Switching From PCT to Blast


New Member
Hey all. Currently about 6 weeks into pct (Nolva10mg ed+Clomid 25mg Ed). Last cycle I got scammed but was still a nice little boost (should have been 500 mg/wk but bloodwork showed 1366 ng/dl). Since it was such a low dose cycle at around 16 weeks I never really noticed a drop during the PCT and especially with the use of HCG for the last two weeks of cycle recovery is great. I have a competition in August that Id like to be sauced up for and was hoping to hop back on a Test Var cycle by the end of this month if possible. Obviously, this ignores the time-on-time-off rule. Ive had some people say this is a stupid ass idea and some people say since my cycle was so minimal last time it wouldn't be too bad to hop back on cycle right after my pct is over. Also planning on getting bloodwork done after week 7 or 8 of pct and cessation of the SERMS. Would love some feedback and totally willing to register for a later comp if necessary.
Right.... sounds like you just did your first cycle....
I was looking for a question mark but couldn't find any, what's your question anyway???
Right.... sounds like you just did your first cycle....
I was looking for a question mark but couldn't find any, what's your question anyway???
My bad. Question is would it be considered relatively safe to hop straight out of my pct into a new cycle considering the low dose of the last cycle or would it be a stupid decision. Thanks!
Time on should equal time off. That’s my opinion. What’s 16 weeks in terms of living a good and healthy life, ya know? I’m itching to blast 0.75g of test a week but I have another month to wait.

Please think long term.
Time on should equal time off. That’s my opinion. What’s 16 weeks in terms of living a good and healthy life, ya know? I’m itching to blast 0.75g of test a week but I have another month to wait.

Please think long term.
That's totally fair and smart advice. Guess I'll hold off till the later competition date. Thanks for the reply!
Your age and history of PED use are big factors.
Sound like you’re fairly young in life and chemicals.
I’d personally complete pct, get labs, then fire back up later on.
just my 2ccs....