point that it’s the cause of his ED. There’s no reason to be running drugs long-term.

The problem with endo's here is, that they certainly wont even bother looking at you, with such "life style" type of problems. And even if they do, you wont get much out of it. But that's europe, usa is different as you have trt clnics and all ... Anyway, apart from sending the OP to the doctor, discussing this further:

Shbg can grab up a lot of free test (speaking natty levels here). And if you couple that with low 5a activity or enzyme count, you can end up with really low dht numbers. Been there my self b4 I started playing with my hormones; high TT, high-ish shbg, low-ish free T, low-ish DHT. I actually did bloods for DHT. That's why I often speak about "optimizing" your hormone levels (lowering shbg, upping LH, etc.) now and there, to people that don't cycle or use aas. As most that don't probably, have sub optimal levels - that could be better. And this is not rocket science; a bit of clomid and something to lower shbg and e2 time to time.

Test boosters work just great for this. And regarding lowering shbg it's mostly DHAA or arimistane that are the most potent inhibitors, I think. Haven't looked at them for some time now. But I remember using one that had DHAA in it, tongkat, etc. I felt great, almost like I was on a mild cycle, and my free-t went above range: 30 pg/ml (7 - 22.7).
This is the time I had free lab's as I had a deal with a local lab, so I did a bunch of bloods I wouldn't have otherwise - arimistane and test boosters being among them ke-ke.
Since adding the 210mg/weekly of Primo and 20mg daily of anavar - 4 days ago...

I was awakened by my 1st full on morning wood in months!

I don't wanna assume that this solves everything and the case is now closed forever. But this is progress!!!
Since adding the 210mg/weekly of Primo and 20mg daily of anavar - 4 days ago...

I was awakened by my 1st full on morning wood in months!

I don't wanna assume that this solves everything and the case is now closed forever. But this is progress!!!

Great to hear that. But as you are dosing 350mg's of DHT's a week, now you can't how much the lowering of shbg helps in contrast to the androgenic effect of aas itself.

Once you get off cycle, it will again take some time for your hormones to stabilise and receptors resensetise. Meaning; you will experienece a lowering of libido. Just for shbg's sake, 10mg's of var would have sufficed. Might have taken a week or two more to notice the effect though.
Great to hear that. But as you are dosing 350mg's of DHT's a week, now you can't how much the lowering of shbg helps in contrast to the androgenic effect of aas itself.

Once you get off cycle, it will again take some time for your hormones to stabilise and receptors resensetise. Meaning; you will experienece a lowering of libido. Just for shbg's sake, 10mg's of var would have sufficed. Might have taken a week or two more to notice the effect though.

I won't necessarily be coming "off cycle" - since this is ongoing for me.

Afterall, high SHBG was already present in my ongoing TRT already. So, I am pretty sure the test alone was not working to lower SHBG.

It will likely be the case that a form of DHT (in low dose) will become part of my ongoing TRT/cruise protocol. I will discontinue the var after 4-6 weeks and stay on low dose primo for a bit and re-test labs. I don't mind having primo in my ongoing protocol. I always feel good on Test/Primo. I am just not used to running primo at low doses. My previous primo runs have been more in the 400-800 range vs the current 210mg dose...

Alternatively, I may eventually find a good working dose of proviron and be able to cycle between proviron/primo/mast...

This will likely be an ongoing "experiment."
I realize that, but there is a difference between being on trt, actual trt test number or on a high "trt" 200 - 250mg combined with a dht like primo, which is not trt anymore but is a cycle ... And that is not really healthy long term heh
I realize that, but there is a difference between being on trt, actual trt test number or on a high "trt" 200 - 250mg combined with a dht like primo, which is not trt anymore but is a cycle ... And that is not really healthy long term heh

Totally get it. As I mentioned, I brought test back down to 175 - which is in normal range for me. And, I keep seeing advice for high SHBG being - more test - and let the overflow fill up the free T. I am opting to currently keep test in ref range and suppress SHBG with DHTs. But there may be more options I am not aware of.

I mean... It is really easy to second guess every possible scenario to overcome a challenge. And seeing I am not going to be able to see a specialist anytime in the near future, I am managing this myself. I am certainly open to solutions.
Got any suggestions? What would you do if you had this issue?
Just for shbg? If I was on trt and randomly adding aas wouldn't off ballance me, then yeah, var at 20mg for a week or two would be enough. Or even maybe winny for a week or two. You definetly don't need to be on primo and var for months on end. Shbg drops of quickly.

And this is just my experience, don't have any scientific data to back it up, the body imo gets used to high androgen amounts. The dopamine system, serotonin system, etc. are proven to be effected a lot by androgens, but I presume the dick also gets somewhat used to high androgens and maybe some down regulation occurs when you are on cycle. Thats probably why you usually have high libido at the begining of the cycle and then it drops off. What Im getting at is that when you get off cycle, body needs time to readjust to smaller androgen levels and in the meantime your libido will be low. The dopamine and SERT system also need to readjust. This is why I think it's smarter not to cycle just for libido's sake. Libido should be in good shape also when you are off cycle.


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