Tb 500 tendon/joints

i didn't have a baseline, and gh was from hgh distribution company ltd
Never heard of them. That's a pretty low dose. That being said I am dealing with low igf1 numbers on 10iu a day. Reputable brands. My coach has written some articles about gh response on here you should look them up in the human growth hormone section. Articles by type11x
im also on 300 mg a week of test c also eating only 2500-3000 calories trying to keep losing bf i've went from 25% to 13-14% bf in less than a year only been on this gh since January 1 st 2024

From what I understand, being in a caloric deficit greatly reduces your IGF 1
TB500 is more aimed at repair of muscle tissue, as BPC-157 is aimed at repair of tendons and ligaments. Which is why they pair well together. A 10mg vial of TB500 can be well suited for dosages at 2.5 mg per dose. Administered 2 or 3 times a week. BPC is typically administered daily, at either 250mcg morning and evening due to short half life, or one 500mcg dose per day. I expect a minimum run of 4 weeks.

BPC-157 has helped with a pulled hamstring on my left side that made my yoga practice more difficult. Now I'm back to pre-injury form after a month.