Tennis elbow or tendenitis and supplement for support


New Member
Long story short I had surgery on my neck due to my right arm having some paralysis, excruciating pain, and prevention from further damage. A little paralysis on my left too.

Anyway after surgery I jumped back into weight lifting in Nov. packed on about 15 lbs. Hadn’t worked out since March 2023. All was going great. Just a little neck pain here and there.

Anyway think I went to hard to fast because end of Jan to mid Feb 2024 I stopped working out. Due now to having pain on the inside and towards the right side of my right arm. I assume it’s tennis elbow. Really only hurts with curling motions. I just started to get back in the gym 2 weeks ago. My arm is not as strong as the left and dies quickly and the pain is still the same.

I’ve been doing eccentric bicep curls to help strengthen the area recently.

My question is there a steroid that may help ease the pain like a deca or npp (or is that strictly joints) so I don’t have to stop lifting again? Or something that accelerates healing

I have a check up with my doc in a month or 2 will obviously bring that up if it’s not better.
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ive ran TB500/BPC up to 2mg ED and no help there. drug it out for a few months. the only thing thats been helping is PT, lots of forearm stretching and get yourself a set of Thera-Band Flexbars, watch some videos to use them.
ive ran TB500/BPC up to 2mg ED and no help there. drug it out for a few months. the only thing thats been helping is PT, lots of forearm stretching and get yourself a set of Thera-Band Flexbars, watch some videos to use them.
I was most likely going to go back to PT in the coming weeks. I usually have pretty good success with them in a few sessions.

My question to you. You still working out and just baring through it and it’s getting better? Or have u cut down certain things or stopped all together.

I just don’t want to have to stop a 3rd time again. Last thing I want to do is make it permanent. As 3 months already of rest and no better gets me worried. Generally when I get tendenitous it resolves its selve within a month and I can still workout through it.
yes im still working out. i cant do any overhand bicep curls but i can still do straight bar curls. i try to take it easy as much as possible on the elbow. and the FlexBar exercises has reduced pain about 30% so far after 1.5 weeks of use

Ive heard TB500 and BPC usage needs to happen with GHK-Cu as well, which i didnt do. localized injections
yes im still working out. i cant do any overhand bicep curls but i can still do straight bar curls. i try to take it easy as much as possible on the elbow. and the FlexBar exercises has reduced pain about 30% so far after 1.5 weeks of use

Ive heard TB500 and BPC usage needs to happen with GHK-Cu as well, which i didnt do. localized injections
How long has your tendinitis/tennis elbow persisted?

I know nothing about those peptides but I’ll check it out
I would not personally suggest nandrolone for tendinitis - the water retention can make it worse.

GH is another to steer clear of... big time.

PT and voodoo floss was the only thing that helped me, and I struggled for nearly a year with it.
I would not personally suggest nandrolone for tendinitis - the water retention can make it worse.

GH is another to steer clear of... big time.

PT and voodoo floss was the only thing that helped me, and I struggled for nearly a year with it.
Pt it is. How long after pt did it get better?
I wouldn't throw out BPC 157.

I wouldn't bother with the combined stuff, as they have different dosing schedules.

I've had chronic knee issues forever, BPC eliminated it completely in 3 weeks. I got TB 500 (aka TB4 aka whatever it is) and didn't even use it because the BPC fixed the issue quickly and effectively.

I did 1mg subq daily 4-5 times per week. Not broken up into 500mcg just all at once daily.

Mind you, this was not post surgery. I've never had the condition escalate past a doctor recommending ice and rest. But perhaps if you do it alongside PT, it could boost results. It sure can't hurt if you have the money, which using a supplier on here is really not much... reported sides are speculative at best.

GHK-Cu injections are a totally different ball game. I take Cu topically for hair loss and it's a toss up if it actually helps because I have way too many clinically proven ingredients in my home brew serum to say for sure.
Pt it is. How long after pt did it get better?
could be weeks or months. it's all about mobility and strengthening the "area" around it. only time mine flares up is doing curls. I still do a few exercises here and there whn it gets "more sore." I used the following two resources, but there are plenty more on the subjects (nerve flossing/gliding, and PT recovery)

Also: never tried BPC nor TB-500. Nanndrolone after 4 weeks was not helpful. most of the times drugs are not the answer, but I still advocate for peoples' freedom to make that decision.
Nandrolone helped cure my elbow tendonitis at 50mg/week for 10 weeks + my normal TRT. But I also switched the higher rep/lower weight, had therapeutic massage and did some PT during that time as well
could be weeks or months. it's all about mobility and strengthening the "area" around it. only time mine flares up is doing curls. I still do a few exercises here and there whn it gets "more sore." I used the following two resources, but there are plenty more on the subjects (nerve flossing/gliding, and PT recovery)

Nerve gliding may be worth trying.
personal trainer with injury recovery specialist here. Check follow:

Thoracic outlet check:
Levator scapular tightness/knots
Scalene group tightness
Pec minor tightness

Rounded shoulder/upper cross syndrome:

Shoulder instability from uneven upper/lower trap activation?
Is your Serratus anterior activating?
personal trainer with injury recovery specialist here. Check follow:

Thoracic outlet check:
Levator scapular tightness/knots
Scalene group tightness
Pec minor tightness

Rounded shoulder/upper cross syndrome:

Shoulder instability from uneven upper/lower trap activation?
Is your Serratus anterior activating?
I do not believe so. Get some neck stiffness usually from surgery and if I sleep wrong. Happens more than usual now though I attribute that to surgery and a crappy new pillow.

I have right shoulder pains when working out. Same arm that was going paralyzed.

Pecs fine. Serratus fine.
Anavar helps with collagen related processes I believe. bpc157 is prolly more reliable though, especially from a recovery standpoint.
I’ll tell ya what, gh releasing peptides helped me big time with ligament and tendon healing, also muscle pain. Cjc and ipamorelin. Since I stopped my pain has come back a little so I suggest trying those , unless you already run gh