T U / Nebido 1st time brew


New Member
Hi Everyone, Alex from NYC here. I'm new here but not new to the brewing. Brewing for myself only. Recovering from 22 years long IBD, 22 years on corticosteroids... Looking for advice and share my experiences. Hope I'm in right place.

Working on 10g dry test undecanoate powder. The usual way I prepare is 20%bb, 1% ba, .89ml for every dry gram of dry powder, MCT oil and lab heater/beakers. Keeping to/below pharma concentration levels. Been good so far.

200mg/ml 50ml tare
10g dry TU (10,000 mg) - 8.9ml dispaced (49.1ml)
20%BB- 9.82ml
1%BA- 0.491ml
79%MCT- 38.789ml

Combine , heat all to 50C 10 min stired, push filter out impurities in empty tare.

Please advice if there's a better way to consider. Thanks all.
If you want do something like Nebido it needs castor oil and BB at 50%
The idea was to have a very long TRT ester serve at stable test level on 7 day inj schedule. (I happened to have 1/2kilo of Undecanoate on hand. Needed to put it to work.) According to plotter, the graph turned out acceptable. Nebido was the proposed outcome for reference only, it doesn't have to be %identical, but rather useful to serve desired purpose. Do you think this may be a possibility or am I dreaming a bad dream? Please advise.
The idea was to have a very long TRT ester serve at stable test level on 7 day inj schedule. (I happened to have 1/2kilo of Undecanoate on hand. Needed to put it to work.) According to plotter, the graph turned out acceptable. Nebido was the proposed outcome for reference only, it doesn't have to be %identical, but rather useful to serve desired purpose. Do you think this may be a possibility or am I dreaming a bad dream? Please advise.
HI, I am not sure. I think test undecanoate on a different oil to castor has still a very long half life. So I believe it should be more than fine for 1 per week.
But I haven't tried it though.
If I remember right, Nebido is Test U, castor oil, BB at 50% and no BA because it is used in one shot. But I would add 2% BA for the way we use it.

I made it by mistake in the past with 20% BB and it was thick as gearbox oil
If I remember right, Nebido is Test U, castor oil, BB at 50% and no BA because it is used in one shot. But I would add 2% BA for the way we use it.

I made it by mistake in the past with 20% BB and it was thick as gearbox oil
Have you considered using MCT oil instead? Cold Castor oil is very thick for common 23g needle.
Just looked at a bottle of TU i made back in 2007 250mg/ml using 20% BB and 2% BA. Think i was using cottonseed oil back then holding well.
Just looked at a bottle of TU i made back in 2007 250mg/ml using 20% BB and 2% BA. Think i was using cottonseed oil back then holding well.
According to this study it shouldn't.

Barely holds at 20% BB at 200mg/ml.

Just looked at a bottle of TU i made back in 2007 250mg/ml using 20% BB and 2% BA. Think i was using cottonseed oil back then holding well.

Do you use much gear that's 10+ years old? Have you encountered any issues? I've heard of some older Test-E developing pip, where there had been none with fresher vials of the same batch, but beyond that, there's little first hand experience out there...
According to this study it shouldn't.

Barely holds at 20% BB at 200mg/ml.

I brewed mine at 20%BB, 250mg/ml and the one vial that I had used (I stopped using it for an UGL one) crashed about 6 months later. The other 6 vials didn't crash. All from the same batch, stored together.
No idea why
The idea was to have a very long TRT ester serve at stable test level on 7 day inj schedule. (I happened to have 1/2kilo of Undecanoate on hand. Needed to put it to work.) According to plotter, the graph turned out acceptable. Nebido was the proposed outcome for reference only, it doesn't have to be %identical, but rather useful to serve desired purpose. Do you think this may be a possibility or am I dreaming a bad dream? Please advise.
Test U in MCT 80mg week (40 tue 40 fri) has me at 1220ng at trough.
According to this study it shouldn't.

Barely holds at 20% BB at 200mg/ml.

Thank you for the link!
2007? What's the shelf life on that one? Stored in cool dark dry place?
I decided with original plan and had success so far with 200/1, 20bb, 1ba using MCT oil . Flowers out well using 1ml backfilled insulin pin.