switching AI's if you "stay on"


Ok so for those of us that don't really pct and like to just switch compounds cycle to cycle, do u also switch up AI'S? Such as switching from aromasin to adex for example.....
I am on TRT and plan to blast and cruise. I am wondering the same thing. I would think it can.t be good for me to stay on adex for years and years on end.
Why do you believe "switching" from one Ai to another would matter providing your E-2 levels are being monitored on a regular basis?

I think the more important question is DO YOU REALLY NEED an AI while "cruising" on supplemental doses of AAS, since the primary objective of the latter should be to MAINTAIN those LBM gains that occurred bc of cycling, IMO.
Why do you believe "switching" from one Ai to another would matter providing your E-2 levels are being monitored on a regular basis?

I think the more important question is DO YOU REALLY NEED an AI while "cruising" on supplemental doses of AAS, since the primary objective of the latter should be to MAINTAIN those LBM gains that occurred bc of cycling, IMO.

I can not speak for CAswole but I unfortunately need an AI while on 100 mg Test Cyp / week.

My HRT need is not due to HPTA damage from previous AAS usage (thus I was not even aware of AIs when I first started). Instead, I suffer from low pituitary hormones (LH and FSH) must likely as a result of my work as a research chemist and the associated long term exposure to solvents such as carbon tetrachloride and chloroform etc. My physician found my testosterone was low when I complained of fatigue and other symptoms during a routine yearly physical (she ordered a free testosterone bloodwork with my usual CBC and lipid profile).

I had originally started TRT without any other compounds and things were going well for the first few weeks. Then I started feeling a little soreness in the nipple area but thought nothing of it. After a couple months I felt a very hard lump developing and by then I had learned much more so I asked for an E2 test at my next visit. The results showed while my testosterone was only in the 600s my E2 was in the 70s. It was a real pain and struggle to get things in order but at 0.25mg arimidex EOD things are good.

However, while my testosterone and E2 are now dialed in nicely, my concern is the other effect long term arimidex usage may have upon my overall health. During my reading I found many cancer patients do not even want to opt to use it because of fears of it causing its own problems. Even for the cancer patients I believe usage is supposed to be for a duration of up to 5 five years.
Will I now be on this for the rest of my life?
I am concerned about such an outlook.
Sorry I find it very difficult to believe TRT at 100mg/wk necessitates the use of an AI.

But I'll reiterate, E-2 levels must be checked periodically to ensure the KNOWN adverse effects from AI use, bc of hypoestrogenemia are identified and the dose titrated accordingly.

But let's not misconstrue the differences here. The OP is clearly questioning whether AIs should be changed for those who are CRUISING which is entirely different from TRT, which only rarely requires TT doses that exceed 200mg/ week.

Finally for what it's worth, existing data clearly indicates that AI which has the LOWEST side effect profile is ADEX.
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I can not speak for CAswole but I unfortunately need an AI while on 100 mg Test Cyp / week.

My HRT need is not due to HPTA damage from previous AAS usage (thus I was not even aware of AIs when I first started). Instead, I suffer from low pituitary hormones (LH and FSH) must likely as a result of my work as a research chemist and the associated long term exposure to solvents such as carbon tetrachloride and chloroform etc. My physician found my testosterone was low when I complained of fatigue and other symptoms during a routine yearly physical (she ordered a free testosterone bloodwork with my usual CBC and lipid profile).

I had originally started TRT without any other compounds and things were going well for the first few weeks. Then I started feeling a little soreness in the nipple area but thought nothing of it. After a couple months I felt a very hard lump developing and by then I had learned much more so I asked for an E2 test at my next visit. The results showed while my testosterone was only in the 600s my E2 was in the 70s. It was a real pain and struggle to get things in order but at 0.25mg arimidex EOD things are good.

However, while my testosterone and E2 are now dialed in nicely, my concern is the other effect long term arimidex usage may have upon my overall health. During my reading I found many cancer patients do not even want to opt to use it because of fears of it causing its own problems. Even for the cancer patients I believe usage is supposed to be for a duration of up to 5 five years.
Will I now be on this for the rest of my life?
I am concerned about such an outlook.
You might want to look into other testosterone delivery systems. Gels tend to convert to different DHT/Estrogens ratios than injected esters. For some the DHT is higher and E lower. It may make a difference. It could mean the difference between using an AI or not. So if you cycle you could reduce the need for an AI to on cycle periods and on cycle stick with non-aromatizing compounds like Primo, Masteron, Turinabol, Anavar or Winstrol.
So to simplify things, as long as your routinely monitoring your e2 levels, switching AI's doesn't matter?
I thought aromasin had the safest profile instead of adex. Can you explain @Dr JIM

that is also what I thought based on reading various opinions (I admit it was other peoples' interpretations and opinions not my own first hand reading of any journal papers). looking forward to a response
that is also what I thought based on reading various opinions (I admit it was other peoples' interpretations and opinions not my own first hand reading of any journal papers). looking forward to a response

Allow me to digress bc many of the earlier studies showed a benefit of Anastrazole over Letro and Aromasin with regard to lipids and MS adverse effects.
However as is often the case with pharmacological studies subtle differences in the design, patient population or dosage used can have a remarkable impact of "outcome". rather than the drug itself.

To that end unlike PMP females, bc BB, I hope, are not trying to reach a nadir of zero there are few advantages or disadvantages of using one AI compared to another and that certainly applies to Aromasin!

It's not surprising many PED forum tout the benefits of Aromasin over the other two AIs bc it "works by a different mechanism" and is preferred by Oncologists, Endos, and by "many societies" such as the ACS, right, NOT, NOT and NOT!

But it's "new" Jim doesn't that mean something? Oh heck yea it does. It means the two forerunners Adex and Letro, have cornered the marketplace and that make Bip Pharma Aromasin sales much more difficult!

The bottom line, the ONLY real difference bt AIs is COST! And since ADEX is the only generic AI available it's the AI of choice for BB IMO.