Target Cancer

Michael Scally MD

Doctor of Medicine
10+ Year Member
A Roller Coaster Chase for a Cure
Target Cancer - A Roller Coaster Chase for a Cure - Series -

February 22, 2010


PHILADELPHIA — His patient, a spunky Italian-American woman in her 60s, was waiting in an exam room down the hall for the answer: Was the experimental drug stopping her deadly skin cancer?

But as Dr. Keith Flaherty read out the measurements of her tumors from the latest CT scan, he could not keep the distress from his voice.

“She’s worse,” he said to the clinical trial nurse at the University of Pennsylvania’s melanoma clinic.

Like the 17 other patients on the drug trial — the corporate lawyer, the receptionist with young children, the Philadelphia philanthropist — the woman known in the trial as Patient 18 was going to die, most likely within months.

In the exam room, her gratitude for his failed efforts to save her tore at his heart.

He had been so optimistic. A radical departure from standard chemotherapy, the drug was designed to reverse the effect of a genetic mutation particular to the patient’s tumors. The approach represented what some oncologists see as the best bet for attacking all types of cancer.

And as he returned to his office that autumn afternoon two years ago, Dr. Flaherty was already calculating the next step: he wanted to test the drug at a more potent dose before giving it to more patients in a larger trial. It would require retooling the drug in a costly and complicated task that might not work, and he would have to make his case to two companies that had already poured hundreds of millions of dollars into the drug and were eager to move it forward.

“This,” he insisted to colleagues, “is the best drug we’re going to get.”

Dozens of such “targeted” drugs are emerging from the laboratory, rooted in decades of research and backed by unprecedented investment by pharmaceutical companies, which stand to profit from drugs that prolong life even by weeks.

But putting them to their truest test falls to a small band of doctors committed to running experimental drug trials for patients they have no other way to heal.

At a time when cancer still kills one in four Americans, it is a job that requires as much hubris as heart. To chronicle the trial of the drug known as PLX4032 is to ride a roller coaster of breakthroughs and setbacks at what many oncologists see as a watershed moment in understanding the genetic changes that cause cancer.

Over three tumultuous years, Dr. Flaherty saw patients who drove hundreds of miles for their monthly dose, and one who arrived barely able to walk. Some took 32 pills a day. When it became clear they were not absorbing the drug, he asked them to take the pills with high-fat foods like hamburgers and eggs, which might help dissolve them.

At academic conferences, he clashed with other oncologists who warned that targeted therapy had almost never had long-lasting results. At Penn, he badgered laboratory researchers whose animal tests might provide early clues for how a drug would behave in his patients.

And always, he ended up on his BlackBerry, e-mailing, calling, cajoling the drug makers to commit even more resources to the new category of drugs he so deeply believed in.

A five-and-a-half-foot streak of outsize energy, Dr. Flaherty, 39, seemed buoyed by an innate optimism and a faith in the scientific logic underlying the approach.

But at his clinic, where he gave vials of pills to patients whose tumors were often erupting, black and bumpy across their arms and legs, he told them only what he believed to be true.

“This,” he said, “is our best shot.”

The Driver Gene

In many ways, Keith Flaherty had been training to run the trial of this drug since his residency in the late 1990s at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

There he grew to despise chemotherapy, which rarely cured cancer in its advanced stages, even as he learned to dispense it. The mainstay of cancer treatment for half a century, the chemotherapy drugs attacked all fast-growing cells, poisoning those that grow fast normally as well as the cancerous ones.

Drawn to oncology for the reason other residents often rejected it, Dr. Flaherty found strength in the intensity of treating patients who knew that they, and he, were fighting for their lives.

But he also chose the field because advances in understanding cancer’s molecular biology convinced him it might finally be possible to cure the disease — and he wanted to have a hand in it.

Healthy cells turned cancerous, biologists knew, when certain genes that control their growth were mutated, either by random accidents or exposure to toxins like tobacco smoke and ultraviolet light. Once altered, like an accelerator stuck to the floor, they constantly signaled cells to grow.

What mattered in terms of treatment was therefore not only where a tumor originated, like the lungs or the colon, but also which set of these “driver” genes was fueling its growth. Drugs that blocked the proteins that carried the genes’ signals, some believed, could defuse a cancer without serious side effects.

Dr. Flaherty arrived at Penn for a fellowship in the fall of 2000 just as one of the first such drugs, Gleevec, was inducing complete remission in patients with a rare leukemia. Yet many oncologists remained skeptical that its success could be replicated in common cancers that were more aggressive and genetically complex.

And there was no guarantee that the pharmaceutical industry, which already viewed cancer as too fragmented a market, would invest in developing drugs tailored to what were probably dozens of driver genes that had yet to be identified.

Dr. Flaherty, however, was convinced that what he called the “targeted therapy revolution” was around the corner. It was the only real hope, he told friends, colleagues, medical students and whoever would listen, “because it is based on what makes cancer tick.”

A career that combined treating patients with testing drugs would be far less lucrative than private practice. Such doctors are not allowed to have a financial stake in a drug, for obvious reasons. But Dr. Flaherty, the son of two medical researchers, had always wanted to pursue research.

He accumulated an encyclopedic knowledge of the targeted drugs in development and gravitated to melanoma, where the absence of reliable treatments made patients eager to try experimental ones.

The cancer, which struck 70,000 Americans last year, is easily treatable in its earliest stages, but almost always fatal within a year once it spreads beyond the skin.

In early 2002, when Dr. Flaherty started seeing patients on his own, the available trials still centered on chemotherapy drugs, and he sought to soften recitation of their toxic side effects — nausea, anemia, infection, hair loss — by mocking his own lack of hair.

“I’ve got bigger problems than hair loss,” many patients said.

“Tell me about it,” the doctor replied, invariably eliciting laughter.

He wore bow ties under his lab coat, and told patients to leave their health to him. Yet when grateful families gave him money for research, or sent him bow ties to add to his collection, he felt like a fraud. “What I do is palliative care,” he told his wife, a primary-care physician, in a form of self-indictment.

So when an article in the journal Nature brought news of what was almost surely one of the driver genes in melanoma in the spring of 2002, Dr. Flaherty could hardly contain himself. British scientists analyzing hundreds of tumor samples, he read, had found the same gene mutated in more than half of melanomas, and smaller numbers of other cancers as well. It was called B-RAF.

Dr. Flaherty, who has a near-photographic memory, was not accustomed to rereading. But in his campus office that morning, he scrolled through the article on his computer again to be sure he had understood. The presence of the same B-RAF mutation in so many cancers, he thought, meant it was one of the biggest genetic smoking guns yet identified in cancer. A drug that blocked the protein made by the defective gene might have enormous consequences for patients — and he knew of one that just might work.

Dr. Flaherty raced to the melanoma clinic. “We have to jump on this,” he urged his mentor, Dr. Lynn Schuchter.

For a junior faculty member, he was more confident than he had a right to be, Dr. Schuchter thought. Yet his optimism was infectious.

She would make trials of drugs that homed in on B-RAF a top priority, she told him.

That first effort, however, was destined to fail.

Dashed Hopes

Possessed of an energy that even friends called manic, Dr. Flaherty was used to finding diffuse outlets for it. In medical school at Johns Hopkins, he had read the entire works of Proust and cultivated bonsai. In Philadelphia, he collected a library of first edition books; copied the entire works of Mozart, Bach and Beethoven onto CD; and restored by hand the 150-year-old home he had bought with his wife, Dr. Mira Kautzky.

Raised in an affluent part of Baltimore, an A- student who had avoided exerting himself for the extra grade at boarding school at Phillips Andover and as an undergraduate at Yale, he now told his wife, “I feel like I’m applying myself for the first time.”

And if she wished that his version of taking care of their two young daughters did not so often involve settling them in front of golf tournaments on TV while he pored over patient charts and wrote trial protocols — the girls became avid fans of the sport — she also understood what drove him.

Over the next four years, with the backing of his superiors at Penn, Dr. Flaherty enrolled several hundred patients in trials of the drug, developed by an academic pioneer in targeted therapy and now owned by Bayer.

He asked the trial nurses to work weekends processing blood and tissue samples. And he evangelized the targeted approach at scientific conferences, where he invariably found himself outnumbered by melanoma researchers devoted to a class of drugs that sought to harness the immune system to attack cancer.

While a single targeted drug was likely to hold off cancer for only a limited time, immunotherapy can be curative. But after decades of effort, the only such treatment approved for use in melanoma helped just a tiny fraction of patients.

“You’re swinging for the fences on every pitch,” Dr. Flaherty told the immune therapists. And, he thought to himself, they were mediocre batters at best.

But for all his self-confidence, Dr. Flaherty found himself sobbing uncontrollably one evening in late 2004 over a letter from the wife of a patient who had died, the latest of several patients on the targeted drug whom he had lost in recent weeks. The reminders of the hope and trust that people put in him, he told his wife that night, “can be overwhelming.”

To many of Dr. Flaherty’s colleagues, the failure of the Bayer drug indicated that melanoma would prove impervious to targeted therapy. And to many other oncologists, it was a blow to the notion that targeted therapy would work in any cancer as its proponents envisioned.

Dr. Flaherty brushed them off.

“We just had the wrong drug,” he insisted whenever he could. “The principle holds.”

But more often than not, when he gave his targeted therapy pep talks, he found himself talking to half-empty rooms, waiting, in awkward silence, for questions no one cared enough to ask.


While some concluded that Dr. Flaherty was toiling in vain, a small biotechnology company in Berkeley, Calif., called Plexxikon was keeping close track of his work.

Ever since the B-RAF mutation had been identified as so prevalent in melanoma tumors, the company’s scientists had been working on a drug aimed at it, and when they invited him for a visit in early 2006, Dr. Flaherty could not fend off a wave of excitement.

One reason the Bayer drug had failed, he believed, was because it blocked proteins in healthy cells as well as cancerous ones, inducing nasty side effects that limited how much of the drug patients could tolerate.

The drug Plexxikon called PLX4032 was different, designed to bind to the B-RAF protein only in cancer cells. Human tumors with the mutation, grafted into mice, Plexxikon’s chief scientist told Dr. Flaherty, had stopped growing when exposed to the drug. And no amount seemed to induce side effects in dogs or monkeys.

An investment in the drug by Roche, the Swiss pharmaceutical giant, shortly after Dr. Flaherty signed on to lead its first human trial alleviated his concern that Plexxikon might not have the wherewithal to pull it off.

But the partnership also raised the financial stakes. Roche was to dole out, a chunk at a time, nearly $700 million to Plexxikon as it passed certain milestones on the way to the hoped-for approval by the Food and Drug Administration. The first hurdle was the completion of the trial Dr. Flaherty was to run, known as Phase 1, in which the goal was to determine the highest dose humans could safely tolerate.

For both companies, Dr. Flaherty knew, time was money. By now, Gleevec, the drug that had proved so effective in a rare leukemia, was generating a billion dollars a year for the company that owned it, and other companies had taken note. Competing drugs that aimed to block the B-RAF protein, and others that might play a role in fueling melanoma, were under development.

Still, as the trial opened in December 2006, Dr. Flaherty insisted on an approach that slowed them down. The companies had stipulated that any cancer patient could participate, a standard practice to speed the process of settling on a safe dose before moving on to a larger, Phase 2 trial.

But in the case of a targeted drug like PLX4032, Dr. Flaherty believed, it made far more sense to give it only to the patients for whom it was made.

Whenever possible, Dr. Flaherty and his co-investigator, Dr. Paul Chapman of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, agreed, they would screen tumors first for the B-RAF mutation, and offer a spot on the trial for those who had it.

It might take longer to find the right patients. But it was the best way to see if the drug worked — or did not.

Falling Short

In patients whose cancer bubbled in black lesions on their skin, Dr. Flaherty and Dr. Chapman sliced off tumor samples themselves. For those whose tumors had mushroomed internally, they requested a sample from whichever hospital had removed them.

Always, they warned prospective participants to consider the health risks of taking a drug that had never been given to humans. Perhaps worst of all, Dr. Flaherty emphasized, they could be devoting precious last days to blood work and X-rays.

But more often than in any other trial he had led, patients waved aside the concerns.

“It’s like a rope you’ve been thrown when you’re drowning, that’s made just for you,” one patient said.

“Is my head going to fall off?” asked a Philadelphia patient in her 50s. “Then bring it on.”

Dr. Flaherty had nominated Dr. Chapman, 54, as his chief collaborator on the trial, despite his longtime allegiance to immunotherapy and outspoken skepticism that blocking B-RAF could keep melanoma at bay.

Dr. Chapman, a senior clinical researcher in melanoma, was an especially rigorous clinical researcher, Dr. Flaherty knew, and he believed Dr. Chapman would give PLX4032 its fairest chance.

But the Sloan-Kettering doctor’s lack of enthusiasm in the investigators’ first conference call with Dr. Keith Nolop, Plexxikon’s medical director, made Dr. Flaherty slightly uneasy. “I’m really looking forward to this study,” Dr. Flaherty said in what is considered a customary statement of enthusiasm at the beginning of a trial, waiting for Dr. Chapman to add a few words of support.

On the other end of the line, there was only silence.

“I’m assuming it’s not going to work,” he told Dr. Flaherty flatly. “I hope I’m wrong.”

Typically, Phase 1 trials are limited to a few dozen patients and end when the dose reaches the point where side effects like rashes and diarrhea make patients too uncomfortable.

Dr. Flaherty and Dr. Chapman started the first three patients on 200 milligrams per day. After two months with no side effects — and no response — they doubled it.

Two more months passed, still nothing. They gave three more patients 800 milligrams, the equivalent of the dose that made tumors stop growing in mice. Even shrinking tumors, the doctors knew, would not mean the cancer had been cured but might at least offer a reprieve.

Dr. Flaherty pounced on the scans when they arrived. In some patients, tumors had remained the same size. “Maybe we’re starting to see something,” he could not help thinking. But at the next set of scans, the disease had progressed. On conference calls, Dr. Nolop sometimes referred to those patients as “responders.”

“They’re not responders,” Dr. Flaherty gently corrected him: under the accepted definition, tumors had to shrink to qualify patients as responders.

By the time they had doubled the dose four times, Dr. Flaherty could not help wondering if the targeted therapy skeptics were right. Dr. Chapman, crisp and businesslike on the weekly calls, supplied no comfort. He pointed out new research that B-RAF was mutated even in benign moles, and therefore could not be the key driver in melanoma.

The woman known in the trial as Patient 18 was one of the three who took 1,600 milligrams — 32 pills a day, she complained mildly, was a lot of pills.

This drug “doesn’t look so hot,” Maryann Redlinger, the trial nurse, told the doctor, urging him to keep an emotional distance.

Already, the two doctors had seen some patients on the trial die.

“I am deeply sorry and disappointed that I fell short of what you and I wanted,” Dr. Flaherty told their relatives, in an endless series of condolence calls that never became routine.

The higher doses, Dr. Flaherty and Dr. Chapman realized, were not getting from the digestive tract into their patients’ bloodstreams. The Phase 1 trial had accomplished its official goal: it had established that the drug was safe at the maximum dose the body could absorb. Yet everyone involved in the trial had hoped to see the tumors shrink.

“We need to get more in,” Dr. Flaherty pressed on their next conference call. At the suggestion of a Roche scientist, the doctors instructed patients to take the drug with high-fat foods in hopes that would help it dissolve more readily, but to no avail. The only recourse was to try to reformulate the drug so that patients could absorb a higher dose, an unusual undertaking at this stage in testing.

The companies were already trying to make the drug more potent, but Roche scientists said the reformulation would require a feat of chemistry that might not succeed. And it would mean several months of delay.

“This looks like our dose,” Dr. Nolop ventured on a conference call in the fall of 2007, as Dr. Flaherty and Dr. Chapman recalled. “This is about as high as it can go.”

Dr. Flaherty saw no way to fight it.

By rights, it was time to move to a larger Phase 2 trial. Roche and Plexxikon, he knew, could make good money on a drug that provided as little as an extra month or two of life to melanoma patients, as it still stood a chance of showing it could do in a larger trial. Doctors, too, would welcome the ability to provide even that for their patients.

Then, over the phone line, came support from an unexpected quarter.

“This is not your dose,” Dr. Chapman said. “For all we know we’re 10 times, 100 times too low!”

They had seen, Dr. Chapman said, not a single side effect. And tumors were still growing in the very patients for whom the drug was intended. If they moved to Phase 2 now, he continued, they would never know if a higher dose of the drug could have shrunk those tumors. If the idea had been to test the hypothesis that blocking the B-RAF protein could stop the melanoma, he said, they had not done that yet.

Dr. Flaherty, on the phone in his office at Penn, all but pumped his fist.

In December 2007, the companies halted the trial. They would wait while Roche chemists tried to reformulate the drug.

The First Responder

Elmer Bucksbaum came to see Dr. Flaherty at the melanoma clinic in the spring of 2008. He was accompanied by his son-in-law, Marc Lovitz, whose own father had died of melanoma just one month after the diagnosis. Now Mr. Lovitz was trying to prepare his wife and mother-in-law for the likelihood that there would be nothing the doctor could do for Mr. Bucksbaum.

“We know he doesn’t have long,” he told Dr. Flaherty.

Dr. Flaherty examined the patient, an 89-year-old retired film editor who had moved from Florida to live with his daughter. While he waited for a tumor sample from Mr. Bucksbaum’s neck for B-RAF screening, Dr. Flaherty secured him a spot on an immune therapy trial.

By the time Mr. Bucksbaum returned, a few months later, Dr. Flaherty had received the new PLX4032 from Roche. It was, the company promised, 10 times as potent as the previous one, packaged in a way the body could more easily absorb.

Mr. Bucksbaum’s tumor had tested positive for the B-RAF mutation. But the other trial had given him colitis. He had been bedridden for weeks. He had lesions around his eyes and on his neck, on his liver and in his lungs. The doctor was not sure if his patient had the will to try another experimental therapy.

Instead, Dr. Flaherty described hospice, as he often did with patients who had reached this point, without using the loaded word.

“Look,” he said, “we could focus on the things we can do to make you feel as good as you can feel.”

“Isn’t there anything else?” Mr. Bucksbaum asked.

He took his first PLX pills on Sept. 30, 2008.

To speed the trial as it resumed, Dr. Flaherty worked with collaborators at four other cancer centers to bring in patients. Mark Bunting, 43, an airline pilot in Sandy, Utah, flew to the University of California, Los Angeles, on Oct. 8 to get his pills.

Randy Williams, a contractor in Jonesboro, Ark., drove nine hours to Houston to enroll that month. Rita Quigley, a triage nurse, received her pills in Nashville. At Sloan-Kettering, Dr. Chapman added a patient with a large tumor in his abdomen.

When Mr. Bucksbaum returned to Dr. Flaherty’s clinic at the end of October, his skin lesions were gone.

“That’s good news,” the doctor told him cautiously.

But external tumors came and went with melanoma treatments. The internal tumors were what mattered. The doctor would not know about those until he looked at the scans Mr. Bucksbaum brought in on a disk four weeks later.

The clinic was backed up that day, and it was close to 5 p.m. when Dr. Flaherty called in the trial nurse to read her the tumor measurements. For a moment, he thought he had opened the wrong file. He strained to see any tumor at all.

It would be at least a week before he knew if Mr. Bucksbaum was an aberration.

Tuesday: A Dose of Hope.
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High vitamin D levels are linked to lower risk for colon cancer, according to the results of a nested case-control study reported Online First in the January 22 issue of the BMJ.

"An effect of vitamin D on cancer may be important in the colorectum because both normal and neoplastic colon cells can produce the active hormone from the main circulating form 25-hydroxy-vitamin D(25-(OH) D), suggesting that it may play a direct role in controlling the growth of normal and neoplastic colonic cells," write Mazda Jenab, from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC-WHO), in Lyon, France, and colleagues. "However, the epidemiological evidence is not conclusive and almost no pre-diagnostic data are available from European populations."

The goal of this study was to evaluate the association between prediagnostic circulating vitamin D concentration, dietary intake of vitamin D and calcium, and the risk for colorectal cancer in European populations, using the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study cohort of more than 520,000 participants from 10 western European countries. After enrollment into the EPIC cohort, incident colorectal cancer developed in 1248 patients, and these case patients were matched to 1248 control subjects.

Primary study endpoints were circulating vitamin D concentration (25-[OH]D) measured by enzyme immunoassay, and dietary and lifestyle data collected with questionnaires. Multivariate conditional logistic regression models adjusted for potential dietary and other confounders allowed estimation of incidence rate ratios (IRRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of the risk for colorectal cancer by 25-(OH)D concentration and levels of dietary calcium and vitamin D intake. Mid-level concentration of 25-(OH)D was predefined as 50.0 to 75.0 nmol/L.

There was a strong inverse, linear dose-response association of 25-(OH)D concentration with the risk for colorectal cancer (P for trend < .001). Compared with mid levels of 25-(OH)D, lower levels were associated with a greater risk for colorectal cancer (< 25.0 nmol/L:IRR, 1.32; 95% CI, 0.87 - 2.01 vs 25.0 - 49.9 nmol/L: IRR, 1.28; 95% CI, 1.05 - 1.56). Higher 25-(OH)D levels were associated with lesser risk (75.0 - 99.9 nmol/L: IRR, 0.88; 95% CI, 0.68 - 1.13 vs ? 100.0 nmol/L: IRR, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.56 - 1.06).

Compared with patients in the lowest quintile of 25-(OH)D concentration, those in the highest quintile had a 40% lower risk for colorectal cancer (P < .001). In subgroup analyses, there was a strong association of 25-(OH)D level with colon cancer but not with rectal cancer (P for heterogeneity, .048).

Although higher dietary intake of calcium was associated with a lower risk for colorectal cancer, dietary vitamin D intake was not associated with disease risk. Sex, season, and month of blood donation did not affect the findings.

Limitations of this study include limited power for consideration of 25-(OH)D and diet interactions, fairly short follow-up time, observational design, and possible residual or uncontrolled confounding.

"The results of this large observational study indicate a strong inverse association between levels of pre-diagnostic 25-(OH)D concentration and risk of colorectal cancer in western European populations," the study authors write. "However, before any public health recommendations can be made for vitamin D supplementation, new randomised trials are needed to test the hypothesis that increases in circulating 25-(OH)D concentration are effective in reducing colorectal cancer risk without inducing serious adverse events."

Jenab M, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Ferrari P, et al. Association between pre-diagnostic circulating vitamin D concentration and risk of colorectal cancer in European populations:a nested case-control study. Bmj;340:b5500.

OBJECTIVE: To examine the association between pre-diagnostic circulating vitamin D concentration, dietary intake of vitamin D and calcium, and the risk of colorectal cancer in European populations. DESIGN: Nested case-control study. Setting The study was conducted within the EPIC study, a cohort of more than 520 000 participants from 10 western European countries. PARTICIPANTS: 1248 cases of incident colorectal cancer, which developed after enrolment into the cohort, were matched to 1248 controls MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Circulating vitamin D concentration (25-hydroxy-vitamin-D, 25-(OH)D) was measured by enzyme immunoassay. Dietary and lifestyle data were obtained from questionnaires. Incidence rate ratios and 95% confidence intervals for the risk of colorectal cancer by 25-(OH)D concentration and levels of dietary calcium and vitamin D intake were estimated from multivariate conditional logistic regression models, with adjustment for potential dietary and other confounders. RESULTS: 25-(OH)D concentration showed a strong inverse linear dose-response association with risk of colorectal cancer (P for trend <0.001). Compared with a pre-defined mid-level concentration of 25-(OH)D (50.0-75.0 nmol/l), lower levels were associated with higher colorectal cancer risk (<25.0 nmol/l: incidence rate ratio 1.32 (95% confidence interval 0.87 to 2.01); 25.0-49.9 nmol/l: 1.28 (1.05 to 1.56), and higher concentrations associated with lower risk (75.0-99.9 nmol/l: 0.88 (0.68 to 1.13); >or=100.0 nmol/l: 0.77 (0.56 to 1.06)). In analyses by quintile of 25-(OH)D concentration, patients in the highest quintile had a 40% lower risk of colorectal cancer than did those in the lowest quintile (P<0.001). Subgroup analyses showed a strong association for colon but not rectal cancer (P for heterogeneity=0.048). Greater dietary intake of calcium was associated with a lower colorectal cancer risk. Dietary vitamin D was not associated with disease risk. Findings did not vary by sex and were not altered by corrections for season or month of blood donation. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this large observational study indicate a strong inverse association between levels of pre-diagnostic 25-(OH)D concentration and risk of colorectal cancer in western European populations. Further randomised trials are needed to assess whether increases in circulating 25-(OH)D concentration can effectively decrease the risk of colorectal cancer.


After Long Fight, Drug Gives Sudden Reprieve
Target Cancer - After Long Fight, Melanoma Drug Gives Sudden Reprieve - Series -


February 23, 2010

For the melanoma patients who signed on to try a drug known as PLX4032, the clinical trial was a last resort. Their bodies were riddled with tumors, leaving them almost certainly just months to live.

But a few weeks after taking their first dose, nearly all of them began to recover.

Lee Reyes, 30, of Fresno, Calif., who had begun using a feeding tube because of a growth pressing against his throat, bit into a cinnamon roll.

Nothing, he told his mother, had ever tasted as good.

Rita Quigley, who had been grateful just to find herself breathing each morning since learning she had the virulent skin cancer, went shopping for new clothes with her daughters at a mall in Huntsville, Ala.

Randy Williams, 46, who drove 600 miles from his home in Jonesboro, Ark., to the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston to get the experimental drug, rolled out of bed. “Something’s working,” he thought, “because nothing’s hurting.”

It was a sweet moment, in autumn 2008, for Dr. Keith Flaherty, the University of Pennsylvania oncologist leading the drug’s first clinical trial. A new kind of cancer therapy, it was tailored to a particular genetic mutation that was driving the disease, and after six years of disappointments his faith in the promise of such a “targeted” approach finally seemed borne out. His collaborators at five other major cancer centers, melanoma clinicians who had tested dozens of potential therapies for their patients with no success, were equally elated.

In a kind of “pinch me” exercise, the six doctors sent one another “before and after” CT scans of their patients.

One was of Mark Bunting, 52, an airline pilot in Sandy, Utah. His initial scan in early October showed the cancer in his bones, an incursion considered virtually impossible to reverse. After two months on the drug, it had all but disappeared.

“Holy Cow!” Dr. Flaherty typed in reply to the slide from Dr. Antoni Ribas at the University of California, Los Angeles, that Dec. 17.

“Are you sure it is the same patient??” added Dr. Jeffrey A. Sosman at the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center in Nashville.

From New York, Dr. Paul B. Chapman of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, perhaps the most determined skeptic of the group, acknowledged, “This looks impressive.”

The trial of PLX4032 offers a glimpse at how doctors, patients and drug developers navigate a medical frontier as more drugs tailored to the genetic profile of a cancer are being widely tested on humans for the first time.

Throughout the fall, the only two patients on the trial whose tumors continued to grow were the ones who did not have the particular gene mutation for which the drug had been designed. They were removed from the trial. By late December, tumors in the 11 patients who did have the mutation had shrunk. Those involved in the trial held their collective breath waiting to see how long the remissions would last.

It was a far cry from where they had been a year earlier, when a previous incarnation of the drug had no effect. Urged on by Dr. Flaherty and Dr. Chapman, the companies that owned it had spent months devising a new formulation that could be absorbed at higher doses.

But the new drug, still in the earliest phase of testing, had to pass several more hurdles before federal regulators would determine whether it was safe and effective enough for widespread use.

In December, as the doctors added more patients to the Phase 1 trial, looking for the highest dose they could give without intolerable side effects, they scrambled to prepare slides with graphs and statistics to convince the Food and Drug Administration that the drug should be tested in a larger Phase 2 trial. The agency required a summary of any and all side effects — there had been only a few — and any deaths of patients on the study; thankfully, there had been none since the drug was reformulated. In a matter of days they needed to submit their findings for a prestigious meeting of clinical oncologists in June.

First, though, Dr. Flaherty, 39, needed to respond to a desperate phone message from a patient named Christopher Nelson. It came the day after Christmas.

“Dr. Flaherty,” the message said, “I need to get onto your trial.”

Hoping for a Match

The doctor had expected the call.

Mr. Nelson, 42, and his wife, Sharlene, had come to see him just before Thanksgiving. They were planning to travel to Bethesda, Md., so Mr. Nelson could enroll in a trial for a different melanoma drug. But the couple, from Jackson, N.J., had learned of Dr. Flaherty’s trial, and wanted to cover all their bases.

He liked them: Sharlene, a real estate broker who peppered him with questions, and Chris, a furniture installer around his own age with a penchant for low-stakes poker and the Grateful Dead. Both were quick to make light of a grim situation.

“I’ve gained the 60 pounds he’s lost from the cancer,” Mrs. Nelson observed. “Stress eating.”

They had met after high school, at Levitz, the furniture store where they both worked. Like Dr. Flaherty, they had two children.

“He was never sick a day in his life,” Mrs. Nelson told Dr. Flaherty. “Never had a headache, never took a sick day. I mean, can’t you give me the common cold first? It had to be cancer?”

The trial in Bethesda, run by the National Cancer Institute, involved coaxing immune cells to grow in a test tube in a procedure that worked for only a small fraction of patients, Dr. Flaherty knew.

But there would be no point in Mr. Nelson taking PLX4032 if his tumor did not carry the right mutation. For now, the doctor had a slot for only one more patient on the trial, and he and his collaborators had agreed it was almost unethical to give the drug to people without that mutation.

He wished, not for the first time, that he could snap his fingers and know the genetic profile of his patient’s cancer cells. But getting a hospital that had operated on a patient months earlier to retrieve a tumor sample from storage could take days or weeks; the test for the gene mutation could take even longer. To speed the process, Mr. Nelson drove his tumor sample himself from Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick, N.J., where it had been removed from his lymph nodes, to the laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania.

Dr. Flaherty agreed that while they waited, Mr. Nelson should proceed with the trial in Bethesda, which first required the removal of his tumor-laden spleen. Either way, that needed to go.

Mrs. Nelson thought her husband had died when she saw the stricken look on the face of the surgeon after the operation. Normally 2 pounds, the spleen had weighed 10. Mr. Nelson’s liver was so enlarged that maneuvering around it had been almost impossible. And then, on Dec. 23, Mr. Nelson learned that the doctors running the trial had been unable to grow his immune cells.

On the phone, Dr. Flaherty assured him he would let them know his genetic status as soon as he found out. “If it’s positive,” Dr. Flaherty told him, “the spot is yours.”

Checking, Checking

No one knows just what causes the single change in a single gene in a single cell that fuels a malignant melanoma.

Randy Williams, now in recovery, had gone over in his mind a million times the day he fell asleep in the sun at the lake when he was 16. His feet were so badly burned, he could not walk for a week. Twenty years later, a mole inside the arch of his left foot turned cancerous.

Was that it? Was that the moment his fate was set? Because melanoma has been linked to sunburn, especially in childhood, many of the trial’s participants relived such memories. Almost certainly, each had accumulated mutations in many other genes, at other moments, over the course of their lives. Some may have inherited a gene that was already damaged.

Once unleashed, however, any cancer seemed to rely on the protein made by a particular mutated gene to fuel its wild growth. In all of the PLX patients, that gene was B-RAF. And whatever the cause, they came to consider themselves, so far as it was possible with what has always been a virtually untreatable cancer, charmed.

At least they had a chance. The patients took pills the size of large vitamins, twice a day. Some gulped them down with water. Others spooned them up with applesauce.

To get to the mandatory doctor’s appointments where patients were given precisely one month’s supply, Mr. Williams, a contractor with two teenage children, drove all night with his brother in a pickup truck. One young woman hopped “corporate angel” flights on private jets whose owners donated empty seats.

Mark Bunting used his pilot privileges to commute to Los Angeles to see his oncologist. “He says,” Mr. Bunting told friends as his tumors melted away last fall, “that I’m the leader of the pack.”

For some patients and their family members, though, the sudden reprieve was almost as disorienting as the diagnosis.

Mr. Bunting, for one, could not convince his wife, Trish, that it was for real.

A former flight attendant, she had coped with her husband’s cancer by confronting it head-on. She organized a family trip to Disney World, so their young children would have the memory. She entered nursing school, so she would have a means of supporting herself.

As if to drive home the point, on her first day, a teacher had illustrated a lesson on cell growth with a picture of melanoma that had metastasized. “Here’s when I think of one of my favorite Carole King songs: ‘It’s Too Late,’ ” the teacher said.

Now, even as Ms. Bunting watched the color seep back into her husband’s gray skin, even as they celebrated a Christmas she never thought he would live to see, she found herself unable to shake the need to prepare for his death. “You need to sit and write down stuff for me,” she told her husband. “I need to know who I call for this, I need to know where things are.”

“But I’m doing better!” he pleaded. “Can’t you see?”

In Oklahoma City, Kerri Adams, 30, just tried not to jinx it. She did not look up anything about the drug, the gene or the cancer on the Internet or anywhere else. Single and employed as an analyst at a local utility company, she attended church with her mother and ate dinner with friends. But when they coaxed her to meet new people, she demurred. The future seemed too uncertain.

Mr. Williams, back full time at his contracting business with his brother, climbed ladders, lifted weights and fixed up his Corvette.

The tumors on his legs that had constantly oozed blood dried up and then disappeared. Yet every day, he ran his fingers over the spots where they used to be, checking, checking, checking.

“I don’t think I’ll ever believe,” he said, “that it’s not coming back.”

A Doctor’s Struggle

Still waiting to hear if he would be eligible for Dr. Flaherty’s trial, Mr. Nelson managed to get to a Portuguese restaurant with the rest of the family for his son’s 16th birthday in January 2009, but he could not eat.

One morning a few weeks later, the pain in his stomach was so overwhelming that he told his wife they needed to go to the emergency room, where he was admitted and hooked up to intravenous morphine for the pain.

“There’s nothing we can do for him,” the doctor told her. “You should think about getting hospice.”

Frantically, Mrs. Nelson left a message for Dr. Flaherty. She wanted to order an ambulance, an airlift, whatever it took to get her husband to Philadelphia.

He called back immediately. The test had finally come back, he said.

Mr. Nelson had the mutation.

“Is my husband going to be able to get on this drug?” she demanded. “I need to know because there’s no waiting.”

First, she would need to wean him from the auto-drip morphine, Dr. Flaherty told her gently. To qualify for the trial, he needed to be able to walk in. And the last spot on the trial had to be filled within a week.

Mr. Nelson, who had not eaten in days, threw up the morphine pills the first several times he tried to get them down. But he went home the day before Valentine’s Day.

“Honey,” his wife told him, “you don’t have to get me anything.”

At home, Mr. Nelson called her on her cellphone as she waited in a long pharmacy line to pick up the morphine. The pain was breaking through.

“Hurry,” he said.

Mrs. Nelson drove to Philadelphia a few days later, her husband sprawled in the back seat. At the cancer center, she pushed him in a wheelchair into the waiting room of the melanoma clinic. When the nurse called his name, he struggled to his feet and walked in to see the doctor.

Dr. Flaherty looked at him. He did not need the required blood test to tell that his numbers were off the charts. Mr. Nelson’s eyes were yellow, a sign that his liver was at the edge of failure. He had, at the most, the doctor thought, a month to live.

Maryann Redlinger, the clinical trial nurse, was not one to mince words.

“Are you out of your mind?” she asked Dr. Flaherty when he told her he wanted to put Mr. Nelson on the trial. A death on a trial was a black mark. No matter how good the other numbers were, it would count against them.

If his decision delayed by even a few months the approval of a drug that could help tens of thousands of patients, surely it would be unethical. But there might be a benefit in seeing what the drug could do for a patient like Mr. Nelson. This was the kind of patient who came to him all the time.

And how could he deny Chris Nelson a drug that, he knew in his gut, would give him extra time?

“He has two kids at home, Maryann,” he said. “Do you want to tell him he can’t get it? Go ahead, you call him up and tell him no.”

Dialing Back

The side effects struck at the 1,120-milligram dose.

Many patients had been taking the reformulated drug for five months with no signs of relapsing. The doctors had hoped that by pushing up the dose they could shut down the cancer more effectively. Some patients were taking as many as 28 pills a day.

Ms. Adams, in Oklahoma City, woke up one morning covered in a rash. Frightened that she would be dropped from the trial, she tried to ignore it. But at work, her boss was horrified and insisted that she call the doctor. Another woman’s hand swelled up, and she could not make a fist. A Philadelphia patient had horrible nausea and diarrhea, and Mr. Bunting’s joints grew so stiff that he had to hand jars to his wife to remove the lids, even when they had already been opened.

Maybe the drug, designed to turn off only the defective B-RAF protein, was, at high doses, also affecting its role in healthy cells. Or perhaps it was interfering with other proteins the body needed to function properly. On their next conference call, the doctors agreed that they had to dial back the dose.

As the side effects began to subside, many of the patients began to believe they had beaten their cancer. One evening, Mr. Bunting performed what had become his pill-taking ritual as his wife puttered around the kitchen.

He liked the water to be room temperature, so he heated it in the microwave and added cold from the tap. He burped, and some powder from the pills came out of his mouth just as she turned to look.

They both laughed.

One Step Forward ...

When Mr. Nelson strolled into the University of Pennsylvania for a scheduled day of blood work and monitoring in mid-March, Ms. Redlinger greeted him as if he had risen from the dead.

Gazing out the window of the clinic room, he spied a hot dog stand.

“Dirty water dogs,” he exclaimed.

“Can you get me one?” he asked his wife’s sister. “Actually, two?”

“Chris is feeling better,” the nurse told Dr. Flaherty casually when she saw him.

“What do you mean?” he pressed.

“Well, he’s off pain meds,” she said.

Dr. Flaherty was not scheduled to see Mr. Nelson until three weeks later. But between appointments that day, the doctor found time to visit his patient. In Mr. Nelson’s room, he broke into a wide smile, a tension he had not realized he was holding seeping out of him.

He had never seen a melanoma patient who had been that sick improve that much. He was not sure he had ever seen a melanoma patient that sick who improved at all.

Mrs. Nelson hugged him. In the weeks that followed, Mr. Nelson gained 17 pounds. One morning a friend drove him to Atlantic City, where for a $35 buy-in, they played his favorite game, Texas hold ’em, all day. The drug had made him sensitive to the sun, and he burned his skin cleaning the pool one afternoon, even with strong sunblock. Mrs. Nelson bought an umbrella, and he spent much of the spring sitting underneath it.

“Today’s a nice day,” he said over the phone to a friend in early May. “There’s a cloud, and the sun is behind it.”

In mid-May, right before he was to fly to Orlando, Fla., to present the trial’s data, Dr. Flaherty received a message on his BlackBerry as he was walking on campus.

The first patient to respond in the trial, Elmer Bucksbaum, had been admitted to the hospital. The cancer had spread to his brain.

Dr. Flaherty stopped walking.

The drug, Dr. Flaherty knew, was powerless in the brain. But had the drug held off the cancer elsewhere in Mr. Bucksbaum’s body? Or would other patients, too, begin to relapse?

Mr. Bucksbaum died a few days later.

Dr. Flaherty called his family and offered his condolences. It had been not quite eight months.

Wednesday: The Next Hurdle.
A Drug Trial Cycle: Recovery, Relapse, Reinvention
Target Cancer - A Drug Trial Cycle - Recovery, Relapse, Reinvention - Series -

February 24, 2010

ORLANDO, Fla. — On a sunny afternoon last June, Dr. Keith Flaherty stood before a large room packed with oncologists from around the world and described the extraordinary recovery of the melanoma patients in the experimental drug trial he was leading.

It was a moment he had looked forward to for months. Beyond a breakthrough for melanoma, the results were a promising sign for an approach to treatment for all forms of cancer that he and others had championed as more effective and less toxic than standard chemotherapy.

But even as he flashed the slide of his favorite graph, showing tumors shrinking in nearly every patient, his mind was on what had happened to them since.

In the weeks leading up to the annual oncologists’ conference here, several of the patients on the trial of the drug known as PLX4032 had relapsed. One had died. Another, Christopher Nelson, who had made what seemed like a miraculous recovery in March, had lost his appetite again. Dr. Flaherty feared what he might see on Mr. Nelson’s scan when he returned to his office at the University of Pennsylvania.

The drug’s ability to stop the melanoma, on average, he told the crowd, “appears to be approximately six months.”

“I was hoping we’d get more time,” said Dr. Grant McArthur, one of the six oncologists on the trial team, voicing the thought on everybody’s mind when the group met at the conference. None of them had a financial stake in the drug.

Dr. Flaherty, whose perpetual optimism about this kind of treatment, known as targeted therapy, raised eyebrows among some colleagues, declined to dwell on the drug’s limitations. However briefly, PLX4032 had held off the cancer by blocking a particular protein in its cells that was spurring them to multiply. If such targeted drugs were ever to provide a lasting benefit, many oncologists believed they would need to be combined with others, much as cocktails of protease inhibitors have worked against H.I.V.

“We just need,” Dr. Flaherty said, “to find the right combination.”

If they acted quickly enough, they might even be able to help the trial’s participants. Many were still in remission. Those who had relapsed were searching for another treatment, acutely aware that their time was running out: most melanoma patients die within a year after the cancer spreads.

The problem, which had bedeviled targeted therapies for other cancers, was that while PLX4032 blocked the protein made by one mutated gene, a second mutation now seemed to be driving the cancer’s growth. If that mutation could be identified, they believed, its protein could also be blocked, in a game of biological Whac-a-Mole that just might be possible to win.

The most expedient approach would be to test PLX4032 in combination with other experimental drugs that targeted other mutations, including those seen in Dr. Flaherty’s relapsing patients.

But a drug that gave a patient even a few months of life could generate billions in revenue. And the standard practice among pharmaceutical companies, which say they typically invest nearly a billion dollars developing and testing a single drug, is to get each drug approved individually before testing it with others, especially those of competitors that are still experimental. Even small Phase 1 trials can cost over a million dollars. And one drug that was safe and effective, they worried, might be tainted by association with another that proved to have toxic side effects.

As Roche, the pharmaceutical giant that had licensed PLX4032, made plans to test the drug in larger trials in hopes of quick Food and Drug Administration approval, Dr. Flaherty’s colleagues in the laboratory would search for the new mutation in the tumor samples of patients who had relapsed, trying to understand why the drug had stopped working.

For his part, the doctor would try to keep his patients alive. And he would work to convince the pharmaceutical industry that the fastest path to finding a combination that really worked would require changing their standard operating procedure.

A Bitter Pill

At 4:40 p.m. June 25, Mr. Nelson, 43, waited with his wife, Sharlene, in the melanoma clinic at Penn. Dr. Flaherty was running late.

Mr. Nelson credited Dr. Flaherty with snatching him from the jaws of death four months earlier. The name of the protein fueling his cancer had become part of his personal lexicon: it was called B-RAF, he told his poker buddies. Mrs. Nelson had recounted dozens of times the story of his turnaround on the Roche drug that blocked it.

“It’s a miracle drug,” she would say.

They sat side by side. To pass the time, Mr. Nelson tried to remember all the adjectives their 10-year-old daughter, Julia, had come up with for her Father’s Day card the week before, each starting with one of the letters in “Christopher.”

“C” was for caring, “H” was for helpful. “E” was for ‘elderly person,’ ” Mr. Nelson recalled. “I’m like, ‘Thanks.’ ”

As he finished with other patients, Dr. Flaherty found himself rehearsing what to say to the Nelsons. He relayed bad news almost daily; it was part of his job. But this, somehow, was worse.

When he arrived, he sat and faced them, meeting Mr. Nelson’s eyes.

“The cancer,” he said, “is starting to wake up again.”

Mr. Nelson, always ready with a quip, said nothing.

“But this drug,” Mrs. Nelson started, her voice breaking. “This drug could push it back just in the first two weeks — you would think it would just keep pushing!”

Then Dr. Flaherty gave them a new hope. One theory, he told them, was that the mutant B-RAF protein was managing to activate another protein on the same pathway in the cancer’s cells. And a space was about to open up in the trial of a new drug designed to block the second protein.

Its developer, GlaxoSmithKline, required Mr. Nelson to wait at least a month to clear his system of the Roche medication. And Dr. Flaherty himself was moving to Boston the next month, where he would oversee targeted therapy development across all cancer types at Massachusetts General Hospital at Harvard. He was entrusting Mr. Nelson’s care to a colleague, and would be in close touch.

Mrs. Nelson took her husband’s hand.

“O.K.,” she said. “We have a plan.”

Pressuring the Industry

He had done his best for the Nelsons, Dr. Flaherty thought as he hailed a cab to the airport that evening to fly to Chicago, where he would give a talk on targeted therapy.

But over dinner alone near his hotel, he second-guessed himself. What if Mr. Nelson’s cancer was not being fueled by the protein the Glaxo drug was trying to block? There were other likely drivers, which lay on a different pathway. And many cancer biologists suspected that both pathways needed to be blocked to stamp out the melanoma.

What bothered him more than anything was that he had to guess. The scientists studying the tumor samples were proceeding slowly. Without the cooperation of the drug companies, it was impossible to know which was the best therapy for his patient.

Even if some combination of targeted drugs could put melanoma into a long hibernation — and that was still not clear, he knew — it might take a cocktail of five or more such drugs to treat any given case. And it can take 10 years for even one drug to reach the market.

“If they do it the way they’ve always done it,” Dr. Flaherty complained in e-mail messages and calls to colleagues, “it will delay by years how quickly we can figure this out.”

Such frustration, he knew, went beyond melanoma specialists, especially as it grew clear that there were so many new targeted drugs to be tested and that no single one was likely to hold off any given cancer for more than a limited time.

Unable to obtain drugs from the companies themselves, some researchers were paying to have the equivalent of designer knockoffs made so they could test the most logical combinations in laboratory animals. One such experiment had arrested the growth of lung cancer in mice, and clinical researchers were “climbing the walls,” a colleague told him, because the companies who owned the two drugs had no plans yet to combine them in a human trial.

Over the summer, Dr. Flaherty urged the leading melanoma researchers to form an alliance to make it easier and cheaper for drug companies to conduct several trials at one time, advising them which were the most promising.

Years earlier, he had secured the backing of a patient advocacy group, the Melanoma Research Foundation, for the idea. Forging cooperation among academic researchers had been more difficult, given that they compete for jobs and grant money. And many still believed that a different approach, which boosted patients’ immune systems, was more likely to produce a cure.

But the results of the PLX4032 trial offered the most substantial support to date for the targeted approach in an aggressive and common cancer. For many oncologists, it seemed to add a moral imperative to the demand for swift testing of the drugs in combination. And on a steamy morning in August, leading melanoma researchers from across the country gathered at a meeting in Boston to discuss it.

“This is the most important meeting for melanoma patients that’s happened in years,” said Dr. Lynn Schuchter, chief of oncology at the University of Pennsylvania.

The stories of those who had recovered and relapsed on the Roche drug gave the meeting its momentum. An avid golfer in New Jersey had played three rounds in the rain when the tumor under his arm receded enough to let him swing a club. One woman, 30, who had been told before joining the trial that she should “focus on the quality, not the quantity” of her days, was informed that her scans were cancer-free.

The average time the drug halted tumor growth had stretched to almost nine months. Yet Mark Bunting, the airline pilot who had once declared himself the trial’s “leader of the pack,” had been rushed into emergency surgery when a new tumor had pierced his bowel. And Mr. Nelson’s initiation to the Glaxo trial had been delayed while he received radiation for tumors that had appeared in his brain.

The doctors agreed to hammer out the legalities of pooling resources among institutions, and Dr. Flaherty agreed to approach the companies on behalf of the alliance.

Their first choice would be to test Roche’s B-RAF drug with another one the company owned. Glaxo had two drugs designed to block the same proteins. Novartis, Pfizer and Bristol-Myers Squibb also had drugs that might work best with a competitor’s. If they had needed any more incentive, the doctors were increasingly urged on by the frustrations of their patients.

“Why can’t they put them together and do it in one shot?” Mrs. Nelson wanted to know when she and her husband arrived at Penn in early October to start the Glaxo trial. “Wouldn’t that give him a better chance?”

Mr. Nelson’s latest CT scan showed the cancer throughout his body. Twelve tumors, though inactive, remained in his brain. Another protruded from his neck. Because of a concern that the drug could cause vision problems, he had been examined by an ophthalmologist.

“My eyes are perfect, by the way,” he told his wife, trying to make light.

A Plea Rejected

Dr. Flaherty could tell by whom Roche sent to his first meeting with the company that he would make little headway. Any strategic decisions, he knew, would be made at a higher level.

Over sandwiches in a Midtown Manhattan office, a Roche official told him that the best interest of patients would be served by getting its B-RAF drug approved for sale as quickly as possible. “That has to be our focus right now,” she insisted.

The request by Dr. Meenhard Herlyn, a prominent melanoma research scientist, to conduct preliminary tests of the drugs in the laboratory met with the same response.

“You know,” Dr. Flaherty said finally, “other companies will be ready to do this.”

But his habitual breakneck pace was slower as he walked toward Pennsylvania Station with Dr. Herlyn, who had traveled from Philadelphia.

“That was a waste,” Dr. Herlyn said flatly. As they parted ways, Dr. Flaherty, for once, was at a loss for a more positive spin.

A Death in the Family

At an appointment in mid-November, the tumors on Mr. Nelson’s neck and inside his heart had shrunk. “Aren’t you excited?” Mrs. Nelson crowed.

Maybe, Mr. Nelson thought, he could make it to a poker tournament the next month after all. Or to his son’s 17th birthday on Jan. 18. Or maybe not.

“I’m happy, Sharl,” he said slowly. “But how long do you think it will last?”

A few weeks later, when Dr. Flaherty again made the pitch for a combination trial, this time at a meeting with Glaxo, an executive hinted that the company would sponsor such a trial soon. The company had a pragmatic reason: Roche was likely to get its B-RAF drug approved first, but Glaxo might take the lead if it had a combination that could do a better job. It was becoming clearer that some targeted drugs might find a market only if combined.

“The culture is changing,” the Glaxo executive agreed.

It would be too late, however, for Mr. Nelson. On Jan. 5, Mrs. Nelson wheeled him on a stretcher to his appointment at Penn. Three days later, an ambulance took him to hospice at a local hospital.

“Take me to Atlantic City instead,” Mr. Nelson joked with the driver. “I’ll pay you extra.”

At his wake, Mrs. Nelson told relatives she felt blessed that he had lived longer than expected. They had celebrated their 21st wedding anniversary. With the children, he had ridden every water ride at Six Flags Great Adventure.

“It’s a year I would never trade in,” she said.

One year, Dr. Flaherty thought, when he heard the news. Certainly no triumph. But it was something. Something to be built on.

Novartis and Bristol-Myers had agreed to schedule teleconferences for later in the month to talk about combination trials. He checked the dates on his electronic calendar. A meeting with Pfizer was also pending.
Researchers Investigating Link Between Male Infertility, Cancer.

The Wall Street Journal (3/2, Wang - Is Male Infertility a Cancer Risk? - reports that researchers are investigating whether there are genetic links between male infertility and the risk of certain diseases. Some researchers say that advances in procedures to address male infertility have increased the importance of understanding its genetic causes to prevent their children from receiving the genes. In fact, studies at Baylor College of Medicine showed that genes tied to male infertility may be linked to colon and testicular cancers. Meanwhile, in experiments with mice, researchers found that when DNA fails to repair itself, mice often become infertile and develop cancer.
Know the Most Common Types of Cancer
Know the Most Common Types of Cancer - Cancer Center - Everyday Health

More than 200 types of cancer have been identified, but do you know which are the most common? Learn about the 10 cancers that affect the most Americans each year.

By Diana Rodriguez
Medically reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin, MD, MPH

It's estimated that more than 11 million people in the United States have some form of cancer. There are more than 200 different types of cancer, although many are quite rare. The following are the 10 most commonly diagnosed cancer types in 2009 and the estimated number of cancer patients affected by each:

1. Non-melanoma skin cancer. Affecting more than 1 million people a year, skin cancer can form in the skin cells on any part of the body, though most commonly on skin that’s been exposed to the sun. There are several types of skin cancers, including squamous cell skin cancer, found in the flat cells on the top of the skin, and basal cell skin cancer, found in the round cells deeper inside skin's outer layer. Most commonly, skin cancer affects older people or people who have a compromised immune system.

2. Lung cancer. Roughly 219,440 cases of this deadly cancer were diagnosed in 2009. Lung cancer strikes the cells inside the lining of the lungs. There are two primary types of lung cancer — small cell and non-small cell lung cancer. Lung cancer claims nearly 160,000 lives annually.

3. Breast cancer. This type of cancer will affect 194,280 people in 2009. This is by far the most common cancer in women, says Len Lichtenfeld, MD, deputy chief medical officer for the American Cancer Society. While the overwhelming majority of breast cancer patients are women, about 1,900 cases are diagnosed in men each year.

4. Prostate cancer. Just over 192,200 cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed annually. Dr. Lichtenfeld says that this is the most common cancer to affect men, most often men over age 50. The prostate gland is a part of the reproductive system in men and is found at the base of the bladder, near the rectum. This type of cancer develops in the tissues inside the prostate gland.

5. Colorectal cancer. There will be about 146,970 new cases of colon and rectal cancers combined in 2010. The colon is part of the large intestine, which helps to break down and digest food, and the rectum is the end of the large intestine that is nearest the anus.

6. Bladder cancer. Nearly 71,000 people will receive this diagnosis in 2010. The bladder can be affected by cancer cells that develop within its tissues. The most common type is transitional cell carcinoma, but others, such as adenocarcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas, may also occur, depending on which bladder cells are involved.

7. Melanoma. Predicted to strike close to 68,720 people, melanoma is another type of skin cancer. It forms in the skin's melanocyte cells, which produce the brown pigment melanin. Because melanoma occurs in skin that contains a lot of pigment, it frequently begins in moles. Melanoma may also be found in other pigmented parts of the body, like the intestines or even the eyes.

8. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Affecting 65,980 people, this is the term for a number of different but related cancers involving white blood cells, or lymphocytes. This type of cancer is frequently characterized by swollen lymph nodes, fevers, and weight loss. People of any age can develop non-Hodgkin lymphoma. There are many different types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma that affect different cells and parts of the body, with varying prognoses and treatment.

9. Kidney cancer. Kidney cancer is diagnosed in more than 49,000 people each year. The kidneys are the organs that help to excrete waste from the body in the form of urine. Cancer can form inside the tissues or ducts of the kidneys. Although kidney cancer develops mainly in people over 40, one type of kidney tumor usually affects young children.

10. Leukemia. Approximately 44,790 cases of leukemia were predicted for 2009. The four main types of leukemia are acute myeloid leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and chronic myeloid leukemia. These types of cancer often form inside the bone marrow or other cells and tissues that form blood cells, and are known as blood cancers. Leukemia results in overproduction of certain kinds of white blood cells, which then circulate in the bloodstream. Leukemia can be chronic — a slow-growing type of cancer that begins without symptoms — or acute, meaning the cells can't function normally and symptoms progress rapidly. It affects both adults and children, and kills more children under age 20 than any other cancer.

Other types of cancer that are important to mention include pancreatic, endometrial (uterine), thyroid, and sarcomas, each of which affects fewer than 43,000 people annually.
Researchers Investigating Link Between Male Infertility, Cancer.

The Wall Street Journal (3/2, Wang - Is Male Infertility a Cancer Risk? - reports that researchers are investigating whether there are genetic links between male infertility and the risk of certain diseases. Some researchers say that advances in procedures to address male infertility have increased the importance of understanding its genetic causes to prevent their children from receiving the genes. In fact, studies at Baylor College of Medicine showed that genes tied to male infertility may be linked to colon and testicular cancers. Meanwhile, in experiments with mice, researchers found that when DNA fails to repair itself, mice often become infertile and develop cancer.
so then do replacement therapies, hormonal, cure the desease or rather treat the symptoms and leave the cause, damaged DNA, unaffected? I am purposely leaving many qualifications out of the questions for now.
I found the following over at CNN today. It sort of mirrors some of the stories above. I lost a younger brother to brain cancer of this type.

Durham, North Carolina (CNN) -- The first week of each month, Karen and Jerry Vaneman pack their car for a four-hour drive from Asheville, North Carolina, to the medical complex at Duke University. Inside the Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center, Karen waits patiently as a parade of doctors and technicians pokes and prods, taking samples of all kinds. On this day alone, she gives 21 vials of blood.

In March 2008, Karen was working out in the gym at UNC-Asheville when her left arm went limp. She felt so faint and dizzy that she had to sit. When the Vanemans first got to the emergency room, the doctors were afraid that Karen was suffering a stroke or heart attack.

In fact, Vaneman, a retired professor of Shakespeare and medieval literature, had brain cancer: a glioblastoma or GBM, the most common type of brain tumor. Many doctors consider it a death sentence, but not the team at the Preston Robert Tisch center, where Vaneman was directed for surgery and post-operative care.

"Other doctors will tell you you've got six to nine months, maybe a year to live," says Dr. Henry Friedman, the center's director. "'You're incurable; move on with your life the best you can.' But it's a self-fulfilling prophecy."

At Duke, aggressive treatment is the rule. Almost every patient is enrolled in a clinical trial. For Vaneman, that meant a novel vaccine.

The vaccine, based on research done at Duke and Johns Hopkins, and produced by Pfizer, is called CDX-110. It's not a vaccine in the traditional sense: It doesn't prevent disease. But like any vaccine, it triggers the immune system to attack an intruder, in this case, the cancerous cells.

"All the cells in our body have a [genetic] fingerprint," said Dr. John Sampson, a surgeon and researcher who helped develop the vaccine. "The immune system can recognize differences in those fingerprints."

CDX-110 targets a particular protein -- one with the unwieldy name of EGFRviii, or "EGFR factor three." There is a huge amount of genetic variation within even one patient's tumor, which is one reason the disease is so hard to treat. But according to Sampson, about 40 percent of tumor cells produce EGFRviii. It acts like a homing beacon for the disease-fighting immune cells that are stirred up by the vaccine.

"We're using white blood cells called T-cells, antibodies, to attack the tumor cells because [the tumor cells] have a different fingerprint from the normal cells in the body," Sampson says.

"Unlike chemotherapy, which really hurts all dividing cells in the body, or radiation... the immune system can be absolutely precise. And so we get a very tumor-specific attack with very low toxicity," he says. That means patients suffer fewer side effects.

A vaccine approach is not unique to brain cancer; several are under investigation. Last summer, researchers presented data showing that another vaccine could extend survival for prostate cancer patients.

CDX-110 is not the only candidate for a brain cancer vaccine, either. A project at the University of California, San Francisco, takes a more radically personalized approach. The vaccine for each GBM patient is custom-made from that patient's own tumor cells. Each drug is one-of-a-kind.

"This is the ultimate personalized medicine," says Dr. Andrew Parsa, the neurosurgeon who is running the trial. "It's like having a lot of little medicines instead of one big blockbuster."

The vaccine works -- he hopes -- by targeting something called a heat-shock protein, which is produced in high quantity by tumor cells.

Another novel aspect of the UCSF research is that it doesn't involve a pharmaceutical company as a backer. Instead, it's funded completely by the National Cancer Institute and a handful of cancer nonprofits.

One of the funders, Deneen Hesser, research director of the American Brain Tumor Association, says the research on vaccines is exciting and about expanding the realm of possibility.

"Vaccines represent treatment options," Hesser says. "For patients to be able to have choices, choices in how to approach a treatment plan, is really much different from historical approaches to treating brain tumors."

The UCSF trial is still in its early stages. The current Phase 2 trials -- testing whether the vaccine is effective -- have been enrolling patients only since last summer. The research with CDX-110 is further along, but results from the first multicenter trial will not be made public until later this spring. Forty-four hospitals and medical centers are participating.

At least one of Sampson's patients has made it six years without his tumor coming back. Still unclear is just how many other patients can benefit. Parsa, at UCSF, says his hospital tested 14 patients for the multicenter study. Only one had a tumor that was vulnerable to the vaccine.

In Asheville, Karen Vaneman calls herself lucky.

"In the last year, I've been more mindful of my priorities," Vaneman says. "My family, and the granddaughter, and my husband who has been like a rock through the whole thing. And beyond that, trying to keep a connection with the rest of life, too -- the birds, the bees, the rocks, things like that."

She's hiking again through the hills around Asheville, although she limits the walks to about 2 miles these days. She feels good. And she's happy, more than happy, to put up with the monthly trips to Durham.

"As long as the vaccine works, I'll be getting the monthly shots. And when it doesn't work [any more], then I'm in trouble."
Infertile Men May Be 2.6 Times More Likely To Develop High-Grade Prostate Cancer.

The Los Angeles Times (3/22, Maugh) "Booster Shots" blog reported, "Previous studies have looked at the relationship between prostate cancer and the number of children a man has, but they have produced differing results." For example, there were those that "suggested that fatherhood was protective, while others suggested that it increased risk." But, "because the number of children a man has may not be an accurate reflector of his fertility, Dr. Thomas J. Walsh, of the University of Washington School of Medicine, and his colleagues decided to study men who had been evaluated for infertility."

They turned to data on some 22,000 California residents who had been evaluated between 1967 and 1998, according to Reuters (3/33, Joelving). "Incidence of prostate cancer observed in the cohort was divided by the number expected for the general population," MedWire (3/22, Guy) reported. "A total of 4,548 men with male factor infertility were identified, among whom 168 men were diagnosed with prostate cancer." In short, "after multivariate analysis controlling for age, duration of infertility treatment, and infertility treatment facility, infertile men were 2.6 times more likely to develop high-grade disease, compared with men in the general population."

There may be "several possible explanations for the relationship, none of them as yet proven," HealthDay (3/22, Edelson) reported. Walsh explained, "There could be underlying genetic abnormalities on the male chromosome." He added, "Also, these men may have a deficit in their ability to repair DNA; there is some evidence that this may be the underlying cause." But, according to the paper in Cancer, "there are indications that the increased risk may be related in some way to male hormones."

Nevertheless, the "investigators cautioned that certain factors, such as bias from screening, must be considered," MedPage Today (3/22, Walsh) reported. "For instance, men seeking evaluation for infertility are expected to be of higher socioeconomic status and have greater access to healthcare and therefore may be more likely to undergo prostate cancer screening." The findings do, however, "warrant further research, focusing on potential common biological pathways for infertility and prostate cancer." BBC News (3/22, Briggs), the UK's Daily Mail (3/22, Macrae), and WebMD (3/22, Warner) also covered the study.
Scientists Say F.D.A. Ignored Radiation Warnings
Scientists Say F.D.A. Ignored Radiation Warnings -

March 28, 2010

WASHINGTON — Urgent warnings by government experts about the risks of routinely using powerful CT scans to screen patients for colon cancer were brushed aside by the Food and Drug Administration, according to agency documents and interviews with agency scientists.

After staying quiet for a year, the scientists say they plan to make their concerns public at a meeting of experts on Tuesday called by the F.D.A. to discuss how to protect patients from unnecessary radiation exposures. The two-day meeting is part of a growing reassessment of the risks of routine radiology. The average lifetime dose of diagnostic radiation has increased sevenfold since 1980, driven in part by the increasing popularity of CT scans. Such scans can deliver the radiation equivalent of 400 chest X-rays.

An estimated 70 million CT (for computed tomography) scans are performed in the United States every year, up from three million in the early 1980s, and as many as 14,000 people may die every year of radiation-induced cancers as a result, researchers estimate.

The use of CT scans to screen healthy patients for cancer is particularly controversial. In colon cancer screening, for instance, the American College of Radiology as well as the American Cancer Society have endorsed CT scans, in a procedure often called a virtual colonoscopy, while the American College of Gastroenterology recommends direct examinations in which doctors use a camera on a flexible tube.

For patients, navigating the debate can be difficult because doctors, patient advocacy groups and manufacturers often endorse positions that are in their economic self-interest. Radiologists, who often own and use CT machines, for instance, often endorse their use; while gastroenterologists, who often own and use camera scopes, often favor their own methods. Patient groups often get financing from drug and device makers, or physician-specialty groups.

The Food and Drug Administration, charged with sorting out such competing claims, has been just as torn on the issue. The internal dispute has grown so heated that a group of agency scientists who are concerned about the risks of CT scans say they will testify at the Tuesday meeting that F.D.A. managers ignored or suppressed their concerns, and that the resulting delay in making these concerns public may have led hundreds of patients to be endangered needlessly.

Scores of internal agency documents made available to The New York Times show that agency managers sought to approve an application by General Electric to allow the use of CT scans for colon cancer screenings over the repeated objections of agency scientists, who wanted the application rejected. It is still under review.

After an agency official recommended approving G.E.’s application, Dr. Julian Nicholas, a gastroenterologist who trained at Oxford University and the Mayo Clinic and worked under contract with the agency, responded by e-mail that he felt strongly that approving the application could “expose a number of Americans to a risk of radiation that is unwarranted and may lead to instances of solid organ abdominal cancer.”

Dr. Robert Smith, a former professor of radiology at both Yale and Cornell and an F.D.A. medical officer, wrote that he agreed with Dr. Nicholas because “the increased radiation exposure to the population could be substantial and would raise a serious public health/public policy issue,” documents show.

Alberto Gutierrez, deputy director of the F.D.A. office with responsibility over radiological devices, said in an interview that the right course on CT colonography was far from clear.

“This device that you’ve mentioned has not been cleared or approved at this time, and that should tell you that the process we go through is not done,” Dr. Gutierrez said.

Arvind Gopalratnam, a spokesman for G.E. Healthcare, wrote in an e-mail message that research had shown that “CT colonography can be a very valuable, noninvasive screening tool to help diagnose colorectal cancer at early stages and ultimately improve overall survival rates.”

For decades, scientists at the F.D.A. approved many radiological medical devices with minimal oversight, declaring them modest improvements over older devices and thus not needing extensive reviews or clinical trials to prove their safety and efficacy. But these devices now play a central role in American medicine, helping not only to diagnose a wide array of ailments, but also to treat cancers.

And the agency has done little to assess whether the rapid proliferation of scans is in the best interests of patients, and whether the machines themselves properly protect patients or are beneficial for all of their now-routine uses.

The Times ran a series of articles this year documenting the harm that can result from mistakes involving medical radiation, leading to a House subcommittee hearing last month and a chorus of calls by radiology groups, researchers, medical physicists and equipment manufacturers for stronger patient protection.

Even President Obama’s recent physical examination became part of the debate when the president had a virtual, rather than an actual, colonoscopy.

Growing awareness of the risks of scanning led F.D.A. scientists several years ago to begin demanding more and better information from manufacturers to prove that their devices actually were effective for such clinical applications as cancer screening and mapping blood flows in the brain.

But agency managers responded that suddenly changing the rules for the devices would be inappropriate and unfair to manufacturers, documents and interviews show.

The battle between the two sides intensified over a push by some device manufacturers and radiologists to use CT scans routinely to screen healthy patients for lung, colon and other cancers. At stake was another rapid increase in radiation exposures and scans worth hundreds of millions of dollars annually.

General Electric, one of the biggest makers of the devices, told F.D.A. managers that the company wanted CT scans approved for colon cancer screenings because Medicare officials and private insurers were “actively discussing whether to reimburse for use of CTC for screening asymptomatic individuals” and “to assist their customers in reimbursement for procedures,” internal agency documents show.

Even in the absence of an explicit agency approval, doctors are allowed to use approved medical devices however they see fit. But without an explicit approval, manufacturers are not allowed to market CT machines for colon cancer screening, and insurers often refuse to reimburse the costs of the procedure.

An agency approval of CT colon screening could lead to extensive marketing campaigns, greater acceptance of the procedure by doctors, changes in insurance policies and millions more people having the tests done. Since the agency had approved similar requests for similar uses of CT scans in the past, agency managers said they had little choice but to approve the G.E. application.

The conflict between the two sides escalated throughout 2009, documents show. Minutes of a May 12, 2009, meeting, for instance, reveal that an agency manager, Joshua Nipper, dismissed the scientists’ concerns by saying, “We don’t need to be reinventing a big bugaboo about radiation.” Mr. Nipper did not respond to an e-mailed request for comment.

Dr. Nicholas refused to budge.

“I was first ignored, then pressured to change my scientific opinion, and when I refused to do that, I was intimidated and ultimately terminated,” he said in an interview. “And I’m going to tell the committee exactly that at this meeting.”

As the fight over the G.E. application escalated, Dr. Nicholas, who lives in San Diego, expressed growing concerns in internal e-mails messages that his contract would be allowed to expire — which it did in October.

The day after that expiration, an agency manager, after five months of inaction, began processing the G.E. application by deciding to give G.E. another chance to explain why its application should be approved, documents show.
great post ...i love the the topic most ...the point that you choose...its really very important to cure and decrease the rate of cancer patient in world.
New Alarm Bells About Chemicals and Cancer
Op-Ed Columnist - New Alarm Bells About Chemicals and Cancer -


The President’s Cancer Panel is the Mount Everest of the medical mainstream, so it is astonishing to learn that it is poised to join ranks with the organic food movement and declare: chemicals threaten our bodies.

The cancer panel - - is releasing a landmark 200-page report on Thursday, warning that our lackadaisical approach to regulation may have far-reaching consequences for our health.

I’ve read an advance copy of the report, and it’s an extraordinary document. It calls on America to rethink the way we confront cancer, including much more rigorous regulation of chemicals.

Traditionally, we reduce cancer risks through regular doctor visits, self-examinations and screenings such as mammograms. The President’s Cancer Panel suggests other eye-opening steps as well, such as giving preference to organic food, checking radon levels in the home and microwaving food in glass containers rather than plastic.

In particular, the report warns about exposures to chemicals during pregnancy, when risk of damage seems to be greatest. Noting that 300 contaminants have been detected in umbilical cord blood of newborn babies, the study warns that: “to a disturbing extent, babies are born ‘pre-polluted.’ ”

It’s striking that this report emerges not from the fringe but from the mission control of mainstream scientific and medical thinking, the President’s Cancer Panel. Established in 1971, this is a group of three distinguished experts who review America’s cancer program and report directly to the president.

One of the seats is now vacant, but the panel members who joined in this report are Dr. LaSalle Leffall Jr., an oncologist and professor of surgery at Howard University, and Dr. Margaret Kripke, an immunologist at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. Both were originally appointed to the panel by former President George W. Bush.

“We wanted to let people know that we’re concerned, and that they should be concerned,” Professor Leffall told me.

The report blames weak laws, lax enforcement and fragmented authority, as well as the existing regulatory presumption that chemicals are safe unless strong evidence emerges to the contrary.

“Only a few hundred of the more than 80,000 chemicals in use in the United States have been tested for safety,” the report says. It adds: “Many known or suspected carcinogens are completely unregulated.”

Industry may howl. The food industry has already been fighting legislation in the Senate backed by Dianne Feinstein of California that would ban bisphenol-A, commonly found in plastics and better known as BPA, from food and beverage containers.

Studies of BPA have raised alarm bells for decades, and the evidence is still complex and open to debate. That’s life: In the real world, regulatory decisions usually must be made with ambiguous and conflicting data. The panel’s point is that we should be prudent in such situations, rather than recklessly approving chemicals of uncertain effect.

The President’s Cancer Panel report will give a boost to Senator Feinstein’s efforts. It may also help the prospects of the Safe Chemicals Act, backed by Senator Frank Lautenberg and several colleagues, to improve the safety of chemicals on the market.

Some 41 percent of Americans will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives, and they include Democrats and Republicans alike. Protecting ourselves and our children from toxins should be an effort that both parties can get behind — if enough members of Congress are willing to put the public interest ahead of corporate interests.

One reason for concern is that some cancers are becoming more common, particularly in children. We don’t know why that is, but the proliferation of chemicals in water, foods, air and household products is widely suspected as a factor. I’m hoping the President’s Cancer Panel report will shine a stronger spotlight on environmental causes of health problems — not only cancer, but perhaps also diabetes, obesity and autism.

This is not to say that chemicals are evil, and in many cases the evidence against a particular substance is balanced by other studies that are exonerating. To help people manage the uncertainty prudently, the report has a section of recommendations for individuals:

¶Particularly when pregnant and when children are small, choose foods, toys and garden products with fewer endocrine disruptors or other toxins. (Information about products is at Skin Deep: Cosmetic Safety Reviews or

¶For those whose jobs may expose them to chemicals, remove shoes when entering the house and wash work clothes separately from the rest of the laundry.

¶Filter drinking water.

¶Store water in glass or stainless steel containers, or in plastics that don’t contain BPA or phthalates (chemicals used to soften plastics). Microwave food in ceramic or glass containers.

¶Give preference to food grown without pesticides, chemical fertilizers and growth hormones. Avoid meats that are cooked well-done.

¶Check radon levels in your home. Radon is a natural source of radiation linked to cancer.
Drawing The Line On Overpriced Cancer Drugs
Drawing The Line On Overpriced Cancer Drugs - Robert Langreth - Treatments - Forbes

Robert Langreth
September 13, 2010

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center oncologist Leonard Saltz has tested some of the most expensive cancer drugs on the planet, including Erbitux from Bristol-Myers Squibb and Eli Lilly. As cancer drug prices continue to soar, he says doctors and patients need to start making hard choices about what society are willing to pay for. Otherwise, the American health system is destined for a crash.

Routinely paying virtually infinite amounts for the most miniscule improvements has a big downside, Saltz says. “Our current system is encouraging mediocrity,” Saltz says. “We have trained our biotech and pharmaceutical companies to aim low and rewarded them for doing that.” If a company can sell a me-too drug that extends survival by 3 weeks for $100,000 a year, as it can today, why bother doing something more risky that could result in a cure?

Roche’s Tarceva extends survival two weeks in pancreatic cancer. The same drug improves survival by one month when uses as maintenance therapy for lung cancer. Roche’s Avastin, meanwhile, costs up to $55,000 a year and extends survival by two months in lung cancer. Avastin was approved in breast cancer without any proof it extends survival at all, based on data that it slowed the growth of the disease. Now the FDA is considering whether to remove the breast cancer approval as newer trials haven’t backed even that benefit up convincingly.

The basic problem, Saltz says, nobody has been willing to draw the line on what is a month of life worth. “We have to face ourselves [and decide] what are we going to say is worth a year of life extension,” he says. “Nobody has felt comfortable taking on this question.” The result: cancer drug costs continue to soar out of proportion to their modestly improved benefits.

Saltz’s views aren’t always popular in look-at-the-bright-side world of oncology, where small advances are sometimes trumpeted as great breakthroughs. But even in colon cancer the advances–while real–are not as impressive as they are sometimes made out to be. The best colon cancer drug out there, is a 50-year-old drug called 5FU, Saltz says. None of the new drugs have been good enough to supplant it. Avastin in colon cancer only works when combined with older chemo drugs, despite all the hype about it being a less-toxic targeted agent. “It does virtually nothing by itself,” he says. Lilly’s Erbitux and Vectibix from Amgen remain mostly relegated to helping a subset of the most advanced colon patients.

The problem: If you test a drug on a large enough number of patients under ideal conditions, you can demonstrate a small statistical improvement that may be meaningless in the real world. If the patient is spending more of his last months in the hospital with lots of side effects, two weeks of extra survival are probably worthless. Also, in the real world, patients are sicker, older, have more coexisting conditions than the patients in trials. “We have reached the point where a study has to be almost completely negative for us to abandon it. Otherwise we say well it is not much but it is the best we have so lets go with it–and we don’t look at cost because we don’t like to do that,” Saltz says.

One solution to the cost problem, Saltz says, would be for a variety of stakeholders–cancer doctors, patient groups, and payers–to get together in advance in advance decide what is the minimum amount of survival that will be considered a successful trial worth paying $100,000 a year for. Is it one month? Two months. Three months? If it doesn’t extend survival, what other quality of life improvments are worth paying dearly for? Trials of drugs that don’t meet these criterion will be considered failures, even if they are “statistically” better than the control group.

Saltz is not optimistic that this scenario will come to pass. A more realistic scenario is that the government will have to get involved to make it happen. In England, which spends far less on health care that America does, there is a controversial agency called NICE that decides what the country is going to pay for. It has rejected some expensive cancer drugs, including Avastin for colon cancer and Tykerb from GlaxoSmitkline for breast cancer.

Saltz says that a gentler American version of NICE–one with a little less top-down bureaucracy and a little more input from doctors and patients–might be the only way to get soaring cancer drug costs under control. “We need the equivalent of NICE,” he says. “Pretending that we can afford not to do it is an expensive mistake.”
FSH Receptor Expressed in Tumors
Medical News: FSH Receptor Expressed in Tumors - in Oncology/Hematology, Prostate Cancer from MedPage Today

By Nancy Walsh, Staff Writer, MedPage Today
Published: October 20, 2010

The follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) receptor is expressed on endothelial cells of blood vessels in tumors, a finding that may open the door to new antitumor therapeutic strategies, researchers predicted.

In a series of more than 1,300 patients undergoing surgery for tumor removal, analysis of the tumor tissue specimens found that the FSH receptor was expressed by endothelial cells in every patient, according to Aurelian Radu, PhD, of Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, and colleagues.

In contrast, the receptor was not expressed in any normal surrounding tissue located more than 10 mm from the edge of the tumors, the researchers wrote in the Oct. 21 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.

In healthy adults, the FSH receptor is expressed only in certain testicular and ovarian cells.

The hypothesis that this receptor also might be expressed in tumor cells derives from the observation that the binding of FSH to its receptor leads to up-regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor, which could encourage angiogenesis, Radu and colleagues explained.

FSH signaling also activates a protein known as Gq/11, which enhances the proliferation of the endothelial growth factor.

To explore the possible link between the FSH receptor and tumorigenesis, Radu's group first performed immunohistochemical analyses of specimens obtained from 773 men with prostate cancer, finding that endothelial cells located at the edge of the tumor were strongly stained for an anti-FSH monoclonal antibody.

Immunoblotting and in situ hybridization confirmed the expression of the FSH receptor in the endothelial cells of tumor blood vessels -- and the absence of expression in normal surrounding tissues.

They also noted that blood vessels from 20% of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia stained positive for the antibody, but throughout the affected tissue, not just at the periphery.

"The anatomical location of benign prostatic hyperplasia differed from the sites of most prostate tumors and thus, FSH-receptor-based imaging could be used to distinguish the two conditions," the investigators wrote.

They then performed similar analyses in specimens from 563 patients with other types of tumors, including those of the breast, colon, kidney, and lung, and ranging from grade 1 to grade 4.

"In each of the tumors analyzed, without exception, we detected consistent expression of the FSH receptor by endothelial cells," the investigators reported.

For comparison, they also analyzed specimens of other types of abnormal tissue, such as the inflamed synovium of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, and found no receptor expression.

In most of the tumor types, the endothelial cells expressing the FSH receptor were located at the outer margin of the tumor, in a layer about 10 mm thick, extending a few millimeters into and beyond the tumor's periphery.

The investigators then sought to determine if the endothelial receptors could serve as targets for tumor imaging and treatment, by analyzing whether intravenous agents could reach them.

To do this, they perfused mice carrying human xenograft tumors with anti-FSH antibodies linked to colloidal gold, and found on immunoelectron microscopy that 5-nm particles of the gold became attached to various components of the epithelium.

This meant that the FSH receptor could be accessible to injected therapeutic agents, the investigators noted.

In discussing their findings, Radu and colleagues highlighted the importance of the location of the receptor-positive cells on the periphery of the tumor.

This "is consistent with the view that the tumor cells in the invasive front attract surrounding blood vessels toward the tumor, and during this process, FSH-receptor expression is activated," they explained.

If antibodies given intravenously can identify the tumor endothelial cells, as was done in the mouse model, targeting the FSH receptor could assist in tumor imaging as well as treatment, they suggested.

However, further work will be needed to establish this.

"Our in situ experiments cannot be considered to be a proof-of-principle demonstration that the FSH receptor expressed on tumor-associated blood vessels can be exploited clinically," they cautioned.

Radu A, Pichon C, Camparo P, et al. Expression of Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Receptor in Tumor Blood Vessels. New England Journal of Medicine 2010;363(17):1621-30. MMS: Error

BACKGROUND - In adult humans, the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) receptor is expressed only in the granulosa cells of the ovary and the Sertoli cells of the testis. It is minimally expressed by the endothelial cells of gonadal blood vessels.

METHODS - We used immunohistochemical and immunoblotting techniques involving four separate FSH-receptor-specific monoclonal antibodies that recognize different FSH receptor epitopes and in situ hybridization to detect FSH receptor in tissue samples from patients with a wide range of tumors. Immunoelectron microscopy was used to detect FSH receptor in mouse tumors.

RESULTS - In all 1336 patients examined, FSH receptor was expressed by endothelial cells in tumors of all grades, including early T1 tumors. The tumors were located in the prostate, breast, colon, pancreas, urinary bladder, kidney, lung, liver, stomach, testis, and ovary. In specimens obtained during surgery performed to remove tumors, the FSH receptor was not expressed in the normal tissues located more than 10 mm from the tumors. The tumor lymphatic vessels did not express FSH receptor. The endothelial cells that expressed FSH receptor were located at the periphery of the tumors in a layer that was approximately 10 mm thick; this layer extended both into and outside of the tumor. Immunoelectron microscopy in mice with xenograft tumors, after perfusion with anti–FSH-receptor antibodies coupled to colloidal gold, showed that the FSH receptor is exposed on the luminal endothelial surface and can bind and internalize circulating ligands.

CONCLUSIONS - FSH receptor is selectively expressed on the surface of the blood vessels of a wide range of tumors. (Funded by INSERM.)
Healthy Living Can Prevent Nearly 25% of Colorectal Cancers
Healthy Living Can Prevent Nearly 25% of Colorectal Cancers

TUESDAY, Oct. 26 (HealthDay News) -- As many as 23 percent of colorectal cancers could be prevented if people followed five simple healthy lifestyle recommendations, Danish researchers say.

The recommendations -- which would improve overall health as well -- include exercise, a good diet, moderate drinking, no smoking and maintaining a healthy weight, the researchers say.

"Even a modest difference in your lifestyle habits may have a substantial impact on your colorectal cancer risk," said lead researcher Dr. Anne Tjonneland of the Institute of Cancer Epidemiology of the Danish Cancer Society in Copenhagen.

Specifically, the recommendations are:

---At least 30 minutes of exercise a day.

---No more than seven drinks a week for women and 14 for men.

---Not smoking.

---Eating a healthful diet, defined as one high in fiber, with more than six servings (3 cups) a day of fruits and vegetables, and low in red meat and processed meat (no more than just over a pound a week), with less than 30 percent of total calories derived from fat.

---A waist size no more than 34.6 inches for women and 40.1 inches for men.

The report is published online in the Oct. 27 edition of the BMJ.

For the study, Tjonneland and colleagues examined data on 55,487 men and women aged 50 to 64, who had not been diagnosed with cancer.

All those in the study completed a lifestyle questionnaire, which asked about social factors, health status, reproductive factors and lifestyle habits. They also completed a food frequency questionnaire that detailed what they ate over 12 months.

During 10 years of follow-up, 678 people developed colorectal cancer.

If all the participants (except for the healthiest men and women) had adopted just one additional lifestyle recommendation, 13% of the colorectal cancer cases could have been avoided, the researchers found.

"For each additional lifestyle recommendation the participants followed, a reduction of 13 percent [in colorectal cancer] was shown," Tjonneland said.

And if all those in the study had followed all five lifestyle recommendations, then there would have been 23 percent fewer colorectal cancer cases, Tjonneland's group found.

"The hope is that this is an understandable message leading to an impact in the prevention of colorectal cancer," she said.

Marji McCullough, strategic director of nutritional epidemiology at the American Cancer Society, said that "the study shows the importance of following cancer prevention guidelines for lifestyle."

Colorectal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States and the third leading cause of cancer death in men and women, she said.

"The majority of these cancers and deaths can be prevented by applying existing knowledge about cancer prevention, such as lifestyle and by increasing the use of established screening tests," McCullough said. "Colorectal cancer is a highly preventable cancer."

Dr. Floriano Marchetti, an assistant professor of clinical surgery in the division of colon and rectal surgery at the University of Miami's Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, added that "this study confirms on a large scale what the impression of many other small studies have only hinted at."

"If you look at these lifestyle recommendations, they are not really horrible," he said. "This is not like people are asked to be on a strictly vegetarian diet or become triathletes."

And the benefit is linear, Marchetti pointed out. "You modify something and you already have a return with minimal investment. If you modify more, you have a better return," he said.

In another study in the same issue, Australian researchers found that people without a high school diploma who received information about colon cancer screening through a decision aid featuring an interactive booklet and DVD ended up more informed than those who received only standard screening information. However, the former group was less likely to get screened.

Although the decision aid did not encourage more people to undergo screening, at least it gave them the data they needed to make an informed choice, the researchers said.

Kirkegaard H, Johnsen NFn, Christensen J, Frederiksen K, Overvad K, Tjønneland A. Association of adherence to lifestyle recommendations and risk of colorectal cancer: a prospective Danish cohort study. BMJ 2010;341. Association of adherence to lifestyle recommendations and risk of colorectal cancer: a prospective Danish cohort study -- Kirkegaard et al. 341 --

Objectives To evaluate the association between a simple lifestyle index based on the recommendations for five lifestyle factors and the incidence of colorectal cancer, and to estimate the proportion of colorectal cancer cases attributable to lack of adherence to the recommendations.

Design Prospective cohort study.

Setting General population of Copenhagen and Aarhus, Denmark.

Participants 55?487 men and women aged 50-64 years at baseline (1993-7), not previously diagnosed with cancer.

Main outcome measure Risk of colorectal cancer in relation to points achieved in the lifestyle index (based on physical activity, waist circumference, smoking, alcohol intake, and diet (dietary fibre, energy percentage from fat, red and processed meat, and fruits and vegetables)) modelled through Cox regression.

Results During a median follow-up of 9.9 years, 678 men and women had colorectal cancer diagnosed. After adjustment for potential confounders, each additional point achieved on the lifestyle index, corresponding to one additional recommendation that was met, was associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancer (incidence rate ratio 0.89 (95% confidence interval 0.82 to 0.96). In this population an estimated total of 13% (95% CI 4% to 22%) of the colorectal cancer cases were attributable to lack of adherence to merely one additional recommendation among all participants except the healthiest. If all participants had followed the five recommendations 23% (9% to 37%) of the colorectal cancer cases might have been prevented. Results were similar for colon and rectal cancer, but only statistically significant for colon cancer.

Conclusions Adherence to the recommendations for physical activity, waist circumference, smoking, alcohol intake, and diet may reduce colorectal cancer risk considerably, and in this population 23% of the cases might be attributable to lack of adherence to the five lifestyle recommendations. The simple structure of the lifestyle index facilitates its use in public health practice.
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Fuel Lines of Tumors Are New Target

November 29, 2010

For the last decade cancer drug developers have tried to jam the accelerators that cause tumors to grow. Now they want to block the fuel line.

Cancer cells, because of their rapid growth, have a voracious appetite for glucose, the main nutrient used to generate energy. And tumors often use glucose differently from healthy cells, an observation first made by a German biochemist in the 1920s.

That observation is already used to detect tumors in the body using PET scans. A radioactive form of glucose is injected into the bloodstream and accumulates in tumors, lighting up the scans.

Now, efforts are turning from diagnosis to treating the disease by disrupting the special metabolism of cancer cells to deprive them of energy.

The main research strategy of the last decade has involved so-called targeted therapies, which interfere with genetic signals that act like accelerators, causing tumors to grow. But there tend to be redundant accelerators, so blocking only one with a drug is usually not enough.

In theory, however, depriving tumors of energy should render all the accelerators ineffective.

“The accelerators still need the fuel source,” said Dr. Chi Dang, a professor of medicine and oncology at Johns Hopkins University. Indeed, he said, recent discoveries show that the genetic growth signals often work by influencing cancer cells’ metabolism.

The efforts to exploit cancer’s sweet tooth are in their infancy, with few drugs in clinical trials. But interest is growing among pharmaceutical companies and academic researchers.

“Nutrient supply and deprivation is becoming potentially the next big wave,” said Dr. David Schenkein, chief executive of Agios Pharmaceuticals, a company formed two years ago to develop drugs that interfere with tumor metabolism. Among its founders was Dr. Craig B. Thompson, the new president of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City.

Other small companies, like Cornerstone Pharmaceuticals and Myrexis, are pursuing the approach, and big drug companies are also jumping in. Earlier this year, AstraZeneca agreed to work with Cancer Research UK, a British charity, on drugs that interfere with cancer metabolism.

One factor spurring interest in cancer metabolism is the intriguing interplay between cancer and diabetes, a metabolic disease marked by high levels of blood glucose. The possible link between the two great scourges has garnered so much attention that the American Cancer Society and the American Diabetes Association jointly published a consensus statement this summer summarizing the evidence.

People with Type 2 diabetes tend to have a higher risk of getting certain cancers. And preliminary evidence suggests that metformin, the most widely used diabetes pill, might be effective in treating or preventing cancer.

It is still not clear if high blood glucose is the reason diabetics have a higher cancer risk. A more likely explanation is that people with Type 2 diabetes have high levels of insulin, a hormone that is known to promote growth of certain tumors, according to the consensus statement.

Similarly, metformin might fight cancer by lowering insulin levels, not blood sugar levels. But there is some evidence that the drug works in part by inhibiting glucose metabolism in cancer cells.

Even if blood sugar levels fuel tumor growth, however, experts say that trying to lower the body’s overall level of blood sugar — like by starving oneself — would probably not be effective. That is because, at least for people without diabetes, the body is very good at maintaining a certain blood glucose level despite fluctuations in diet.

“When a patient with cancer is calorically restricted, the amount of glucose in the blood until they are almost dead is close to normal,” said Dr. Michael Pollak, professor of medicine and oncology at McGill University in Montreal. Also, Dr. Pollak said, tumors are adept at extracting glucose from the blood. So even if glucose is scarce, he said, “the last surviving cell in the body would be the tumor cell.”

So efforts are focusing not on reducing the body’s overall glucose level but on interfering specifically with how tumors use glucose.

This gets to the Warburg effect, named after Otto Warburg, the German biochemist and Nobel Prize winner who first noticed the particular metabolism of tumors in the 1920s.

Most healthy cells primarily burn glucose in the presence of oxygen to generate ATP, a chemical that serves as a cell’s energy source. But when oxygen is low, glucose can be turned into energy by another process, called glycolysis, which produces lactic acid as a byproduct. Muscles undergoing strenuous exercise use glycolysis, with the resultant buildup of lactic acid.

What Dr. Warburg noticed was that tumors tended to use glycolysis even when oxygen was present. This is puzzling because glycolysis is far less efficient at creating ATP.

One theory is that cancer cells need raw materials to build new cells as much as they need ATP. And glycolysis can help provide those building blocks.

“You can have energy that turns on the lights in your house, but that energy can’t build anything,” said Matthew G. Vander Heiden, assistant professor of biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Still, as with everything else about cancer, metabolism is complex. Not all tumor cells use glycolysis, and some normal cells do. So it could be challenging to develop drugs that can hurt tumors but not normal cells.

Two early efforts by a company called Threshold Pharmaceuticals to interfere with glucose metabolism did not work well in clinical trials. One of Threshold’s drugs, called 2DG, is the same form of glucose used in PET imaging, but without the radioactivity. Because of a slight chemical modification, this form of glucose cannot be metabolized by cells, so it accumulates.

But much less 2DG buildup is needed to spot a tumor on a scan than to destroy it by gumming up its works. Large amounts of the drug were needed because 2DG lasted only a short time in the body and because it had to compete with the natural glucose that is abundant in the bloodstream.

Efforts have not ended, however. Waldemar Priebe, a professor of medicinal chemistry at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, said he had developed a way to deliver up to 10 times as much 2DG to a tumor. It has been licensed to a startup called Intertech Bio.

The other Threshold drug, glufosfamide, consisted of glucose linked to a standard chemotherapy agent. The idea was that, as with the Trojan horse, the tumors would eagerly ingest the glucose only to then be poisoned.

In a late-stage clinical trial involving more than 300 patients with advanced pancreatic cancer, glufosfamide prolonged lives compared with no treatment, but not by a statistically significant amount.

A new company, Eleison Pharmaceuticals, plans to repeat the trial. Dr. Forrest Anthony, Eleison’s chief medical officer, said the original trial would have succeeded had it excluded 43 diabetics who were taking insulin, which is known to impede PET scanning for tumors. Insulin “sends glucose into skeletal muscle and fat tissue and away from the cancer,” he said.

Many other companies and scientists are trying to develop drugs that inhibit enzymes — for example, pyruvate kinase M2, involved in tumor metabolism.

Yet another approach is not to starve a tumor of energy but to give it more energy, and that is the idea behind a substance called dichloroacetate, or DCA. Dr. Evangelos Michelakis of the University of Alberta, who came up with the idea, says there is a mechanism by which cells that become defective can commit suicide for the greater good of the body.

But cancer cells usually do not kill themselves. Dr. Michelakis says this could be because they lack sufficient energy.

DCA, a simple chemical that is formed in small quantities when drinking water is chlorinated, has long been used to treat certain rare diseases in which lactic acid builds up in the body. DCA inhibits an enzyme called pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase. The effect of that inhibition is to move metabolism away from lactic acid-producing glycolysis and toward more normal oxidation of glucose in the mitochondria, the energy factories of the cell.

In 2007, Dr. Michelakis and colleagues published a paper showing that DCA, when put in drinking water, could slow the growth of human lung tumors implanted into rats. It seemed the DCA did not affect normal cells.

Some patients began clamoring for it. Within days, an amateur chemist had synthesized DCA and began offering it for sale. Some clinics still offer it. Dr. Michelakis cautioned that in high doses DCA can cause nerve damage and that it takes months for enough to build up in the body to have any effect.

This spring, in the journal Science Translational Medicine, Dr. Michelakis reported results of the first human testing of DCA, in five patients with glioblastoma multiforme, a deadly brain cancer. There was no control group, making it hard to judge the drug’s effectiveness, though some patients lived longer than might have been expected. There was evidence that the drug bolstered the activity of mitochondria and promoted cell suicide.

Since DCA is not a novel compound, it cannot be patented, making it unlikely a pharmaceutical company would pay for clinical trials. So Dr. Michelakis has been raising money from foundations and governments to conduct larger clinical trials.

“We have only assumptions and theoretical excitement,” Dr. Michelakis said. Still, he added, “there’s no question that this is a new direction that is logical and very appealing.”
Daily Aspirin Linked to Steep Drop in Cancer Risk

MONDAY, Dec. 6 (HealthDay News) Long-term use of a daily low-dose aspirin dramatically cuts the risk of dying from a wide array of cancers, a new investigation reveals.

Specifically, a British research team unearthed evidence that a low-dose aspirin (75 milligrams) taken daily for at least five years brings about a 10 percent to 60 percent drop in fatalities depending on the type of cancer.

The finding stems from a fresh analysis of eight studies involving more than 25,500 patients, which had originally been conducted to examine the protective potential of a low-dose aspirin regimen on cardiovascular disease.

The current observations follow prior research conducted by the same study team, which reported in October that a long-term regimen of low-dose aspirin appears to shave the risk of dying from colorectal cancer by a third.

"These findings provide the first proof in man that aspirin reduces deaths due to several common cancers," the study team noted in a news release.

But the study's lead author, Prof. Peter Rothwell from John Radcliffe Hospital and the University of Oxford, stressed that "these results do not mean that all adults should immediately start taking aspirin."

"They do demonstrate major new benefits that have not previously been factored into guideline recommendations," he added, noting that "previous guidelines have rightly cautioned that in healthy middle-aged people, the small risk of bleeding on aspirin partly offsets the benefit from prevention of strokes and heart attacks."

"But the reductions in deaths due to several common cancers will now alter this balance for many people," Rothwell suggested.

Rothwell and his colleagues published their findings Dec. 7 in the online edition of The Lancet.
The research involved in the current review had been conducted for an average period of four to eight years. The patients (some of whom had been given a low-dose aspirin regimen, while others were not) were tracked for up to 20 years after.

The authors determined that while the studies were still underway, overall cancer death risk plummeted by 21 percent among those taking low-dose aspirin. But the long-term benefits on some specific cancers began to show five years after the studies ended.

At five years out, death due to gastrointestinal cancers had sunk by 54 percent among those patients taking low-dose aspirin.

The protective impact of low-dose aspirin on stomach and colorectal cancer death was not seen until 10 years out, and for prostate cancer, the benefits first appeared 15 years down the road.

Twenty years after first beginning a low-dose aspirin program, death risk dropped by 10 percent among prostate cancer patients; 30 percent among lung cancer patients (although only those with adenocarcinomas, the type typically seen in nonsmokers); 40 percent among colorectal cancer patients; and 60 percent among esophageal cancer patients.

The potential impact of aspirin on pancreatic, stomach and brain cancer death rates was more problematic to gauge, the authors noted, due to the relative paucity of deaths from those specific diseases.

They also found that higher doses of aspirin did not appear to boost the protective benefit. And while neither gender nor smoking history appeared to affect the impact of low-dose aspirin, age definitely did: the 20-year risk of death went down more dramatically among older patients.

And while cautioning that more research is necessary to build on this "proof of principle," the authors suggested that people who embark on a long-term, low-dose aspirin regimen in their late 40s and 50s are probably the ones who stand to benefit the most.

Dr. Alan Arslan, an assistant professor in the departments of obstetrics and gynecology and environmental medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City, described the findings as "very significant."

"[This] is the largest study to show that people who take aspirin for a long period of time have a reduced risk of death from many cancers, especially gastrointestinal cancers," he noted.

"The take-home message for patients is that if someone is taking low-dose or regular aspirin, it may put them at a reduced risk of death from cancer," Arslan added. "However, if someone is not already taking aspirin they should talk with their physician before starting. Aspirin has risks of side effects, including bleeding and stroke."

Peter MR, Fowkes FGR, Jill FFB, Hisao O, Charles PW, Tom WM. Effect of daily aspirin on long-term risk of death due to cancer: analysis of individual patient data from randomised trials. The Lancet. Effect of daily aspirin on long-term risk of death due to cancer: analysis of individual patient data from randomised trials : The Lancet

Background - Treatment with daily aspirin for 5 years or longer reduces subsequent risk of colorectal cancer. Several lines of evidence suggest that aspirin might also reduce risk of other cancers, particularly of the gastrointestinal tract, but proof in man is lacking. We studied deaths due to cancer during and after randomised trials of daily aspirin versus control done originally for prevention of vascular events.

Methods - We used individual patient data from all randomised trials of daily aspirin versus no aspirin with mean duration of scheduled trial treatment of 4 years or longer to determine the effect of allocation to aspirin on risk of cancer death in relation to scheduled duration of trial treatment for gastrointestinal and non-gastrointestinal cancers. In three large UK trials, long-term post-trial follow-up of individual patients was obtained from death certificates and cancer registries.

Results - In eight eligible trials (25 570 patients, 674 cancer deaths), allocation to aspirin reduced death due to cancer (pooled odds ratio [OR] 0•79, 95% CI 0•68—0•92, p=0•003). On analysis of individual patient data, which were available from seven trials (23 535 patients, 657 cancer deaths), benefit was apparent only after 5 years' follow-up (all cancers, hazard ratio
0•66, 0•50—0•87; gastrointestinal cancers, 0•46, 0•27—0•77; both p=0•003). The 20-year risk of cancer death (1634 deaths in 12 659 patients in three trials) remained lower in the aspirin groups than in the control groups (all solid cancers, HR 0•80, 0•72—0•88, p<0•0001; gastrointestinal cancers, 0•65, 0•54—0•78, p<0•0001), and benefit increased (interaction p=0•01) with scheduled duration of trial treatment (?7•5 years: all solid cancers, 0•69, 0•54—0•88, p=0•003; gastrointestinal cancers, 0•41, 0•26—0•66, p=0•0001). The latent period before an effect on deaths was about 5 years for oesophageal, pancreatic, brain, and lung cancer, but was more delayed for stomach, colorectal, and prostate cancer. For lung and oesophageal cancer, benefit was confined to adenocarcinomas, and the overall effect on 20-year risk of cancer death was greatest for adenocarcinomas (HR 0•66, 0•56—0•77, p<0•0001). Benefit was unrelated to aspirin dose (75 mg upwards), sex, or smoking, but increased with age—the absolute reduction in 20-year risk of cancer death reaching 7•08% (2•42—11•74) at age 65 years and older.

Interpretation - Daily aspirin reduced deaths due to several common cancers during and after the trials. Benefit increased with duration of treatment and was consistent across the different study populations. These findings have implications for guidelines on use of aspirin and for understanding of carcinogenesis and its susceptibility to drug intervention.
The medical value of hallucinogens is again being examined in formal psychiatric settings. One substance under investigation is psilocybin, 4-phosphoryloxy- N,N -dimethyltryptamine, which occurs in nature in various species of mushrooms. Psilocybin is rapidly metabolized to psilocin, which is a potent agonist at serotonin 5-HT1A/2A/2C receptors, with 5-HT2A receptor activation directly correlated with human hallucinogenic activity. Psilocybin was studied during the 1960s to establish its psychopharmacological profile; it was found to be active orally at around 10 mg, with stronger effects at higher doses, and to have a 4- to 6-hour duration of experience. Psychological effects were similar to those of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), with psilocybin considered to be more strongly visual, less emotionally intense, more euphoric, and with fewer panic reactions and less chance of paranoia than LSD.

Recent clinical examinations of psilocybin have indicated that it is not hazardous to physical health. In one recent study, 36 healthy volunteers received a high dose (30 mg/70 kg) of psilocybin with no sustained deleterious physiological or psychological effects. The investigators corroborated previous findings that psilocybin could reliably catalyze mystical experiences leading to significant and lasting improvements in quality of life. In another study, the effects of psilocybin were examined in patients with severe, refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder. Researchers concluded that psilocybin is safe and well tolerated in subjects with obsessive-compulsive disorder and may be associated with "robust acute reductions" in core obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms, although there was no clear dose-response relationship.

During the first wave of hallucinogen research from the 1950s through the early 1970s, investigators who administered hallucinogens to patients with end-stage cancers reported results that included improved mood and reduced anxiety, even in those with profound psychological demoralization. The present study is the first in more than 35 years to explore the potential utility of a psilocybin treatment model for patients with reactive anxiety associated with advanced-stage cancer.

Grob CS, Danforth AL, Chopra GS, et al. Pilot Study of Psilocybin Treatment for Anxiety in Patients With Advanced-Stage Cancer. Arch Gen Psychiatry:archgenpsychiatry.2010.116.

Context Researchers conducted extensive investigations of hallucinogens in the 1950s and 1960s. By the early 1970s, however, political and cultural pressures forced the cessation of all projects. This investigation reexamines a potentially promising clinical application of hallucinogens in the treatment of anxiety reactive to advanced-stage cancer.

Objective To explore the safety and efficacy of psilocybin in patients with advanced-stage cancer and reactive anxiety.

Design A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of patients with advanced-stage cancer and anxiety, with subjects acting as their own control, using a moderate dose (0.2 mg/kg) of psilocybin.

Setting A clinical research unit within a large public sector academic medical center.

Participants Twelve adults with advanced-stage cancer and anxiety.

Main Outcome Measures In addition to monitoring safety and subjective experience before and during experimental treatment sessions, follow-up data including results from the Beck Depression Inventory, Profile of Mood States, and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory were collected unblinded for 6 months after treatment.

Results Safe physiological and psychological responses were documented during treatment sessions. There were no clinically significant adverse events with psilocybin. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory trait anxiety subscale demonstrated a significant reduction in anxiety at 1 and 3 months after treatment. The Beck Depression Inventory revealed an improvement of mood that reached significance at 6 months; the Profile of Mood States identified mood improvement after treatment with psilocybin that approached but did not reach significance.

Conclusions This study established the feasibility and safety of administering moderate doses of psilocybin to patients with advanced-stage cancer and anxiety. Some of the data revealed a positive trend toward improved mood and anxiety. These results support the need for more research in this long-neglected field.


There have been several anecdotal reports of canine scent detection of skin cancer. Moreover, it is reported that dogs can distinguish urine from patients with bladder cancer with a mean success rate of 41%, while ordinary household dogs can be trained to distinguish breath samples of patients with lung and breast cancer from those of control volunteers with high accuracy (sensitivity and specificity of 0.99 and 0.99 in lung cancer and 0.88 and 0.98 in breast cancer, respectively). Among ovarian cancer tissues and control tissues, the sensitivity was 100% and the specificity was 97.5%.

In the present study, they have confirmed the accuracy of canine scent detection of breath samples and evaluated canine scent detection of watery stool samples from patients with CRC. They also examined whether the diagnostic performance of dogs is affected by age, smoking, disease stage, cancer site, inflammation or bleeding in patients with cancer or control individuals.

Sonoda H, Kohnoe S, Yamazato T, et al. Colorectal cancer screening with odour material by canine scent detection. Gut. Colorectal cancer screening with odour material by canine scent detection -- Sonoda et al. -- Gut

Objective Early detection and early treatment are of vital importance to the successful treatment of various cancers. The development of a novel screening method that is as economical and non-invasive as the faecal occult blood test (FOBT) for early detection of colorectal cancer (CRC) is needed. A study was undertaken using canine scent detection to determine whether odour material can become an effective tool in CRC screening.

Design Exhaled breath and watery stool samples were obtained from patients with CRC and from healthy controls prior to colonoscopy. Each test group consisted of one sample from a patient with CRC and four control samples from volunteers without cancer. These five samples were randomly and separately placed into five boxes. A Labrador retriever specially trained in scent detection of cancer and a handler cooperated in the tests. The dog first smelled a standard breath sample from a patient with CRC, then smelled each sample station and sat down in front of the station in which a cancer scent was detected.

Results 33 and 37 groups of breath and watery stool samples, respectively, were tested. Among patients with CRC and controls, the sensitivity of canine scent detection of breath samples compared with conventional diagnosis by colonoscopy was 0.91 and the specificity was 0.99. The sensitivity of canine scent detection of stool samples was 0.97 and the specificity was 0.99. The accuracy of canine scent detection was high even for early cancer. Canine scent detection was not confounded by current smoking, benign colorectal disease or inflammatory disease.

Conclusions This study shows that a specific cancer scent does indeed exist and that cancer-specific chemical compounds may be circulating throughout the body. These odour materials may become effective tools in CRC screening. In the future, studies designed to identify cancer-specific volatile organic compounds will be important for the development of new methods for early detection of CRC.