Test and primo or just test

It will control E2 very well if one prefers E2 levels lower than they'd otherwise be. One thing I have noticed is that 200 test is stronger than 200 test + 100 primo and similar up the scale due to E2 not being reduced on test alone. The reduction in E2 has more of a reduced effect on anabolism than the addition of primo. Perhaps at much much higher doses this isn't the case.

I guess that might be the case if E2 dips too low, but you could also be like me and sleep better with better mood on low ish E2 and be more motivated to train harder and eat cleaner and bigger. High e2 lowers my appetite hard af.

Honestly I’m not convinced there is some linear increase in anabolism with e2 levels. Really just seems like there’s a minimal threshold for e2 to potentiate certain effects of test and DHT. To be fair, e2 likely also protects against certain effects such as hair loss from androgens too, but I doubt it’s that much more than that.

For reference, on my first test only cycle, all the so-called DHT-derived effects like tingly scalp, oily scalp, oily skin, moodiness, aggression were far more well controlled when I started controlling my estrogen more aggressively. Before that I legit felt like a burger from Wendy’s and could hardly get a good night’s sleep from the sweating and waking up

All this said, if I don’t see much of a difference from primo in terms of physique or e2 levels like 6-8 weeks out, I’m open to dropping it and maybe increasing test by a bit, all while still controlling e2 proactively. Might be a tough choice to make between either dropping primo or increasing it to try and garner some benefit from it
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I guess that might be the case if E2 dips too low, but you could also be like me and sleep better with better mood on low ish E2 and be more motivated to train harder and eat cleaner and bigger. High e2 lowers my appetite hard af.

Honestly I’m not convinced there is some linear increase in anabolism with e2 levels. Really just seems like there’s a minimal threshold for e2 to potentiate certain effects of test and DHT. To be fair, e2 likely also protects against certain effects such as hair loss from androgens too, but I doubt it’s that much more than that.

For reference, on my first test only cycle, all the so-called DHT-derived effects like tingly scalp, oily scalp, oily skin, moodiness, aggression were far more well controlled when I started controlling my estrogen more aggressively. Before that I legit felt like a burger from Wendy’s and could hardly get a good night’s sleep from the sweating and waking up

All this said, if I don’t see much of a difference from primo in terms of physique or e2 levels like 6-8 weeks out, I’m open to dropping it and maybe increasing test by a bit, all while still controlling e2 proactively. Might be a tough choice to make between either dropping primo or increasing it to try and garner some benefit from it
Primo is just starting to kick in at weeks 6-8. Need way more time than that.
Update. I'm on day 24. I have some modest nitrogen retention and am noticing strength/endurance increase, but its still a lot less nitro retention than I got during week 4 on my 350 mg test blast. I'm also having dry hands/feet in the morning. Got ultrasensitive E2 back around day 10 that came back as 4 pg/mL because I was also taking aromasin 6.25 mg ED for 10d. Didn't have significant low E sides other than perhaps the dryness but I completely stopped aromasin. The dryness got a bit worse yesterday, so I increased test from 200 to 250. No significant low E2 symptoms but based on what I've read, I definitely want to prevent an E2 crash rather than suffer through it and get myself out of it. Getting standard E2 measurment (all you need really to verify whether crashed, low, or high) next Fri

It's not been too much time to test for this but still no hair issues. I think I may just use the primo (currently 100) for AI purposes and rely on test for anabolism to minimize DHT-related sides (my scalp is already getting a lot more oily). Essentially redo my first blast but with tighter E2 control (becuase I did that very poorly on my first cycle). From what I've researched, primo itself won't be significantly anabolic, espeically at low doses, but I'd still rather not do high dose primo right now
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90% of your loss was diet and inconsistency. Blowing a bunch of $$ on primo won't change that. Spend that money on a meal plan and premade meals.
90% of your loss was diet and inconsistency. Blowing a bunch of $$ on primo won't change that. Spend that money on a meal plan and premade meals.
That said, your point is highly valid. Even though I have primo in hand at this point in time, I don’t see myself significantly increasing primo later on at all because it’s so expensive, except for estrogen control as I increase the test. And yea definitely gonna be more thorough about diet and sleep this time around. I’m already sleeping and feeling much better than my initial month of my first cycle from the e2 control via primo this time around. Appetite is also regulated way better

I imagine this approach will be a lot more “hair safe” too fwiw

In hindsight maybe I could’ve just used arimidex, but I’m curious what primo can do at this kind of a dose if anything at all. I will say it turbocharged my libido from day 1
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I think that low amount of primo would honestly only serve the utility of functioning as an AI. I think at least 250-300 for 12-16 weeks but you know your body best. If you’re not running that much test you need to consider that obviously. You may not be partial to too high e2, but you need to keep it in the reference range certainly. Especially as it relates to your test dosage. Using a long ester more frequently would mitigate the e2 peaks and other androgen related sides. Remember estrogen is cardio protective, and neuroprotective especially in the presence of excess androgens. I agree with some of the past comments about focusing on diet though I know we all hate to hear that it is, ultimately, what will define your results. As for sperm function/viability I believe with enough time and exogenous gonaditropin administration (HCG/HMG) you would certainly, after a point recover spermatogensis and produce viable babies. How does one go about voluntarily freezing their sperm though? Is this a service offered somewhere. Thanks in advance and good luck, be safe!
Primo is just starting to kick in at weeks 6-8. Need way more time than that.
It starts working soon, just like many steroids and drugs do. It just reaches it's peak value and stabilizes at week 4-6 depending on how fast that persons body metabolizes that particular medication.
300mg/week of test cyp has my blood work near perfect. I am now running 150mg/week of primo with the test and plan to for at least 3-4 months. It is making me extra veiny. I love it but primo makes me irritable unlike NPP that makes me happy.
300mg/week of test cyp has my blood work near perfect. I am now running 150mg/week of primo with the test and plan to for at least 3-4 months. It is making me extra veiny. I love it but primo makes me irritable unlike NPP that makes me happy.
Near perfect blood work? Care to be more specific? I reckon at least HCT would be a bit elevated