Test C 250/ 500 a week. Basic Cycle

Week 8: 190-193lbs
Halfway through this cycle and I have made considerable strength gains. Increased weight and intensity across the board. I am noticeably bigger and more vascular. But not quite as much as I hoped at this point.

The past two weeks I feel like my growth has plateaued a little due to diet. I still increased weight during workouts but only held onto the size for a day after. I’m wondering if the 4 way split I am on is too much rest for each muscle group. My diet is not consistent due to work. I meal prep and try to focus on it but I keep getting so much work and so late that I miss meals. I’m going to work really hard the next 8 weeks and try to rally before the end of cycle and break 200 hopefully even 210.

Mentally I feel great. Strong, plenty of energy, sex drive doing great. The only side I have had is slightly sensitive nipples but I don’t have any other reason for concern.
Week 8: 190-193lbs
Halfway through this cycle and I have made considerable strength gains. Increased weight and intensity across the board. I am noticeably bigger and more vascular. But not quite as much as I hoped at this point.

The past two weeks I feel like my growth has plateaued a little due to diet. I still increased weight during workouts but only held onto the size for a day after. I’m wondering if the 4 way split I am on is too much rest for each muscle group. My diet is not consistent due to work. I meal prep and try to focus on it but I keep getting so much work and so late that I miss meals. I’m going to work really hard the next 8 weeks and try to rally before the end of cycle and break 200 hopefully even 210.

Mentally I feel great. Strong, plenty of energy, sex drive doing great. The only side I have had is slightly sensitive nipples but I don’t have any other reason for concern.
I switched to Pull/Push/Legs so I hit every muscle twice a week. I do 14/12/10/8 because it stimulate hypertrophy but also is easier to increase load like this.
Saturday will be week 10. Still sitting at 193 lbs, the heat and work are sweating me out and keeping me from fulfilling my diet about half the time. Also I have been playing basketball and boxing, that might be keeping me from gaining weight. I am ready to cut a little excess fat but I figure I should wait until last couple weeks of cycle.
Still adding weight in gym though this week added to back and legs.

Do have a question. The vial I was using was leaking slightly. Barely used any yet. I went to draw from it anyway and I got a lot of air bubbles. So I put it back into vial and opened a new one just to not deal with it. Is it still ok to use after drawing then putting back into vial? I figure it’s fine but thought I should ask.

About to head to gym right after pin to hit chest and triceps.
Week 13 of 16. 205lbs of rocked up muscle. Lol. BMI is about the same. Diet has been up and down because of work. I feel great. I still have no discernible sides worth mentioning besides testicles. I have definitely got everything I wanted out of this cycle.

So where do I go from here? To be honest, I want to just go on TRT dose for 4 months then hit another cycle. I still haven’t done any blood work because I work so damn much. Out of town right now and I just don’t know when I would be able to get to a doctor or even what kind of doctor to go to. I don’t have insurance.

I have nolvadex for PCT I have clomid as well but I don’t want to take it because I know there will be side effects. I guess I didn’t research HCG enough and but I am going to start looking into it today see if that is a route I should go. If I’m not having any negative side effects why can’t I just blast and cruise until I die?

Seriously. Stallone made it to 70s doing way harsher things. Arnold… I mean if I only blast some test and maybe one other compound here and there is it going to ruin me? Thank you for all your help
If I’m not having any negative side effects why can’t I just blast and cruise until I die?

Seriously. Stallone made it to 70s doing way harsher things. Arnold… I mean if I only blast some test and maybe one other compound here and there is it going to ruin me? Thank you for all your help
If it's something you want to do you'll need to put your medical checkups at the top of your priority list. Don't let a lack of short-term side effects trick you into thinking you aren't doing long-term damage. Dave Crosland from Under Construction talks quite a bit about how he was fooled by the apparent lack of side effects he felt on-cycle. Now he's fucked. That being said, there are a lot of things that can kill us at any time. If running a cruise with a light blast now and then is the worst you can do then I'd say go for it. Just get your god damn blood work done.

