Test Boosters vs PH/DS vs SARMS vs AAS


10+ Year Member
Hello Meso,

My name is @jaymaximus. You may know me as JayMax and remember me from such places as ZerotoHeroes moms bed. Ive seen a few posts / arguments lately about PHs, SARMS, etc. As a member who's tried almost everything I figured I would chime in with my experiences.

First off, I have been lifting for 10 years straight. Only time Ive ever taken more than 3 days off is because of my medical condition. I started at 6 ft 155ish. Now Im 240ish.

For the 1st 5 years I lifted I was only using PWO, Creatine (Ive tried almost every kind), and protein.

Eventually I decided to some natty test boosters. I used Beastmode, DAA, that Ronnie Coleman powder, and both T-bombs. ALL A WASTE of money. I thought the beast mode worked a little bit, but once I tried it again it was all in my head.

Next I got into PH/DS. I used Halodrol, Epistane, Triumphulis, Msten, and DMZ. All on separate occasions. Now anyone who plain out says PHs dont work or are useless had never used them. They definetely work. I gained muscle and strength on each "run". Pros - easy to use and take with you. I travel a lot for work and its easy to travel with pills. 90% of people have no idea what they are, so you can leave them out and it doesnt matter. Cons - sides. Lethargy. Dehydration. Back pumps. And dmz made me itchy. Like poison ivy itchy.

Next up I did try a SARM. Ostarine. Gained about 3 lbs on a month. Not much strength, but the muscle was "hard". It also constipated me and made me shit blood. No joke. I thought this may have just been my medical condition, so I dumbly tried again. Same result. SARMs are not worth it.

Also once during PCT i did try HCGenerate. Got a bottle from a friend. So when I say it is useless Im speaking from experience.

Finally I moved to injectables. Let me say this, PH vs injectable. PH for 6 weeks gave me about 10lbs of good muscle. Test for 12 weeks gave me about 20lbs and hardly any sides. Theres no contest between the 2 IMO.

Im summary, with all the members debating these different substances I thought I would share my experiences as Ive wasted a lot of money and time, and tried almost everything but tiger blood.

Any questions or comments feel free to ask. Or add. Whatever.
Good post jay I'll go off from that as well.

Hi I'm rodgerthat you may know me as the powerlifting bear or wearbear and remember me from such places as jelly stone park always looking for my next picnic basket.

9 years of training for 3 completely different purposes and have been on AAS for 2 years going into 5th cycle, every otc supplement available in Canada used and lots of over seas stuff brought home.

15-18 y/o advanced level sports multiple trainers and nutritionist and supplement sponsorship so every from l-carniniene to whey powder was tried only things worth while in my opinion is creatine mono, taurine, glutamine and of course whey (I take BCAAs religiously but only cause they tasty)

19-20 ironman triathlete using everything possible to improve recovery and increase VO2 Max and lactic acid breakdown. I used deer antler spray (useless unless you aren't sexually driven and want to be) vasodilators (like cialis but shitty in comparison) and tribulous to increase sex desire as my girlfriend wasn't a fan of me doing 4 hours of cardio a day but didn't want to do 30 mins in the sheets later.

21-22 trained in powerlifting naturally with the ANIMAL companies full stack pak, pump, nitro, M-stak, cuts, and orinial formula stack (was a PH legal in Canada and unbenounced to me so I took it) I got results from all of this I started with pak pump nitro m-stak stack to bulk up and pak pump nitro cuts to cut up. The bulk went good in 1 month gained 8 pounds and sex was good after which 1 month later I was weaker then I started but weighed the same and kinda fluffier. Did the cut and got right back to original weight and gained back to original strength before all this crap so it's useless.

23-24 started taking vitamin S and guys it works!
Your findings seem pretty accurate. I would only argue sarm. Swim has taken many kinds of sarm. Almost everything on market. Swim gets great strength gains. Swim is a hard gainer on size. Swim hasnt gained much weight, but swims muscle to fat ratio changed drastically. I believe sarm are a good place to start. If you are susceptible to gyno or hairloss, sarm is a good place to stay.andarine actually decreases dht comparable to finasteride and dutasteride.
Your findings seem pretty accurate. I would only argue sarm. Swim has taken many kinds of sarm. Almost everything on market. Swim gets great strength gains. Swim is a hard gainer on size. Swim hasnt gained much weight, but swims muscle to fat ratio changed drastically. I believe sarm are a good place to start. If you are susceptible to gyno or hairloss, sarm is a good place to stay.andarine actually decreases dht comparable to finasteride and dutasteride.

Who in the hell is swim? And what are you selling guy?
I dont sell anything. I joined this site to post test results of sarm. Someone who isnt me is bc research chemicals are illegal to ingest. So i dont use them . swim does.

Youre retarded if you think someone is going to come after you for research chems. Even cops think theyre a joke. This is an AAS site. No one cares about SARMS here. Take that bullshit somewhere else. Come back when you man up and decide to pin.
Good post @jaymaximus.

Enough comparisons so i cant add much except. I do honestly believe that some, not all, natty boosters do give a kick in the libido department. That is due to certain ingredients not the "test boost". But you are correct. Natty boosters are garbage for their intended purpose
I'm in the se boat as you jay and don't have much to add other than the fact that the gains from phs and oral only cycles are also much harder to keep. Since you're on them for such a short period of time your not building much actual muscle tissue. A vast majority of the gains are just water and glycogen. A few months after pct it will be gone unless you want to jump on another shitty oral only cycle.

Plus they really fuck up your lipids. Their effect on cholesterol lasts a while unlike the liver which usually bounces back pretty quickly.