Syringe calculation


New Member
Right now I've been pinning Mondays and Thursdays of 250mg of Test C and 125mg of Tren E. Easy to calculate on the syringe: 1.0ml of Test C and .5 of Tren E twice a week.

I wanted to change my pinning to Monday, Wednesday and Fridays.

So how would I divide 500mg of Test C and 250mg of Tren E into 3 days? What would that be on a 1ml syringe?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
What's mg per ml? See what it say on the vial.

Standard ones include:

Say you wanna use 250 per week, then so that's exactly 1ml (if it's 250mg/ml) you split that up to roughly 0.33ml mon/wed/fri (better to use insulin syringe for more precision).

If it's 200mg/ml then you wanna take 1.25ml and divide that in to three shots as above, it won't be even try and target 0.4ml x3.

Finally, if it's 100mg/ml then it's 1.5ml to get that 250mg/week. Easy as 1, 2, 3 you just take 0.5ml x3.