Tb500 or other peptides


I dont know much about peptides never tried them. I keep seeing that tb500 and a few other can actually help with hairloss and regrow hair. Has anyone experienced hair regrowth with any of these?
Hairloss is a phenomena in which the hair follicle weakens and only becomes weaker until the hair follicle is completely gone because of a hormone/vitamin deficiency/sensitivity.

Now tb-500 targets a tissue in the body and attempts to encourage a healing process in the area. And there needs to be a signal in which promotes the tb-500 to become effective. And hairloss is not going to promote that healing phenomena signal for hair. It MAY aid in hair growth and I say that because it could be a 5% aide in growth..

rhGh will aide in hair growth but not prevenr hairloss however the opposite an increase in hairloss due to the fast growth.

You will want to combine microneedling to the scalp + peptides to experiment the healing effect for the hair follicle which will aide in hairloss recovery and hair growth.
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