Sustanon 250 withdrawal help

Amanda Ellis

New Member
Hi everyone! I'm Amanda and my boyfriend just did a one month cycle of Sustanon 250 ( a shot on 5/28, 6/11,6/28) with andriol testa caps daily. He artificially lowered his test then had his doctor prescribe him the above. Things were great while he was on it- he was euphoric, had strength gains, and felt good. He tapered off with the andriol after the last injection and has been on no PCT at all. The doctor will give him the next shot/ testa caps for next cycle in October.

He's been cold turkey off the test since July. I'm assuming not as many symptoms then because of the half life of the pills/ Sustanon. Since the beginning of August, he's been moody, severely depressed, fuzzy brained, low sex drive and it's effecting both him and our relationship- lots. Because of the long break between cycles ( 3 months) and the fact that he tricked his doc, I'm not sure what PCT he should be on, or what he even has access to in terms of drugs.

My question is this: if he stays cold turkey, how long will the withdrawal last? He's 34, about 200 lbs and 6 feet tall. Because of the long time between cycles, what kind of PCT should he be on ( if any)? Is there any natural ways of reducing symptoms? Thank you in advance everyone, I'm at my wits end and have no clue where to begin in terms of helping him!
A typical PCT is to use hCH and Clomid on the following schedule starting one week after his last shot of Sustanon or just a few days after his Andriol ends.

wk1-3 hCG 1000 every third day (ETD)
wk 3-6 Clomid 50 mg/d

Then he stays off for another 2-3 months. In that time he may still feel a little off. His androgens will drop some after PCT and then they should come back within ~ a month or so. There is a lot of variation from one guy to the next how coming off and how PCT effects him. At some level this is part of the game. If he chose to continue use of hormones he will have these side effects. If he chooses to go completely off indefinitely he may require 6 months or more to really return his hormone axis to normal. Personally I don't have severe withdrawal symptoms. But I do have symptoms like mood changes, loss of aggressiveness (not always a bad thing), loss of size and strength, loss of sex drive. All of these are manageable for am and a lot of guys. It is important to come off the androgens periodically to restore and recover the body. On indefinitely eventually will cause problems like high red cell amounts, high BP and eventually organ stress. So if he wants to play the game has should come off periodically for months. alternatively, he can simply replace his androgens such as 100-150 mg/w of Testosterone injections or whatever places his levels in normal range. But that is a commitment and eventually he may have to come off if his health markers go out of range.
how odd...Amanda, are you really the boyfriend? I think you are...and you're probably just ashamed that you didn't go into this cycle prepared. So, instead of eating crow, you created a fake account and had your "girlfriend" pose the question rather than taking a little heat.
and if he truly takes 3 months between cycles why even pct? why not simply cruise to the next cycle? Why restart your body's natural rhythms only to hit it again with a blast just as it is going back to normal?
To OP:
1st thing that I would do is get a Full Blood Workup.
Full Hormone Panel and find out where you are.
Then you can precede with a PCT if warranted..................... JP
Or you could just get some Test Cyp and Cruise till next Doctors Visit.
If you're TRT, what the Hell are you Worried about PCT.

Post Edit:
Next time you get your Prescription, don't do it all up at once.
Do it like the Doc Prescribes.