Summer cycle

Front squats
60-90 second breaks
135 x 15
185 x 12
205 x 10
225 x 8
205 x 10
185 x 10

Leg press (30-45 second breaks)
630 x 12
630 x 12
630 x 12
630 x 12
630 x 10
630 x 10
630 x 9

DB straight leg DL
80s x 12
80s x 12
80s x 12
80s x 12
80s x 10

Leg extensions
110 for 7sets of 12
30 second breaks

Leg curls
90 for 7 sets of 12
30 second breaks

25 mins cardio
Chest night got a little out of control. Went in thinking I was going to do my normal routine and idk what happened.

Incline DB
80s x 15
90s x 12
100s x 10
110s x 8
120s x 6

Incline BB
185 x 12
185 x 12
185 x 12

Flat BB
225 x 12
225 x 12
225 x 12
275 x 3 first one was a pause the touch and go
295 x 2 same as above
315 x 1 pause
225 x 10
185 x 11 all pauses

Super set decline/incline DB seated cable fly
135 x 15 / 30s x 10
185 x 10 / 25s x 12
185 x 10 / 20s x 15
155 x 11 / 20s x 15

Not to bad for being after my post workout shake and pop tart

Looking great ROB, makes me think about cruising instead of coming off...hmmmmm!!!

I'm trying pretty damn hard. It fine line to maintain weight and drop BF. It's such a slow process. I was still 201 today and that pic was with a nice protein and pop tart bloat. I still got 8-10 weeks to get it perfect
Looking good Rob. Keep up the hard work

I appreciate it. I can tell my metabolism is slowing a bit. I'll be turning 30 soon. A couple years ago I wouldn't have had to watch my diet so close. But I've also never been this heavy. So being able to maintain the weight and keep a decently low BF feels pretty good.
Fuck yea! I'm a competitor at heart. I won't stop until I hit 10,000cals or my heart explodes, whichever comes first :)

We'll have POB be the judge
You have to put the fitbit around your balls.
@Docd187123 dude I have one. That's a good idea. Wanna compete to see who was the best total ;)

I'm going to borrow a fitbit from someone and track the cals burned while fucking lol. It's for science!
You're my new spokesman for "Poptart Nutrition" lol.
I have been doing peri workout twinkies... I find them superior to the pop tart as they are easier to ingest without fluids.
I'm trying pretty damn hard. It fine line to maintain weight and drop BF. It's such a slow process. I was still 201 today and that pic was with a nice protein and pop tart bloat. I still got 8-10 weeks to get it perfect
Back night. I was feeling strong today for some reason. I had zero motivation going into the gym tonight. As soon as I hit my first set things started clicking.

Lat pulldowns
120 x 18
140 x 15
160 x 12
180 x 10
180 x 9

Wide grip cable row
140 x 14
160 x 12
180 x 10
180 x 10

Parallel close grip pull downs
180 x 8
160 x 10
160 x 9
140 x 12

Hammer strength low to high row
Single arm weight per side
135 x 10
135 x 10
135 x 10
135 x 10

Bent over BB row
135 x 15
135 x 15
135 x 15
135 x 15

135 x 15 with 10 shrugs at end
225 x 10 with 6 shrugs at end
315 x 10
405 x 6
495 x 2
545 x 1

Incline pull machine
130 x failure
130 x failure