General TRT advice wanted

i was just thinking back to when i was really fat if i had to do it all over again thats how i would. 250mg test a week and anavar. of course an ai and getting that dialed in will help but if hes so fat 100mg test is giving him estrogen over 200 if i were in that position ide add in dht derivatives to help
i was just thinking back to when i was really fat if i had to do it all over again thats how i would. 250mg test a week and anavar. of course an ai and getting that dialed in will help but if hes so fat 100mg test is giving him estrogen over 200 if i were in that position ide add in dht derivatives to help
What, no sorry the 200 estrogen was when I used to do trt years ago at 200mg every other week. One shot of 1 ml every other week so that whole dose all at once.

I reckon going from 180ish test (natty) to 800ish test or higher once injected, my body didn't know wtf to do and converted a lot of it to estrogen.

The protocol im doing now is twice a week inj of 100mg just started last week.

Interesting enough my free test was also at the top end of the range back then.
What sucks losing this weight? If so yeah. I've managed to drop up to 40lbs before out of sheer fucking willpower but yeah might need something more.
I'm speechless continue. I missed you had a weight problem and were using aas to be your better self.
That's terrible advice. It's far better to use test and manage e2 through bloodwork and an AI than go to an oral.that will shut him down and do not provide him a healthy testosterone replacement. Anabolics can not be a trt standalone.

Better get test and pin 2x week or even 3x week in order to minimize e2 conversion
What? Get your fat ass on a treadmill and walk all day or at least until they kick you off, which they won't do because you need help.

Lmk if anyone kicks you off the treadmill. To be meso correct we will talk. Cardio cardio cardio. Or you are going to die.
What, no sorry the 200 estrogen was when I used to do trt years ago at 200mg every other week. One shot of 1 ml every other week so that whole dose all at once.

I reckon going from 180ish test (natty) to 800ish test or higher once injected, my body didn't know wtf to do and converted a lot of it to estrogen.

The protocol im doing now is twice a week inj of 100mg just started last week.

Interesting enough my free test was also at the top end of the range back then.
It wouldnt be your body not being used to it its all based on genetics, body composition + shbg. less muscle and more fat = higher aromatization of test. Getting an ai dose that keeps your estrogen low with high test should be top priority. I still recommend anavar or even adding masteron to your test injections but most important thing to deal with this problem is continuing to train and do cardio to gain muscle and lose fat to the point u need less ai for the amount of test ur taking
I know this has probably been talked about a million times and I could just search all past conversations and probably will at some point but since this is a forum if anyone wants to talk about my personal stuff here we go ...

Mid late 30s
Morbidly obese
Past trt exp for about 2 years
Past ugl exp limited

Prolactin 11.0 ng/ml
Luteinizing hormone 4.6 mIU/ml
TT 264 ng/dl
Free test direct 16 pg/ml

No results back yet for e2 but I know it will be high from last trt venture.

My goal: lose weight and get to a healthy normal place. Then get to a point where I'm a well defined but not heavy jacked physique.

My protocol:

Being seen by urologist. They put me on 100mg injected once a week. However knowing my fat levels and previous high e2 conversation I am doing e3.5d injections of 50mg.

My previous attempt at trt was 200mg every two weeks. So I assume a lot of my e2 problems were probably due to such a large dose at once.

Any issues or comments so far?
I don't understand all the problems that your mind is building.

Inject whatever dose of test you think is good, wait 4 weeks, check for E2 levels, if too high start adding an AI.

wait 4 weeks if E2 still to high add another AI dose and so on so on until you reach a point where you feel fine.

It's not rocket science.

IF you are obese, then start dieting asap.
It wouldnt be your body not being used to it its all based on genetics, body composition + shbg. less muscle and more fat = higher aromatization of test. Getting an ai dose that keeps your estrogen low with high test should be top priority. I still recommend anavar or even adding masteron to your test injections but most important thing to deal with this problem is continuing to train and do cardio to gain muscle and lose fat to the point u need less ai for the amount of test ur taking
Yep that's the plan start training. And yeah it is a priority for me considering I don't want messed up hormone levels.
I don't understand all the problems that your mind is building.

Inject whatever dose of test you think is good, wait 4 weeks, check for E2 levels, if too high start adding an AI.

wait 4 weeks if E2 still to high add another AI dose and so on so on until you reach a point where you feel fine.

It's not rocket science.

IF you are obese, then start dieting asap.
I wouldn't say my mind is building problems just working through mentally on how to best deal with the issues I may have. I like to have a plan of action before instead of just reacting.

But you're right already logging calories staying in a deficit.
What? Get your fat ass on a treadmill and walk all day or at least until they kick you off, which they won't do because you need help.

Lmk if anyone kicks you off the treadmill. To be meso correct we will talk. Cardio cardio cardio. Or you are going to die.
Sure cardio is the solution to everything. You are fat? Cardio. High RBC? Cardio. Your gf is cheating you? Cardio. Your dog died? Cardio. You got scammed by a source? Walk it off.

Cardio is essential, but not the solution to everything.
We all convert T to E2 at different rates. I am someone who readily converts T to E2, so I always have some kind of AI around
When I took 1mg of arimidex ( anastrozole) per week my free Test wain the 1000+ range and my E2 was at 8...and felt like crap. I am still on TRT and I have reduced my Adex to 1/4mg every third day, so 1/2mg per week.
I will be honest, I haven't been as diligent as I should have, and am now making logs to know what I will have in 1 month of 1/2mg total adex per week.