Sustanon 250/China dist/raw/gear


New Member
39 165 250mg sis 250 WKLY. pharma q labs
Sourced from local gear groupie for 2 years.
Been researching for months and found that China/powder/ready 10ml vials are to be had as I have a email waiting but I've never done that..
Pictures of current bottles attached.
I have had no reason before now to search for my own online supplier.
Is there a truck to be able to ACTUALLY purchase from the vendors and get more than an image...I have emailed called emailed again.. The ONLY person reading and responding to anything is CHINA..I know I am about to lose $120.00
On 5 x10ml ready solution visits of test cyp.200....
I'm aware that it is definitely hot or miss and when you find a "good one" stick with it.
Well I haven't and I cannot seem to be able to purchase ANYWHERE.. Obviously..I need the back door code..

The exact bottle16816717693598421234150286351385.jpg of my sustanon is on pharm website but that's all it is..a image..
Opinions .. Add I already know I'm going to have to find out for myself most certainly.. Maybe 1681671725455689184786156418289.jpg
Intro isnt a great place for this. But if you want to be noticed go to general or something in the underground.
Also there are a ton of reps here that can get you what you want 120 bucks is chicken feed. Most of us have done a couple grand by the time we find a good rep.
Good luck. I think your intro may be edited by meso so dont hang round it waiting. Get to the appropriate area. Start again.
Good luck.