Supplements that help withdrawal symptoms of drugs or steroids(I mean pct,health issues estrogen any kind of health problem steroid iduces

hell yeah brother clean and sober is the way to be. Im in recovery myself, pms always open if you want to talk about shit. I know the demons and I fight them everyday.
Good lookin out mane I was gonna say the same thing to the guy n in general it’s good to know that this board is actually very chill n accepting when it comes to srs shit like that (n in general).

It’s ridiculous how em lil Reddit kids will write stuff bitchin bout this forum being all assholes n ‘aggressive roiders’ but they only complain cos they probably asked for a src got told to fk off n wait n train n eat properly so they retardedly take that actual real help as negativity, when in reality if you aren’t a raging dickhead it’s probably one of the chillest forums I’ve been on regardless of topic ahah
Bro don’t think that way man for real you can do it, like you might have noticed there are a good amount of us here who struggled with this kinda shit in the past n now we are doing well (or at least I’d hope so), don’t be starting n stopping AAS though as that will make you feel worse so if you’re on just stay on n if you’re off just stay off until you get yo shit straight, but don’t be taking it like a rec drug cos it doesn’t work that way n will make u feel worse if u don’t keep your levels steady.

Btw what country are you from? Cos the name seems like you could be Italian
Thank you bro,it is really important to hear personal stories that have turned good,they give me hope that it can be done and it feels good that we can support each other instead of all the fighting in so mä y posts.I am half Greek half Finnish,where are you from?
Yeah Meso's community is pretty awesome. I like this board way more than other boards I've checked out. SST doesn't have any actual discussions, and the people on PM are pricks, although there is some good knowledge there.

This is my favorite board by far though
Agree wholeheartedly. I think it's important to be able to relate and try to guide others who might be going through something
Exactly, that’s something which gets often overlooked (unless in like a clinical or AA type of setting, n even then it really depends as many get too caught up in other shit like the medications or types of therapy) but it’s actually one of the few things that pretty much anyone can quickly benefit n learn from, even those who aren’t willing to stop yet, be it just a convo or learning from others’ experiences it’s always good to know one ain’t alone n that stuff gets better.
Good lookin out mane I was gonna say the same thing to the guy n in general it’s good to know that this board is actually very chill n accepting when it comes to srs shit like that (n in general).

It’s ridiculous how em lil Reddit kids will write stuff bitchin bout this forum being all assholes n ‘aggressive roiders’ but they only complain cos they probably asked for a src got told to fk off n wait n train n eat properly so they retardedly take that actual real help as negativity, when in reality if you aren’t a raging dickhead it’s probably one of the chillest forums I’ve been on regardless of topic ahah
Yeah dude this forum is awsome. Great group of guys who actually want to help people who are just getting into gear or are wanting to use gear. Or anyone who is looking for answers there is a bunch of really smart gym bros on here. Ive been on a lot of forums and I stopped for a long time because of all the bullshit and I joined here and have really liked interacting with the community here. And its great because there is a source section that is so good and tons and tons of reviews so this place kicks ass.
Former junkie checking in. Baclofen was the best thing that ever happened to me. It's a skeletal muscle relaxant and has no effect on your mental state. Think of it like tylenol but helps serious pains without making you high. My opiate and alcohol withdrawals were so bad, and I didn't want to take suboxone because it's even more addictive. Drugs like that were intended to get you sober in a few weeks while you ween off, but here in America there are doctors who will keep you on replacement opioids for years. I know a guy who took suboxone for 7 years under his doctor and they wanted him to keep taking it.

Ropinirole (Requip) also saved my life. I used to get restless leg syndrome and extreme nerve pain. It felt like my muscles were being slowly ripped off my bones every time I laid down. Opiates really fuck up your nervous system man. It only happens a couple times a year where my nerves in my legs start firing off but I can survive it now.

A guy I met at rehab is actually the one who introduced me to weightlifting and steroids. I'm grateful I met him because it changed my life. Salute to all the guys who have been through it- stay strong brothers.
I don't use anymore recreational drugs with Says,I am clean I just smoke weed sometimes because I can't sleep sometimes.The pill I took is not narcotic and it is from a doctor.I just explained how some drugs can be used and how I have used them but wrong timing,I was too sleepy but I am clean from narcotics.I don't have withdrawal and I have the knowledge and everything else to stop it.Anyway my mistake sorry picked wrong time just wanted to share and give advice not professional of, I am not a doctor but everything good,I am clean just sleepy but no drugs anymore.Sorry my English are not that good and the sleepy situation makes it worse

sounds like a clear case of ambien walrus to me


The only withrawal from steroids is psychological. You will not be the same when you come off. Are you the same person? Yes, but everyone around you especially dudes will comment that you lost weight. Sucks, but it is what it is.
Yeah dude this forum is awsome. Great group of guys who actually want to help people who are just getting into gear or are wanting to use gear. Or anyone who is looking for answers there is a bunch of really smart gym bros on here. Ive been on a lot of forums and I stopped for a long time because of all the bullshit and I joined here and have really liked interacting with the community here. And its great because there is a source section that is so good and tons and tons of reviews so this place kicks ass.
Yeah brotha I couldn’t agree more, I think we need to start gatekeeping this place tho cos I’d be pissed if it turned into evo or Reddit (tbh evo is even worse than Reddit from what I’ve read on there it’s like bots talkin to each other). N yeah I originally came here to source n to get some info but I stayed after I noticed all the dope convos n that for once there’s still a forum that ain’t been tainted