Takes way longer to come down from cycle to TRT levels than I imagined. Interesting experiment.


I ran a cycle of test and primo and was using 400-500 test cyp (Actavis from US pharmacy script) and 2 amps of Bayer Rimobolan. I was splitting the dose e3.5d. I had the last shot and then went back to trt at 60mgs test cyp e3.5d. Just over 2 months later I had bloods drawn and my total test was north of 1500 (it wasn't the test that gets the # above 1500, my urologist ran it) and my e2 was in the 50s. Based on my previous labs, I'm guessing that my total T was 1500-2000ng/dl which is roughly where a 200-300mg dose of test cyp weekly dose (e3.5d) will put me at through. My test/e2 is usually 30ish always. This was shocking to me... I was expecting a 700-800ng/dl level as has been consistent with my bloods.

The moral of this is that when blasting and cruising, most people are probably cruising for a lot less time than they think. I just have no idea how my levels didn't come down in 9 weeks. I'm using pharmacy test so it is accurately dosed.
If it's not the sensitive test, primo is probably the one that is screwing the results since it's in castor oil meaning a longer time to clear.
Can't be. If primo we're still in my system it would be knocking down E2. I've.confirmed it does this to a great degree.
I drops fast if you just don't inject for like 11 days. I posted results before coming off a 750 test blast to trt.
Steroid calculator. Com was right on point.
For me testing levels 6 weeks after being on 1050mg test c per week, dropping down to 200mg/wk, levels are right back to where they always are on 200mg
Then I'm perplexed. I have zero idea what happened then. I've gotten blood work so many times. I know where my levels should be. I'm using stuff straight from the pharmacy.