Tb 500 tendon/joints

I started tb and bpc 5 weeks ago. Being middle aged working out hard just hurt sometimes. I had elbow tendonitis on both side nagging at me for months..the right side real bad down through the forearm area horrible shoulder pain at night sometimes. I have noticed a night and day difference in the aches and pains of lifting, shoulder pain is minimal and my tendonitis doesn't flair up at all. It has allowed me to really work a mind mus le connection focusing more on the eccentric part of the lift. Very noticeable difference for me.
If this is your first experience using TB-500, try this: 1st stage: Over the course of a week, administer 5 injections of 2 mg each, totaling 10 mg; 2nd stage: Lasts for 5 weeks. Administer 5 mg with two injections (each 2.5 mg) each week; 3rd stage: Maintenance. For 5 weeks, administer 2 mg once a week.
If this is your first experience using TB-500, try this: 1st stage: Over the course of a week, administer 5 injections of 2 mg each, totaling 10 mg; 2nd stage: Lasts for 5 weeks. Administer 5 mg with two injections (each 2.5 mg) each week; 3rd stage: Maintenance. For 5 weeks, administer 2 mg once a week.
Past that stage buddy I'm on week 6 of the tb500. I did 5mg 3× a week 15 mg week.. worked great
honestly it has worked in conjunction with bpc157 1mg 2x a day with 12iu of hgh a day way better than i expected or could have hoped. i have been on the gh since December though.

Dude you running some beast mode doses. You did this for injury recovery?

I'm running 4 iu HGH and 700 mcg bpc 157 daily.
Dude you running some beast mode doses. You did this for injury recovery?

I'm running 4 iu HGH and 700 mcg bpc 157 daily.
and i get that... i just hired a new coach to take over a lot of things including pharmacology. i was a iv, oral, drug user for most of my life up to 5 years ago. i have taken just about every kind of high potency substance there is. i know how my body reacts to tolerance and resistance to substance. call it irresponsible or what you will, but it has worked for me and worked better than i could hope for. i have experience no side effects from the dosing that i can tell except for tendonitis and shoulder pain relief. with that being said i will follow the regiments that my new coach puts forth.
and i get that... i just hired a new coach to take over a lot of things including pharmacology. i was a iv, oral, drug user for most of my life up to 5 years ago. i have taken just about every kind of high potency substance there is. i know how my body reacts to tolerance and resistance to substance. call it irresponsible or what you will, but it has worked for me and worked better than i could hope for. i have experience no side effects from the dosing that i can tell except for tendonitis and shoulder pain relief. with that being said i will follow the regiments that my new coach puts forth.

Hey man all good, injuries are no joke so I hear ya.
just wanted to say that i reread my response and it came off a little defensive.... didnt mean it that way. just sayin.

No offense taken at all, if that's what you thought. On the contrary I'm a bit fascinated with those doses and their potential, especially the large dose HGH, when it comes to injuries and miracles. I'm fighting some incredibly stubborn injuries but don't have the balls to venture into those doses, especially with the HGH. But great that it did the trick for you. That's awesome!
No offense taken at all, if that's what you thought. On the contrary I'm a bit fascinated with those doses and their potential, especially the large dose HGH, when it comes to injuries and miracles. I'm fighting some incredibly stubborn injuries but don't have the balls to venture into those doses, especially with the HGH. But great that it did the trick for you. That's awesome!
My recent bloodwork shows that my igf-1 is not responding well to hgh. So I might lay off for a bit till we get it figured out. 287 on a 10iu vial a day 1/2 morning 1/2 night.
My recent bloodwork shows that my igf-1 is not responding well to hgh. So I might lay off for a bit till we get it figured out. 287 on a 10iu vial a day 1/2 morning 1/2 night.

That's super strange, it should be like 800. You dieting or on tren?
My recent bloodwork shows that my igf-1 is not responding well to hgh. So I might lay off for a bit till we get it figured out. 287 on a 10iu vial a day 1/2 morning 1/2 night.
I was at 307 on 5iu a day
That's super strange, it should be like 800. You dieting or on tren?

I was thinking calorie deficit. 307 on 5IU is a slightly low response but 287 on 10 IU is a very low response.

@dirthand do you have baseline IGF-1?
I have used healing peptides trying to recover faster from injuries and surgeries. But saw no increased healing rate then i typically do from just doing my normal rehab and eating healthy.
i didn't have a baseline, and gh was from hgh distribution company ltd
im also on 300 mg a week of test c also eating only 2500-3000 calories trying to keep losing bf i've went from 25% to 13-14% bf in less than a year only been on this gh since January 1 st 2024