Hello Meso,
My name is @jaymaximus. You may know me as JayMax and remember me from such places as ZerotoHeroes moms bed. Ive seen a few posts / arguments lately about PHs, SARMS, etc. As a member who's tried almost everything I figured I would chime in with my experiences.
First off, I have been lifting for 10 years straight. Only time Ive ever taken more than 3 days off is because of my medical condition. I started at 6 ft 155ish. Now Im 240ish.
For the 1st 5 years I lifted I was only using PWO, Creatine (Ive tried almost every kind), and protein.
Eventually I decided to some natty test boosters. I used Beastmode, DAA, that Ronnie Coleman powder, and both T-bombs. ALL A WASTE of money. I thought the beast mode worked a little bit, but once I tried it again it was all in my head.
Next I got into PH/DS. I used Halodrol, Epistane, Triumphulis, Msten, and DMZ. All on separate occasions. Now anyone who plain out says PHs dont work or are useless had never used them. They definetely work. I gained muscle and strength on each "run". Pros - easy to use and take with you. I travel a lot for work and its easy to travel with pills. 90% of people have no idea what they are, so you can leave them out and it doesnt matter. Cons - sides. Lethargy. Dehydration. Back pumps. And dmz made me itchy. Like poison ivy itchy.
Next up I did try a SARM. Ostarine. Gained about 3 lbs on a month. Not much strength, but the muscle was "hard". It also constipated me and made me shit blood. No joke. I thought this may have just been my medical condition, so I dumbly tried again. Same result. SARMs are not worth it.
Also once during PCT i did try HCGenerate. Got a bottle from a friend. So when I say it is useless Im speaking from experience.
Finally I moved to injectables. Let me say this, PH vs injectable. PH for 6 weeks gave me about 10lbs of good muscle. Test for 12 weeks gave me about 20lbs and hardly any sides. Theres no contest between the 2 IMO.
Im summary, with all the members debating these different substances I thought I would share my experiences as Ive wasted a lot of money and time, and tried almost everything but tiger blood.
Any questions or comments feel free to ask. Or add. Whatever.
My name is @jaymaximus. You may know me as JayMax and remember me from such places as ZerotoHeroes moms bed. Ive seen a few posts / arguments lately about PHs, SARMS, etc. As a member who's tried almost everything I figured I would chime in with my experiences.
First off, I have been lifting for 10 years straight. Only time Ive ever taken more than 3 days off is because of my medical condition. I started at 6 ft 155ish. Now Im 240ish.
For the 1st 5 years I lifted I was only using PWO, Creatine (Ive tried almost every kind), and protein.
Eventually I decided to some natty test boosters. I used Beastmode, DAA, that Ronnie Coleman powder, and both T-bombs. ALL A WASTE of money. I thought the beast mode worked a little bit, but once I tried it again it was all in my head.
Next I got into PH/DS. I used Halodrol, Epistane, Triumphulis, Msten, and DMZ. All on separate occasions. Now anyone who plain out says PHs dont work or are useless had never used them. They definetely work. I gained muscle and strength on each "run". Pros - easy to use and take with you. I travel a lot for work and its easy to travel with pills. 90% of people have no idea what they are, so you can leave them out and it doesnt matter. Cons - sides. Lethargy. Dehydration. Back pumps. And dmz made me itchy. Like poison ivy itchy.
Next up I did try a SARM. Ostarine. Gained about 3 lbs on a month. Not much strength, but the muscle was "hard". It also constipated me and made me shit blood. No joke. I thought this may have just been my medical condition, so I dumbly tried again. Same result. SARMs are not worth it.
Also once during PCT i did try HCGenerate. Got a bottle from a friend. So when I say it is useless Im speaking from experience.
Finally I moved to injectables. Let me say this, PH vs injectable. PH for 6 weeks gave me about 10lbs of good muscle. Test for 12 weeks gave me about 20lbs and hardly any sides. Theres no contest between the 2 IMO.
Im summary, with all the members debating these different substances I thought I would share my experiences as Ive wasted a lot of money and time, and tried almost everything but tiger blood.
Any questions or comments feel free to ask. Or add. Whatever.